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04-12-2005, 09:57 PM
Can this guy be on the level? Time will tell:

Interview of Karl Schwarz (www.karlschwarz.com)
John Stadtmiller Radio Show
April 8, 2005
www.rbnlive.com archives


JS: We’ve got with us today Karl Schwarz, author of “One Way Ticket to Crawford Texas.” Good afternoon Karl.

KS: How are you doing John?

JS: Well it’s been an interesting week. Mettle has been tested and strengthened and we’re sharper than ever.

KS: So true. Just before we got on the air, I was checking a couple of things. Our President now has an approval rating of 43. He got booed when he was announced at the Pope’s funeral in Italy. His wife, for some reason, was wearing shades, and it was an overcast day. So maybe she just doesn’t want to show everybody her darting eyes. And Congress’ latest approval rating is not sitting at 37%. So I would say America and the rest of the world are starting to see these folks as they really are.

JS: Karl, could you imagine if the majority of people in the United States knew about their president and their Congress. What do you think their approval rating would be then?

KS: Probably at single digits.

JS: if that.

KS: He would only have the [ ] and what some people refer to as the Christian Taliban backing them then because I think they are going to see them for what they really are.

JS: It’s interesting. The news media, of course, and it’s always a dark day for the Catholics around the world when their Pontiff goes to the higher ground. But the news media have been spending an extraordinary amount of time covering Pope John Paul’s demise and the services and everything else.

KS: Well, we’ve got the same thing with Scott and Lacey Peterson – it’s whatever they can throw out here to keep us from looking at everything else we should be looking at. And there’s an awful lot to be looked at – as just as we were talking before we got on the air. Do you want to start on that?

JS: Well, I think that would be a fine place to start. What do you think?

KS: I think so. I have been receiving emails for the last 30 days – literally thousands of them from all over the world, including New Zealand, Germany, Canada, Australia. People are asking me, when are you going to come forward with the article – this Part 7 of Pop Goes the Bush Mythology Bubble? And I had to develop a pretty stock response to them because there was so many of them. I’m just saying we are working on it right now. It should be out somewhere towards the end of April. But I’m going to explain to your listeners today what we have and why there is going to be slight delay.

We have, just in the last 72 hours, received not one but two new videos of 9/11. One of them was shot from the East River side, from way over across the river. The guy has actually zoomed in when the first building was hit. And then for some inexplicable reason, he zoomed out and did not get a real good image of the second plane coming in. But he did get a real good shot of the explosion that was set off. He was evidently at an elevated position, somewhere on the eastside of the East River. And that video is in the process of being picked apart and analyzed right now.

About 3 – 3 ½ weeks ago, we became aware – because it was inserted in a movie – we became aware of some other footage of 9/11 that is not out here spreading around on any of the websites. You know, nobody has picked it apart. Nobody has analyzed it. And we finally found out where that video came from. We tracked down its producer. We tracked down the guy who shot it. We know exactly where he was standing when he shot it. And what got his attention was, of course, the impact on the north tower. He was filming that. And we are talking about some incredibly sharp TV quality video. When he zoomed in on the north tower, you can actually see five people jump out the windows where flames were leaping from those windows. You can actually tell what color slacks they were wearing, what color shirt – you know that type of imaging and that type of clarity. But he just happened to have kept his camera trained on that. He zoomed back out. All of a sudden, here comes streaking in that second plane that impacted the south tower.

Now so far, I’ve looked at every one of the videos there is out there. We’ve analyzed it. And all we’ve been able to come up with is it is a type of plane that has two engines under the wings. But you couldn’t blow it up and actually verify what it was. You couldn’t tell if it was a 737 or a 767. In this new video, we have 39 individual frames of this airplane, as it is closing in from the field of view, you know what the lens is seeing, and impacting the building. Thirty-nine individual stills of this plane. So we have some very good imaging – looking right up at it. And there is some interesting things to disclose about that plane.

Everybody has heard this rumor that it was a – yeah, there have been rumors spread around over the internet, that this was a hologram and it penetrated the south building silently. This guy had his audio turned on and you can hear the jet engines screaming. One of the things that we have been able to ascertain is that you can tell a lot just by the sound of the engines what type of engines they are. That’s one thing we are working on right now.

The second thing is we are analyzing each one of those thirty-nine images. We know exactly where this photographer was standing. So we can measure the base – from the base of the World Trade Center to his footprints. We can measure the height of the impact and calculate the hypotenuse, simple geometry, very accurately. And we are going to superimpose over this particular airplane what a 737 and a 707, modified with two engines instead of four. And also, a 767 looks like. And I think when those people – we’ve already distributed this out. And we’ve got some experts working on what I’ve just described. When people see the answers to that right there in front of their eyes, I think they are going to understand to what extent we’ve all been lied to. And some people in Washington and some people in New York City have an awful lot of answering to do.

JS: Well, your information is on rense.com. There is a section – let me go back to that real quick. There is a section on rense.com that has several different sites and yours is included there. Have you seen any information here about the remote control antennas. And they are saying that they are verified and that would be a planar phase array antenna.

KS: Well there are some people that are working on that. That is not part of our group. It would be that type of antenna that they would have had to have used if this was, in fact, a UAV and not a lightly loaded 767 that flew out of Boston. I think what we are going to find is that these two planes that attacked the World Trade Center were in fact either a 707 where two of the engines had been dropped and they had put a different type of engine on them – to make it look like a 737 or a 767. Or they were, in fact, 737s.

