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10-01-2006, 10:51 AM
On October 17th, the local "Chamber of Commerce" is having a meet and greet the candidates night. The who's who of Lawrence county will be there and I will be given 2 minutes to speak. I want a killer speech. I purchased a DVD recorder this past week so I could pass out copies of "loose change" and maybe Aaron Russos "freedom to fascism". What would you guys tell an audience of 200 prominent individuals in my community. I will be the only Libertarian in the house and i'm sure that it will be very interesting. I want a stunned audience.

I have very little chance of winning as there are mostly sheeple in this community. I don't care if they laugh at me, roll their eyes or whatever. I will speak out and be heard. The local paper will be there and the editor is a friend and I will inform him before hand to "put his seatbelt on". I want a full attack on the current residents in charge of the white house.

I will state why I took the initiative to start the LP in Lawrence county. That I am a former Republican. I will bring up HR 6166 which will deem me an "enemy combatant" for the very speech I am giving.
VOTE November 7th, Greg Miller
Lawrence Co Council District 3
Libertarian Party

10-01-2006, 11:28 AM
Ok, well, we've all been listening to you for a while. You write (and one could only assume speak) well. What is it you need help with? Bounce what you have off of us, and we'll give our honest opiion...

10-01-2006, 11:35 AM
Hey, the Freedom to Fascism thing has really opened my eyes regarding money. You've only got two minutes, so it would be hard to make a case, but the ballooning deficit created by the war in Iraq will keep the average Joe in debt for years and years to come, while the corporate elite who profit from wars as well as the billions of dollars in interest paid on the debt will only get richer.

Maybe thats why the government never seems to care about the deficit. That fact has always baffled me, but maybe its by design. Keep the working class schmoes drowning in debt, tax the shit out of them, and rake in the bucks.

It suddenly makes so much sense. The lack of fiscal responsibility, out of control spending, etc. We all become slaves to debt.

Of course, you could always play clips of WTC7 collapsing mixed in with firefighter quotes, that always goes over well!!!

10-01-2006, 12:00 PM
but the ballooning deficit created by the war in Iraq will keep the average Joe in debt for years and years to come, while the corporate elite who profit from wars as well as the billions of dollars in interest paid on the debt will only get richer.

The who's who of Lawrence county will be there Sounds like there are going to be some of those corporate elite in attendance where you will be speaking... So I don't know how well that tact will work. But I'm the guy who firmly believes that the time for talk is just about gone... This has gone a tad too far to be remedied even by the most moving of speeches (IMO). I'm pretty sure this is just going to play out like it will, and we can just pick up the pieces when the next bad thing happens.

10-01-2006, 12:22 PM
Ok, well, we've all been listening to you for a while. You write (and one could only assume speak) well. What is it you need help with? Bounce what you have off of us, and we'll give our honest opiion...

Ok, since you asked. I want to highlight HR6166 which will deem anyone who disagrees with the White house an enemy combatant. If you watched "V for Vendetta" you will understand what the blackbag treatment is. This will become a reality for US citizens. The constitution will no longer be of any help to anyone. Jon Gold will become an enemy combatent as will I and many of you. Who knows maybe Jon and I will be in the same internment camp. We can BS about the old days.

I will also be passing out a few videos that I hope will get passed around by those I give it too. So how would you approach a group of people who I consider largely in the dark? I want an impact!

10-01-2006, 01:10 PM
Tall order for what amounts to 120 seconds... Time how long it will take you to read the salient points of hr6166. How long? can you open with that, then maybe horrify them by interpreting it? It seems like you're gonna have to pick one thing (like that hr6166 thing) and run that. You certainly will not have time for much else. 120 seconds is all about time management. You have to make your point quickly. Chop it as much as you need to (while remaining coherent). Send what you have and we'll tell ya how you did... I cannot do much in to minutes (one round of sex if it's been a while). Shit, I cant even brush my teeth in two minutes! I have faith though...

10-01-2006, 03:07 PM
Hmmm. I think in two minutes I would try to simply hit these two angles: 1) I used to be a Republican and I can't be a Republican anymore. 2) The Constitution is under attack and we must protect it, or the greatest experiment in human liberty is going to fail after 230 years.

