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10-06-2006, 09:00 AM
More Scoops Against Olmert


by Hillel Fendel
16:05 Oct 05, '06 / 13 Tishrei 5767

Investigative journalist Yoav Yitzchak, whose scoops have led to criminal investigations against PM Ehud Olmert, has dug up additional information on what he calls Olmert's "dirty tactics."

One case under investigation by the State Comptroller is the purchase by Olmert and his wife of a luxury apartment in Jerusalem's German Colony neighborhood for hundreds of thousands of dollars less than its value; some estimates are that he actually "saved" one million dollars.

In return, Olmert is alleged to have intervened with Jerusalem city officials on behalf of the developer, convincing them to raze the city-declared historic landmark that had previously stood on the site and allow him to double the number of units he was going to build there.

Yitzchak now reports how the behind-the-scenes action in the City Council allegedly worked. Roughly, the story is that high-ranking municipal planning officials rejected a request to expand a building, leaving the owners with little option other than to sell it to the neighboring plot's owner - whose similar request to build there had already been approved. The latter owner was therefore enabled to increase his profits on a double-the-size project.