And the simple calculation of that is going to be when we actually superimpose, factored for the exact distance, what a 767 would look like at that elevation above you.

JS: We talked before the program today and when I saw information come out about missiles and missile pods and missiles being fired into the towers. I didn’t buy that because I’ve been around commercial aircraft before. When I was in the military, I was a helicopter mechanic. And I’ve been around fixed aircraft, rotary wing aircraft, and all sorts of aircraft. And what they were saying that the missile pods that were on the bottom of the plane, I took one look at those and I knew that that was the storage area for the landing gear, the bulge on the bottom of the wings where it attaches to the fuselage.

KS: Well, it’s that plus some video enhancement that somebody has played with it. It’s also partially the shadow of the engine on the fuselage. When this plane is coming straight overhead in this new video, it is readily apparent that the only thing hanging under this plane anywhere are the two engines hanging under the wings. There is not a rocket pod of any form or fashion. There is something else – if you remember the one video that showed the plane as kind of a dark matte gray? Is it very clear in this image that this plane was very silver, very shiny, and the morning sunshine is glancing off of it. And it is definitely not as advertised. It makes me wonder now. There are two versions of that film. There is actually one version that is shot at 8 frames a second and then all of a sudden, it jumps to 12 frames a second. And then it goes back to 8 frames a second. Somebody has intentionally gone back in and spliced something in there for somebody to see and somebody to kind of take off in some direction with this information. The raw footage is all at 8 frames a second and has not been touched at all other than copied from the beta version, which is the standard film size that they use for those TV cameras, all the way over to this digital. And we are in the process now of dissecting this digital pixel by pixel, and also frame by frame. We have multiple people, multiple teams doing that right now.

JS: Alright, we’ll take a break here. We’ll take your phone calls today. My guest is Karl Schwarz, author of “One Way Ticket to Crawford Texas.” And folks, we are continuing to pick at the power base’s story that they want us all to believe. We are not going to do that folks because this, in effect, brought the police state into America. They lied about the reasons why we went to war in Iraq and there’s holes in their story…….


04-12-2005, 09:59 PM
JS: Talking with Karl Schwarz, author of “One Way Ticket to Crawford Texas.” Karl, this video came from outside the United States. Did it not?

KS: Yes, it did. It was shot, of course, inside the United States, it was immediately sent out. I think somebody understood the gravity of what they were sitting on and it is a video that, yes, went out of the United States and we’ve had to track the people down and get permission to get it back here so Americans could see it. And see it in what you would call dissected and analyzed detail. We are not going to do anything to tweak this thing to put rocket pods under it or anything else. What we want to do is show Americans to what extent this government has designed an absolute psyops. And evidently from what we’re finding in going back and analyzing some of this stuff that was seen on that morning on CNN and Fox – you’re talking about engineered footage. You know what happened and what was seen are two different things.

JS: You explained to me about seeing and how did you come by this information about the support columns inside the World Trade Centers and the explosions going off?

KS: There are two different ways – you’re talking about the design flaws that were inherent within the structure itself or the fact that how this plane hit?

JS: How the plane hit – because yeah there were some structural flaws with that building. The latest that’s being floated around is the building collapsed because of the intense heat and that’s because when the airliner hit, it knocked off the fire retardant material that was sprayed on the steel beams.

KS: The latest official NIST story, yes. That one, if you looked at the fire that was coming out of this building from every angle, including this new angle. You’re looking at very cool fires. You’re not looking at near the inferno that was going on in that building in Madrid. And it stood for two days in a raging inferno. I don’t buy that particular story because NIST is part of this government apparatus and they are still trying to find an explanation to throw out there to where, you know, the majority of Americans will buy the official lie. And that’s what I’m calling it. It’s not the official story; it’s the official lie.

We see in looking at this impact, this plane appears to have been rigged, for all practical purposes, as an oversize missile. The explosion happened as soon as its nose hit this building. And then it proceeded to go through the building and expand on out. It blew out in two sides – of course, on the side that you see. You don’t see near as much in the existing videos that you’ve seen about what came out the south tower, the south side of the south tower. That plane did not penetrate in the way you think it did. That plane was literally shredded by trying to fly through a grinder – because those steel columns did not yield the right-of-way – especially steel columns holding up another 40 floors of that building. They did not yield the right-of-way to the aluminum aircraft. That plane was literally shredded just like it flew through a cheese slicer.

JS: I’ve seen some photos and it appears that before that plane hit, and I do believe that was the south tower we are talking about, the infamous photo where the plane is banked at roughly 35, maybe 40 degrees..

KS: Yes

JS: Some photos do show it looks like a fireball erupting from that building before the plane had actually made contact with it – which I think gave some people the idea that there was an explosion. So therefore, this plane had missiles on it and, you know, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Now could that be, that flash, maybe the timing was a few nanoseconds off. Could that flash possibly have come from explosives that were planted in the building and went off prior to that plane hitting it?

KS: It could have. I mean we are talking about something that happened so fast. I mean we’ve got this down to thirty-nine individual frames now. And each one of those frames is a very clear picture of that airplane. You can tell that the flight – this plane may have been tilted maybe 10 degrees to the left. You know with the left wing slightly down. It was not near the angle that was shown in some of these other photographs. And the impact of it is very clear. The plane just started just disintegrating when it was trying to penetrate all those columns. The explosion that happened inside, of course, you know the fuel in those type planes is not only in the wings but it is also in the belly of the plane.

