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View Full Version : Can You Show That 9/11 Was An "Inside Job" Without...

10-03-2006, 12:58 PM
Mentioning any of the following:

1) Controlled Demolition
2) A Missile Struck The Pentagon
3) Mini-Nukes At The WTC
4) "TV Fakery"
5) Evidence Was Planted
6) Video/Audio Are Fake
7) Witnesses Are Actors

This is a simple exercise to show people that knowledge is power.

10-03-2006, 01:22 PM
I can prove at the very least foreknowledge, i.e. NORAD standing down, certain people told not to fly, Atta being protected, American Airlines stocks plunging, etc.

10-03-2006, 02:55 PM
This is no problem for me as the only point of argument you suggested that I ever use is controlled demolition, and this argument I rarely use. I must say in the beginning I used it more, but I make it a point to bring it up less and less into my debates.

It is hard for someone as myself to make a valid argument regarding C.D. since I am simply not qualified in the field. So with an audience of 1 I might be more likely to discuss, however the more people there are the less likely I will bring it up.

I feel they keep making it easier for us. (for instance the latest Rice/Tenet debacle) If the commission is hiding something the government is hiding something. What alarms me is that is seems nobody gives a shit. I wrote a letter to the editor today for my local newspaper (the daily press) regarding this Rice/Tenet situation and I tied in the Mineta testimony. They will probably stop printing my letters soon because I send them in so frequently. It's a bitch to try and get out everthing on one single aspect of the cover-up in under 250 words.

The other week I was driving through the DC/Baltimore area and heard the Democracy Now station. I was in awe at how many people were calling in and talking about the 9/11 cover up. Maybe this is more common in the bigger cities cause I know I never hear anything like that where I am. Anyway they were talking about the protests slated for Oct. 5. -Anybody else going to one of these. I plan on going to DC thursday for the protest.

10-03-2006, 04:17 PM
At the very least, I can show that further investigations are urgently needed to determine the ‘truth’ of what happened on 9/11 and for other events of historical and socio-political importance:



With the sort of information compiled by people like Paul Thompson (to just mention one obvious person) it is possible to convince other people that 9/11 was most likely an inside job and thus convince them of the need for further investigations.

Do I ‘believe’ that 9/11 was an inside job? Yes.

Do I still wish to find a nonviolent path to restoring this society (and the world) to a sane and sustainable course? Yes.

10-03-2006, 04:29 PM
Mentioning any of the following:

1) Controlled Demolition
2) A Missile Struck The Pentagon
3) Mini-Nukes At The WTC
4) "TV Fakery"
5) Evidence Was Planted
6) Video/Audio Are Fake
7) Witnesses Are Actors

This is a simple exercise to show people that knowledge is power.

Easy. Most (or none, not sure) of the 9/11 books which are hundreds of pages barely make mention of this. (assuming)

10-03-2006, 08:15 PM
Two Words:
Norman Minetta
OK four:
Sibel Edmonds

10-04-2006, 09:01 PM
I can weave together a fairly clear picture of an inside job with all the circumstantial evidence that is available, but I need to prove an Inside Job beyond any reasonable doubt, and controlled demo does this.

10-06-2006, 03:57 PM
(Ecko-Cut and past from another forum I post on. This is typically how I approach people with 9/11 info.)

Originally Posted by buddomi
I don't think anyone at this point can proclaim to know any "truth" about what happened on 9/11. At this point anyone who has any theory on what happened is nothing more than an opinion.

Theories don't necessarily represent the truth. Now many theories and hypothesis have been put forward based on unanswered questions and known facts.

I don't need to talk about controlled demolitions, missles hitting the pentagon, or planes being shot down, to prove 9/11 was an inside job.

We know Norman Mineta(Transportation Secretary) testified before the 9/11 commission about a NORAD stand-down order given by Dick Cheney. Of course his testimony was omitted from the final report.

We know Sibel Edmonds(former FBI translator) testified for three hours to the 9/11 commission. She said she can name no less the 10 people within the administration that had direct involvement with 9/11. She is currently under a US justice dept. "gag order".

We know Donald Rumsfeld announced on 9/10/2001 that the pentagon had "lost" $2.3Trillion in funding. (Now I know most people havent heard about this. They did a good job of sweeping it under the rug. You can google it, there are plenty of main stream articles about the missing money.)
Coincidence that the offices and people investigating the missing funds were destroyed/killed on 9/11 during the attack on the pentagon?

We know that Lt. Gen. Mahmoud Ahmad(Head of the Pakistani ISI before 9/11) ordered the wire transfer of $100,000 to Mohammad Atta the week before 9/11. Lt. Gen. Ahmad spent the morning of 9/11 in washington D.C. having breakfast with Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, Both headed up the joint congressional inquiry into 9/11. Porter Goss is also former head of the CIA. There was no mention of this or any other Pakistani involvement in the final 9/11 report.

We know that an FBI counter terrorism project known as "Able Danger" had identified several of the 9/11 hijackers well before 9/11. Project Able Danger was abruptly halted by top officials within the CIA and FBI.

We know that on Aug. 6th 2001 Dubya received a "Presidential Daily Breifing" titled "Osama Bin Laden determined to strike within the United States". As testified by condelezza rice before the 9/11 commission.

We know that at the G8 world summit, many of the world leaders slept on boats because of specific threats stating Airplanes may be used to attack buildings.

Honestly, I could go on and on.