10-01-2006, 04:21 PM
Hmmm. I think in two minutes I would try to simply hit these two angles: 1) I used to be a Republican and I can't be a Republican anymore. 2) The Constitution is under attack and we must protect it, or the greatest experiment in human liberty is going to fail after 230 years.

I like both your points. I think HR6166 is going to take too much time. Heres a little of what I had in mind.

I took the initiative to start the Libertarian Party because I am sick of red vs blue. I found myself agreeing with nearly all of the LP principles. I wanted to give the voters of this county an alternative.

America is an idea, a dream, and that is all. We have borders, armies, citizens, commerce and industry, but all this merely makes us like every other nation on this Earth. What separates us is the idea, the simple idea, that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are our organizing principles.
We can think, speak and write as we please, worship and go where we please. We are protected from the kinds of tyranny that inspired our creation as a nation in the first place. What happened on Sept 11th was used to attack our freedoms, our 4th amendments rights to be specific. It
disgusts me that our Govt can spy on us bypassing our Judicial system. They can go in our homes without a warrant based on flimsy evidence. Because of this I could never vote Republican again, and the Democrats offer even less of an alternative, and appear as cowards.

I am glad our Judicial candidates are here, I would hope in the future a more thorough review of requests for warrants against citizens of this county will be undertaken. A certain police officer south of the river appears to be undertaking the task of re-writing our constitution. If our judicial candidates don't protect the citizens of this county I don't know who will. I would hope that our next Sheriff will also hold his police officers accountable for their actions. I realize that they have a very difficult job. There is a fine line to doing good for the people and crossing that line makes one just as criminal as the ones they are trying to arrest.

As a County Council candidate whats important is reviewing the spending of the peoples money in the most intelligent way possible. I would hope that the council would review the wheel tax and consider lowering it to a more reasonable amount.

(The police officer in the speech has sought warrants and came up empty a number of times, why our judges continue to sign them is beyond me, the wheel tax is an Indiana thing and was brought in at the maximum amount. A lot of people are very pissed about this.)

10-01-2006, 05:59 PM
Sounds like you have it pretty well nailed down with that. Have you timed it?

10-01-2006, 08:46 PM
Revised to 2 minutes.

I took the initiative to start the Libertarian Party because I am sick of red vs blue. I wanted to find
something with integrity, reflecting the principles that I deeply believe in - I found that in the LP and
I want to present that principled stance as a choice to the people of this county. I wanted to give the
voters of this county an alternative.

America is an idea, and a dream, and that is all. Thats what I love about this country and this city.
What separates us is the idea, the simple idea, that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are
our organizing principles.

We can think, speak, write, worship and go where we please. We are protected
from the kinds of tyranny that inspired our creation as a nation in the first place. What happened
on Sept 11th was used to attack our freedoms, our 4th amendments rights to be specific. It
disgusts me that our Govt can spy on us, bypassing our Judicial system. They can go in our
homes without a warrant based on flimsy evidence.

Some of you have to know that things are not quite right in Washington D.C. Military intervention
overseas soaks up our taxes, and increases hostility to AMERICA - all of which reduces demand
at home, and eventually abroad, it reduces business opportunity all round, all of which makes
America poorer. We're creating more enemies than we can kill. I feel that silence is approval so
thats why I am speaking out tonight.

I am glad our Judicial candidates are here, I would hope in the future a more thorough review of
requests for warrants against citizens of this county will be undertaken. A certain police officer
south of the river appears to be undertaking the task of re-writing our constitution. If our judicial
candidates don't protect the citizens of this county then I don't know who will.

I realize that winning a County Council seat as a Libertarian will probably take divine intervention.
I am really seeking just name recognition at this time and hope to put a more organized and
valiant effort in the future.

10-01-2006, 09:46 PM
CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP (standing "O"):994949: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap:

10-01-2006, 11:02 PM

Oh wait... I meant



I really like the part about what makes the US unique. It's LIBERTY, baby.