JS: Right, the main fuel tank, yeah.

KS: Yeah, the main fuel tanks are in each wing and the belly of the plane. There is a lot of gasoline, jet fuel that went inside the building. But the actual explosion – that’s what the new video that we found from the East River, and this video have shown, is that the explosions were even more awesome and bigger than it even appeared on the CNN and Fox videos, that we saw on major networks. This was an awesome explosion.

JS: We’ll return here in a moment and we’ll take your calls at 800-313-9443 on this edition of the National Intel Report with my guest this afternoon, Karl Schwarz. And we’re discussing a video, folks, that they’re taking apart pixel by pixel and that will be soon available. And we will have that on the web for you. We’ll play it as soon as it becomes available. We’ll be right back.


JS: The story by Jon Carlson, “WTC Jet Engine Confirmed Not from Boeing 767.” Karl, have you seen this one?

KS: Yes, Jon Carlson is one of the researcher who has been working with me for about the last nine months – of trying to dissect out and prove that the visible jet engine components laying around out there in New York City, and also down at the Pentagon, don’t jibe with the official story.

JS: So this is what he said in the article. This again is on Jeff Rense and I’m going to have Danny, I know you are monitoring the program – we need to pull these stories and put them on our website, so we can guide people to our website. I don’t mind putting it on other people’s websites at all. Many hands make for light work, folks. But he says that Popular Mechanics, while mentioning that an engine, and you’re familiar with the Popular Mechanics article…

KS: Oh yes.

JS: mentioning that an engine from the south tower landed in the street, neglected to show an engine photo. The engine street location and engine positive identification just by identifying undamaged parts from the damaged engine, positive identification of the engine was made in the article. You have to go and read the article. But he says that, however, the engine identified a CFM56 is the primary engine of the Boeing 737 not the Boeing 767 alleged to have struck the south tower.

KS: That is correct.

JS: Shortly after the article was posted, a Boeing 767 airliner mechanic emailed that he concurred with the engine identification and that it was not from a Boeing 767. This is an excerpt from his email. It says, “I am an A& P mechanic for a major airline. I overhaul 767s. The engines are not” and he underscored that “from a 767.” He said, “No 767 in existence uses CFM56s – not enough power to lift a ‘67.” He said, “Those engines on the street in New York did not come off of a 767.”

KS: That is correct. Now one of the things that – just through the sheer bulk and size of a 767 as opposed to a 737 – those CFM56 engines, two of them, you couldn’t even get a 767 off the ground. It just does not have enough thrust. You can taxi real fast but you are not going to get it airborne. And that’s the one thing that we’ve been focusing on is these various components that are laying around out there. Americans have been told that we’ve been attacked by nineteen [ ] Arabs and they were working for Osama bin Laden but we looked around for debris and components - that is one of the arguments I’ve had with these other 9/11 groups. I’m saying, guys you’ve had three years to look at these parts. What have you been doing? What Jon did, at my request, and we had other people doing it as well. Find a jet engine mechanic who is willing to talk. You know somebody who actually works on these things because most of us do not have a whole lot of experience in modern commercial jet avionics and power plants.

JS: Well, the FBI has the photos of these engines. They roped off the area around the World Trade Centers. Where is the National Transportation Safety Board and its investigation? You remember Flight 800…

KS: They haven’t been investigating; the FBI has.

JS: What does the FBI know about jet airliners or their component parts?

KS: Unless they went to an expert, probably about as much as some of the people who looked at these photographs and can’t figure out what they are.

JS: You know I have expected them to trot out James Kalstrom on this deal but they didn’t . But we have photographic evidence that proves conclusively that it was not a 767. Now what does that say? Well, that says that it’s a lie. Okay. Folks, think about this, the whole premise of the hijackings, these nineteen Arabs taking control of the aircraft, being on board with box cutters, think about this ladies and gentlemen. I mean Karl why didn’t they just say weapons? Couldn’t they have planted weapons in the rubble? Because, I’m going to tell you what, a guy jumps up in an aircraft, an aluminum cylindrical tube, hundreds of miles an hour in the air, and he’s threatening to bring down a plane, I’m going to take my chances. And I’m going to take that guy out with a razor blade knife. I’m not going to sit passively by and let somebody take over a plane. They could have been a lot smarter than this. They could have said they were armed hijackers. But, of course, that would have put a bad light on the security at the airports.

KS: It gets even worse, John. If you ask the FBI or Homeland Security, well how do you guys explain that nine of the nineteen purported terrorists, hijackers, are still alive? How do you explain that?

JS: They’ve been turning up in Spain and elsewhere on the globe. Have we ruled out complicity from the Mossad in this operation?

KS: No, because one of the possible sources of the jets may have been from that direction.

JS: Alright, we’ve got loaded lines here, Karl. Let’s start the ball rolling here.


KS: I’m kind of the opinion that we may have even been aired in real time via our major media networks – an attack that was completely fabricated. You know what actually happened on the site was a different story.

KS: What we are trying to focus on – these people have lied to us and this country is not going to get back on the right track until we get this sorted out.


KS: I gave a presentation yesterday in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, in Jane Christiansen’s class. She is a political science professor at North Carolina Wesleyan College. She is the only professor I’m aware of, I’m sure there are others out there, but she’s the one that’s been out front, kind of like you and I have, John. She teaching a class in political science on 9/11.

JS: And using Alex Jones’ tapes and DVDs and other collected information. By the way, Robbie Noel is going to have this woman on his program next Wednesday. So you are not going to want to miss that. And here is the case and this issue, Karl, really cuts across political lines. You know we’ve had people that were, they think the best approach to this is to invite the liberal mindset into the conservative camp. And I’m not going to tag the conservative thought process connected to the Republican Party. Folks, I’m not that stupid. Nor am I willing to throw my hat into the ring with the now, I think, taken over Libertarian Party. No, I’m a free and independent thinking American – as well as everybody should be. But this woman was a dyed in the wool, self-professed liberal, who looked at this information and was absolutely aghast. And she is now, as you said, teaching her class using materials that our groups have produced. And that’s a good thing.


KS: …I met Bridas Corporation well before 9/11. They had the contract with the Taliban. That was the last remaining obstacle after we got rid of Turkmenistan and Bridas and after we got rid of Pakistan and Bridas. You know the only way we could get that pipeline through there without taking over Iran, was to take over Afghanistan. That was the first thing. The second thing I keep pointing to and I pointed out to Jane Christiansen’s class yesterday, is that Sibel Edmonds – you know, the Bush Administration has continued to try to keep the lid on her with a gag order. They don’t want Americans to know what she found. It came out of drug trafficking, money laundering, foreign names, American names, out of our FBI, out of ongoing investigations dating all the way back to 1998…

JS: Karl, why can’t I get Sibel Edmonds on this radio program?

KS: She hasn’t been on anybody’s lately.

JS: That’s what I was getting around to because I know that from advice from her lawyer. And what I’ve seen a lot of these lawyers do, they will tell their clients that we’ve got to keep a lot of this under wraps and don’t talk about it because we have to protect our case. In other words, don’t say too much because it might jeopardize our case. But what I see a lot of attorneys doing is keeping that information – how much of this information once everything shakes down and goes into court will the American people get to hear? What is wrong with a witness that knows certain facts talking about their subject matter before they go into court? I deem lawyers part of the problem in this process.

KS: Well that plus you’ve got judges here and what they are afraid of is if she talks prematurely as openly as I have about what she found and I found. We found about 3 or 4 names. She found a whole long list of names. I don’t know all the names that are on her list. But she does. And that is what they don’t want America to know. They don’t want Americans to know that Americans did 9/11.

JS: And also, when you have one individual who has all this information and they’re not talking, that information along with the person can go bye-bye. You put that information into as many ears as you possibly can, document it, spread it around, so if something does happen to the one individual everybody else will know what happened and why.

04-12-2005, 10:00 PM

JS: Let’s go back to the phones here. Dan in Texas. Thanks for holding Dan.

Dan: Thanks for taking my call, John. Karl, can you give an assessment of Dave VonKleist’s film, “911-In Plane Site?”

KS: Most of what is in “Plane Site” is right on target. When they did the original video, I met Dave up at the 9/11 event. He was one of the presenters and so was I , on 9/11, 2004. That was the confronting the evidence event that was put on by Jimmy ^^^^^^. There were some technical errors in there that have already been disproven and those were openly discussed with the people who put that together. Even after they came out with the “Director’s Cut,” which supposedly corrected all of the flaws, some of those flaws were left in. The only remaining flaw that I’m absolutely certain of is the fact that now that we have very clear images, straight up looking at this plane, you can tell there is nothing hanging under those wings or under that belly except the engines. The rest of it is very accurate.

Dan: Do you have a timeframe when you might be able to come out with your conclusions of this because it appears that things are starting to heat up for the government.


Dan: in a very big way. Guys like John and Alex Jones and some of the others have really lit a fire. [ ] My fear is that this is going to finally push the government over the deep end to have the big one and take over completely.

KS: One of the things that we are doing on multiple fronts. They are being watched. I haven’t told John this. I didn’t have time before we got on the phone. Last we talked, John, I actually called six people and four of them are key people that are working with us on the analysis of this information. Just within the last 48 hours, they are under direct surveillance. They’ve had people actually come up and knock on their door under false pretences who are obviously part of Big Brother. Just an intimidation factor, stuff like that or trying to verify who people are, where they live. One of the things that I think will happen is that there are so many people watching this government right know, I think they are getting ready to find out that a lot of these people are cowards and they won’t carry through to the next step. I think they know they are on very, very thin ice.

Dan: Hopefully, that will be the case. Otherwise, it doesn’t look too good.

KS: If I had that feeling all day, everyday, I would say the same thing. But everyday something happens to tell me that we are all on the right trail.

[…] [the Pentagon]

KS: The A3 Skywarrior is the only smaller airplane. We’re talking smaller than a 757, 767, smaller than a 737 that has twin engines hanging under the wings. We have found eyewitnesses that saw the plane. And they said it had two engines hanging under the wing, that it was much smaller than a 737. Every time you see Southwest Air – 737s. That’s what they fly. The only other airframe out there that is till operational is an A3 - a process of elimination. Then we went back - you remember when that picture was taken at the Pentagon of the people carrying the wing out?

JS: Yeah

KS: There’s a lot you can tell about the shape of that wing even though it is underneath that blue tarp. That wing is a configuration of an A3, not a 757.

JS: Well and Karl, using common sense, you know I am sitting here right now looking at pictures from the Pentagon and this is shortly after rescue and fire showed up. Where is the debris for a full sized aircraft? Where is it?

KS: Well they found a couple of seats. But guess how many seats an A3 has? Maximum number of seats is seven. The normal number of seats is five.

JS: Karl, I have seen…

KS: They only found several seats. And they only found two wheels.


KS: There was one other component. You remember when they were doing the clean up, when FEMA was doing the clean up – not the National Transportation Safety Board but FEMA was doing the clean up over at the Pentagon. If you look real close at one of those photographs, not only do you see the rotor hub that we’ve been trying to identify for quite some time. In the background you can actually see part of the jet cowling. You can prove this from the diameter of that jet cowling, that that did not come off of a 757. It came off of a much smaller component. And Jon Carlson, who wrote that article, that you were citing on Jeff Rense, he actually went to a museum to track down whether there was actually a JP8D on display.

JS: And I’m looking at that photograph as we speak also.

KS: And he went and took multiple photographs of that particular jet engine. And then we started tracking it from there. And the funny thing is, as soon as we raised all these issues about content blocking, all of a sudden content blocking was lifted.

JS: Well, it’s like lifting the barn door after the horse already got out.


KS: John, since we’ve got Eric on the line, he’ll get a hoot out of this. I’m just going to read the first two paragraphs. And some of your listeners can actually do some research this weekend, if they want to, just send it to me on my email. This is available on my website. This is just today. “Nice Signs Deal with NY Fire Department.” “USD 2 million expected to improve department's ability to manage voice transmissions, efficiency of event reconstruction.”

This is Raanana-based Nice Systems Ltd. has struck an estimated USD 2 million contract. They’re based in Israel. And what they’re doing – they’ve already put in a system for the New York police department. Now they’ve been awarded – this is a Nasdaq traded NICE. And who got them this contract is a company called IXP Corporation, a consulting and integration services company. Basically they’ve let the Israelis come right back in here and be involved directly in the systems that the New York Police Department and the New York Fire Department are using for communications, which is not a good sign. It’s another example of what Eric has already faced out there. How many times do they just leave the doors wide open to a foreign country - this is about whether or not we have any national security. And we don’t.


JS: Let’s go back to the phones. John in Tennessee. Hello John, you’ve been holding for quite some time.

John: […] I saw the tapes of Flight 800 almost immediately after it happened. There is no question in my mind that it was a missile. I was aware back in the mid-90s that the government lies. Now at 9/11, I didn’t want to believe it John and for the first six months that I listened to RBN, it was unimaginable in my mind to think that our government could do something like that. I think one of the problems that people have with believing it even though they see it before their eyes is questions like: where are the people who were on the planes? I have a friend whose wife’s uncle was one of the pilots who flew into the towers. And I turned him onto RBN and he has been listening. He went home and told his wife what he had heard, that the government was involved. She actually broke down because if that’s the case, then where is her uncle, where are the people who were on the plane, how could our government do this sort of thing to men, women and children?

KS: I can answer your question, in part. Two air traffic controllers came forward and started talking. Both of the flights that took off that supposedly hit the World Trade Center were actually directed to the east and they disappeared in a single sweep of the radar out over the Atlantic. And the two planes in question that hit the towers, that we have been focusing on, they know basically where they came from. What we’ve been trying to nail down is ownership and to prove that they are not 767s. There is a gentleman from Arkansas that I know. He lost his daughter on the second plane – the one that supposedly hit the south tower. And he and I have had several spirited discussions about the fate of his daughter because she was a stewardess on that plane. And I tried to explain to him, just stay tuned and watch as this develops and you’ll start to see that these people are reacting and running for their lives from the truth. And it’s the truth that you’re seeking. I mean he wants justice for his daughter. And I don’t blame him.

And another thing that we found, I’ve had people ask me about Flight 77 that allegedly hit the Pentagon. In a tape called “Treason, Inc.,” a tape put together by Craig Hill, there is a Brig. General in the Pentagon and this is a quote, “We have a report of an airplane crash on the Kentucky – Ohio border.” Not Pennsylvania, where 93 went down. We’re talking about the Kentucky – Ohio border. And that’s what he was describing. And then he was shut up. But most people have never heard that because they didn’t see that on TV – that’s actually another video that came out from another direction – from inside the Pentagon.

JS: Another question, has there been any searches of the Atlantic for those missing flights and wouldn’t that be a smoking gun?

KS: I’m not aware of any searches and from what the air traffic controllers – what is called Boston Center, not Boston Logan. Those two traffic controllers were interviewed by one of the case investigators from one of the law suits filed They said in a single sweep of the radar, those planes vanished. And they were at an altitude of between 20,000 and 25,000 feet.

04-12-2005, 11:47 PM
Very interesting, and I love this statement...

"KS: Well, it’s that plus some video enhancement that somebody has played with it. It’s also partially the shadow of the engine on the fuselage. When this plane is coming straight overhead in this new video, it is readily apparent that the only thing hanging under this plane anywhere are the two engines hanging under the wings. There is not a rocket pod of any form or fashion."

Which 9/11 site promotes that little piece of info more than ANY other? Stupid www.letsroll911.org... :)

04-12-2005, 11:50 PM
I know of Karl Schwartz, but I don't think I've ever read anything of his... I remember seeing his name on the www.justicefor911.org petition, and I remember seeing someone else speak of him elsewhere... Mary Schneider said she knows him. Maybe I'll ask her to get him to come here...

04-13-2005, 12:01 AM
I will say this SBG... I am thankful for your enthusiasm. It would be nice if those responsible were finally brought to justice, and we as a people learned to be responsible for our countries, our Governments, and our planet.

Then I could FINALLY take a break... ;)

04-13-2005, 12:31 AM

I don't "know" Karl Schwarz; only that he contacted me recently but has been too busy to connect up.

I will forward this message to him but from his interview he sounds too busy on this explosive find to do anything else until this is exposed.

You need to listen to Tom Heneghan's hot intel briefings in the last three weeks in the archives at cloakanddagger.ca and again at truthradio.com on Monday and Tuesday evenings at 8 p.m. EST for he has eluded to this explosive evidence and more regarding what hit the WTC towers.


04-13-2005, 12:39 AM

I don't "know" Karl Schwarz; only that he contacted me recently but has been too busy to connect up.

I will forward this message to him but from his interview he sounds too busy on this explosive find to do anything else until this is exposed.

You need to listen to Tom Heneghan's hot intel briefings in the last three weeks in the archives at cloakanddagger.ca and again at truthradio.com on Monday and Tuesday evenings at 8 p.m. EST for he has eluded to this explosive evidence and more regarding what hit the WTC towers.


Here's an article I just found written by Karl in regards to the Popular Mechanics article...

Karl Schwarz Replies To Bell's Attack Chertoff, Popular Mechanics Article
From Karl W. B. Schwarz

Hello Art, George,

Your recent "Art Bell" interview with a US govt / Hearst shill (Chertoff, Popular Mechanics) and calling Jeff Rense and myself "wing nuts" was a pretty cheap shot.

Have you read my book "One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas"? No?

It documents over $500 billion in white collar crime in the US since Michael Milken to the current time. Only families were plowed under by wealthy elite snobs, including many who probably listen to your show and George Noory because they can no longer sleep, their lives being upended by fraud and corruption. Their sense of justice in this nation now being just a hollow promise to the point they no longer have "peace and quiet" in their lives.

Have you read the Crawford TX Lone Star Iconoclast interview with me? No? Bridas Corporation, Afghanistan, pipeline, only remaining obstacle as of 9-11-2001. They won in our courts by the way and that alone is the key to opening it up, proving it all. Bridas confirmed it all to me.

Heard any of the 80+ radio interviews I have done since Sept 9 to better understand why America listens to me probably more than you? No?

I was on Jeff Rense last night, 9-10 PST.

Why speak of NWO when it was 9-11 that was the event that they have used to cram that down the throats of America? I have heard both of you talk of NWO and never close the circle.

Afraid of who is behind it? I say you are.

Sibel Edmonds, FBI translator, drug trafficking, money laundering, foreign names, American names involved in 9-11and not in Arabic - in Azeri, Farsi and Turkish. Why not disclose that, other than it exposes the official story as a lie? That translation did not even name Osama bin Laden.

Are you aware that one of the key American names involved in 9-11 has fled the United States? He did that as soon as he was sure we were on to him.

Are you aware of the Navel Intelligence file that Spitzer has? Or that the Pentagon section hit by the vanishing 757 was the ONI section investigating what is in that file?

How do you feel about liars, thieves, charlatans, mass murderers being our leaders? That file names them and their illegal deeds.

I am not upset with you Art. Rather, thanks for introducing me to millions who probably had not heard of me before your "expose" with a govt shill. The hits on my website site [and sales of my book] went through the roof, thanks to your approach to dealing with the truth.

That alone will help with what we are doing now - a sequel book "Revoking the License to Steal" and a Political Action Plan that will make America rise up. We are going to show American who, how and what to do about it.

There are really only three options - roll over and accept that America is dead, or move elsewhere, or stand up for this nation. I chose the latter and believe you chose the first option.

Shame on you, and do not profess to being a patriot when you are not.

The Truth will stand on its own, and the Truth will come alive in "05!

Stay tuned.


04-13-2005, 01:07 AM
yeah this stuff is definately promising..

04-13-2005, 11:07 AM
I sent a letter to Karl asking for him to post this site on his list of 9/11 sites... here was his response...

Hello Jon,

I will review you site this weekend. I am traveling now and preparing for a major trip outside of the US regarding my business.

We have three teams evaluating the new video right now and there are some shocking findings that will shed much light on 9-11.

As for the blog site, I have little time to keep up with my emails so anything I post on your blog would be severely limited due to the time contraints my schedule has on me at this time.

I am on www.meria.net (http://www.meria.net/) today at 1pm EDT, 10 am PDT. Listen in if you get a chance, will learn some of what we know about this new video.

Will have my webmaster look at your site too as to linking back to it. My website is www.karlschwarz.com (http://www.karlschwarz.com/) and they are blocking the 9-11 presentation I made in NYC for reasons you will find obvious if you ever get a chance to see what I had to say.

I met Barry in NYC.

best regards


04-13-2005, 07:48 PM
Very interesting, and I love this statement...

"KS: Well, it’s that plus some video enhancement that somebody has played with it. It’s also partially the shadow of the engine on the fuselage. When this plane is coming straight overhead in this new video, it is readily apparent that the only thing hanging under this plane anywhere are the two engines hanging under the wings. There is not a rocket pod of any form or fashion."

Which 9/11 site promotes that little piece of info more than ANY other? Stupid www.letsroll911.org... :)
Hey Jon, that's where I steel all my material!!! In any event, if this diffuses the pod theory then so be it. The truth is what we are after, pods or no pods. This video may put all truthers on the same track and the petty squabbles might end (however, I doubt it).

The Lets Roll guys have done some good work otherwise.

04-13-2005, 07:51 PM
I will say this SBG... I am thankful for your enthusiasm. It would be nice if those responsible were finally brought to justice, and we as a people learned to be responsible for our countries, our Governments, and our planet.

Then I could FINALLY take a break... ;)
Hey Jon, I think the tide may be turning, some positive news coming out. Bush is down in the opinion polls, media is starting to talk about this a bit. In fact I think something was on TV tonight, but I'm not sure. If these videos pan out, we may have reached a real tipping point.

04-13-2005, 08:11 PM
Turns out its next week on C-Span, lets all watch!!!


04-13-2005, 09:03 PM
Hey Jon, that's where I steel all my material!!! In any event, if this diffuses the pod theory then so be it. The truth is what we are after, pods or no pods. This video may put all truthers on the same track and the petty squabbles might end (however, I doubt it).

The Lets Roll guys have done some good work otherwise.

Thanks SBG

Even if Jon thinks my home for 9/11 discussion is stupid, I care not.

In reference to the revelation....

'because it was inserted into a movie'

Tell us what movie so we can see for ourselves!

The wording in the piece isn't coming across right for me...

Second paragraph where pod is claimed to be absent, he doesn't specifically say the shot is of F175. He talks about great footage of Flight 11 in the first paragraph, and the says the pod is absent on a silvery aircraft in the second paragraph.

An overhead shot of a silvery aircraft - Flight 11 was 'American Airlines', known for their silver finish.

When I see this footage and know it is of Flight 175, and the pod clearly isn't there, I will have no problem saying I was wrong all along.


04-13-2005, 09:23 PM
Thanks SBG

Even if Jon thinks my home for 9/11 discussion is stupid, I care not.

In reference to the revelation....

'because it was inserted into a movie'

Tell us what movie so we can see for ourselves!

The wording in the piece isn't coming across right for me...

Second paragraph where pod is claimed to be absent, he doesn't specifically say the shot is of F175. He talks about great footage of Flight 11 in the first paragraph, and the says the pod is absent on a silvery aircraft in the second paragraph.

An overhead shot of a silvery aircraft - Flight 11 was 'American Airlines', known for their silver finish.

When I see this footage and know it is of Flight 175, and the pod clearly isn't there, I will have no problem saying I was wrong all along.

Hey, don't worry about it. Jon's just pissed because Lets Roll banned him.:222

This video may be the biggest bombshell since the attacks. It may prove and disprove all kinds of theories, but it will hopefully bring us closer to the truth, and thats all that matters.

04-13-2005, 10:05 PM
Hey, don't worry about it. Jon's just pissed because Lets Roll banned him.:222

This video may be the biggest bombshell since the attacks. It may prove and disprove all kinds of theories, but it will hopefully bring us closer to the truth, and thats all that matters.

http://terrorize.dk/911/wtc2hit9/ - Dylan Avery thinks this is what they're ringing the bells over

Inconclusive(plane is banked) and nothing new

Why did Gold get banned????

04-13-2005, 10:09 PM
http://terrorize.dk/911/wtc2hit9/ - Dylan Avery thinks this is what they're ringing the bells over

Inconclusive(plane is banked) and nothing new

Why did Gold get banned????
I don't know, Gold was posting his stories, like he does here and they banned him, claiming he was spamming or something.

I saw that video, hope that isn't what all the hype is about, nothing new there at all that I can see.

04-13-2005, 10:10 PM
http://terrorize.dk/911/wtc2hit9/ - Dylan Avery thinks this is what they're ringing the bells over

Inconclusive(plane is banked) and nothing new

Why did Gold get banned????

If that's KS's news... OY

04-14-2005, 11:35 PM
the people on letsroll911.org are great people, but anytime anyone in tries to step up in the 9/11 investigation certain people attack them for their opinions unless they are right inline with theirs..

i dont beleive in the pod based on my personal study, but that doesnt mean i couldnt be wrong, it would be nice if ppl on the other side would admit the same thing and we could move on and agree to disagree.. some of the anger or name calling on that board does more harm to the community than help.. if you start to make a list of people that have been called disinfo (including myself) on that forum you quickly remove half of the ppl researching 9/11, including some i have alot of respect for.

04-14-2005, 11:58 PM
the people on letsroll911.org are great people, but anytime anyone in tries to step up in the 9/11 investigation certain people attack them for their opinions unless they are right inline with theirs..

i dont beleive in the pod based on my personal study, but that doesnt mean i couldnt be wrong, it would be nice if ppl on the other side would admit the same thing and we could move on and agree to disagree.. some of the anger or name calling on that board does more harm to the community than help.. if you start to make a list of people that have been called disinfo (including myself) on that forum you quickly remove half of the ppl researching 9/11, including some i have alot of respect for.

I hear ya Daz...

You may know me as Endgame at letsroll. I stay well away from the above saddening behavoir on that forum. I sit embarrassed on many occasions when the knee-jerk disinfo agent tag is fired at someone with less than 50 posts. It's all fucking absurd but being the person I am, I know nothing I offer can change the emotional reactions and behavoirs of passionate people. I'm passionate about it all, don't get me wrong, but falling to the Us and Them war isn't my thing by far.

I'm passive to a fault and I have nowhere near 100% confidence in what exactly happened on 9/11 - my mind is always open and those whose opinions I see as wrong don't need my judgement slamming down on their heads. It serves no positive outcome and only makes us look like the very people we're trying to enlighten. Labels, name-calling, accusations and dis-respect(even for the enemy) are things that keep this human slavery alive and well.

Ego cannot reign amongst comrades fighting for a shared goal - total victory over evil.

Peace Daz

04-15-2005, 10:54 AM
Hey guys, I hang out over there too. I'm not completely sold on the pod theory either, but I don't dismiss it either. Those guys should continue to research it until it is either proven or disproven.

The problem is at that point there will be a lot shit flying in each direction and will further fragment the movement rather than improving it like it should. As we get closer to the truth, we all have to be willing to abandon old theories and move forward as a group rather than continue to fight about who was right or wrong.

911=inside job
04-15-2005, 01:27 PM
you guys are right on(execpt gold)lol... i want the truth!!!!
the thing i dont like about lets roll is the whole peakoil thing... but whats funny is that there is something about every group i dont agree with... well just about.. its all such a mindfuck its unreal...

04-15-2005, 02:44 PM
you guys are right on(execpt gold)lol... i want the truth!!!!
the thing i dont like about lets roll is the whole peakoil thing... but whats funny is that there is something about every group i dont agree with... well just about.. its all such a mindfuck its unreal...

Gold is King... don't ever forget that.

What does letsroll have to say about Peak Oil?

04-15-2005, 03:35 PM
i know the majority of them think peak oil is a crock of shit and that michael ruppert is a disinformant..

but i think thats enough about that forum.

04-15-2005, 06:39 PM
you guys are right on(execpt gold)lol... i want the truth!!!!
the thing i dont like about lets roll is the whole peakoil thing... but whats funny is that there is something about every group i dont agree with... well just about.. its all such a mindfuck its unreal...
I'm with you Inside, just take the good that each group comes up with and avoid the squabbles.

04-15-2005, 07:07 PM
i know the majority of them think peak oil is a crock of shit and that michael ruppert is a disinformant..

but i think thats enough about that forum.

Just tell them to look at what they're paying at the pump.

04-15-2005, 07:09 PM
Oh, by the way, blah blah blah Michael Ruppert blah blah blah Hero blah blah blah people would have never gotten involved if not for him blah blah blah...

04-15-2005, 07:28 PM
Oh, by the way, blah blah blah Michael Ruppert blah blah blah Hero blah blah blah people would have never gotten involved if not for him blah blah blah...
I thought you were banned?

04-15-2005, 07:30 PM
I thought you were banned?

Oh shit... sorry.

911=inside job
04-16-2005, 02:13 PM
Just tell them to look at what they're paying at the pump.
that doesnt mean shit gold... they will just say they are taking control of all the oil and then they can charge whatever they want...

911=inside job
04-16-2005, 02:13 PM
what are you paying at the pump?? we pay around 2.60 a gallon here...

04-16-2005, 07:21 PM
We pay around $2.30 a gallon... we paid $1.20 2 years ago before the war.

04-16-2005, 09:21 PM
Here's what I don't understand... Ruppert has a lot of politicians behind him. People who could make a difference. They listen to what he has to say, and I think that should make people respect him...

People who say he's a disinformist... well, hello pot, this is kettle...

04-16-2005, 09:40 PM
Here's what I don't understand... Ruppert has a lot of politicians behind him. People who could make a difference. They listen to what he has to say, and I think that should make people respect him...

People who say he's a disinformist... well, hello pot, this is kettle...
Quit your whining. Time to put the petty squabbles behind us, this is too important.


04-16-2005, 09:44 PM
Quit your whining. Time to put the petty squabbles behind us, this is too important.


I'm not "squabbling"... I honestly don't understand... doesn't having the backing of "National Leaders" mean something? People should shut the fuck up in regards to Ruppert already...

You ARE correct, this IS too important. In my honest opinion... anyone who helps the effort, IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM is good by me... anyone who tries to "tarnish" the image of anyone who helps the movement, obviously doesn't help it any.

04-16-2005, 09:51 PM
I'm not "squabbling"... I honestly don't understand... doesn't having the backing of "National Leaders" mean something? People should shut the fuck up in regards to Ruppert already...

You ARE correct, this IS too important. In my honest opinion... anyone who helps the effort, IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM is good by me... anyone who tries to "tarnish" the image of anyone who helps the movement, obviously doesn't help it any.
I agree Jon. People and their egos are screwing things up.

04-16-2005, 09:58 PM
There will always be "naysayers"... that's why they're called "naysayers"...

04-16-2005, 10:08 PM
There will always be "naysayers"... that's why they're called "naysayers"...
Naa... Your crazy.

04-16-2005, 10:10 PM
Naa... Your crazy.


04-16-2005, 10:15 PM
I'm hitting the fart sack Jon, talk to you tomorrow.:passout:

04-16-2005, 10:16 PM

04-17-2005, 02:56 AM
bah, if you really wanna bitch about something, bitch about recent comments about karl schwarz being a disinformant, and the need to research his gov't ties.. ill let you guess who brought this up.

04-17-2005, 08:51 AM
I'm still hopeful he has some big news. That video can't be what all the fuss is about.

04-17-2005, 01:37 PM
bah, if you really wanna bitch about something, bitch about recent comments about karl schwarz being a disinformant, and the need to research his gov't ties.. ill let you guess who brought this up.
