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09-28-2006, 11:42 AM
Yes, it's art whoring time! Well, Philosophy Genius asked (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showpost.php?p=69754&postcount=14) me to post more pics, so... here you go - Round One

Scroll down...

[PLEASE NOTE: All these images are CopyLeft, which means you are free to use them as long as you don't charge money for them FOR PRIVATE GAIN [ie, fundraising for political/social/community/solidarity groups etc is fine by me], so go ahead, make my day!]



Self explanatory really.



This was for a contest (which I didn't get a single vote in) with the theme of 'Time'

Cast list, l-r, top to bottom:

David Cameron (UK Tory leader)
Mahmud Abbas (Palestinian President)
Bertie Ahern (Irish PM)
Grand Ayatollah Ali-Sistani (Iraqi Shi'ite cleric)
John Ashcroft
Silvio Berlusconi (Italian ex-PM - was PM at the time)
Bill and Hillary Clinton
Geoff Hoon (UK Defence Minister)
Charles Clarke (UK Home Office Minister)
Dick Cheney
Jacques Chirac (French PM)
Colin Powell
Brian Cowen (Irish Finance Minister)
George HW Bush
Gordon Brown (UK Deputy PM, soon to be PM)
Condeleeza Rice
Mary Harney (Former Irish Deputy PM, replaced this week by a horrid little crypto-fascist)
Tony Blair
George W Bush
Richard Perle
John Kerry
John Bolton
Karl Rove
Junichiro Koizumi (Japanese PM)
Angela Merkel (German PM)
Pervez Musharraf (Pakistani Dictator)
Benjamin Netanyahu (Israeli politican)
Roger Noriega
Shimon Peres (Israeli politician)
Hosni Mubarak (Egyptian President)
Peter Mandelson (Ideologue of UK 'New Labour')
Vladimir Putin (Russian PM)
Richard Armitage
Ariel Sharon (then Irsaeli PM, now a vegetable)
Paul Wolfowitz
Jalal Talabani (Iraqi PM)



This was for a contest (which I didn't win either!) with the theme of 'Freedom'. Of course, by 'america', I mean the US Ruling Class.



A pic I did ages ago (as you can tell because in the time since I did it, almost 1000 more US soldiers have died for a lie in Iraq).

09-28-2006, 11:54 AM
Round Two


Images, clockwise from top left -

1. The neighborhood of El Chorrillo after the US invasion. Panama, December 1989
2. The aftermath of a US napalm attack in Trang Bang. Vietnam, June 1972
3. A US soldier executes an captured Iraqi in Fallujah. Iraq, November 2004
4. 'Little Boy' is dropped on the city of Hiroshima. Japan, August 1945
5. Random US Military bloke



If for some reason you are having trouble reading what it says: "McVote: Why vote for someone who actually represents your interests, when you can vote for one of our McCandi-dates.

For more info on the One Big Property Party (with two names) GO HERE (http://radio4houston.org/takingaim/takingaim040629.mp3) and HERE (http://radio4houston.org/takingaim/takingaim040706.mp3) (Mp3 downloads from Taking Aim).

For more info on Karl Marx's theory of surplus value GO HERE (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surplus_value) .



A reaction to Shell Oil's abuses, environmental and human rights, in Nigeria [link] (http://www.essentialaction.org/shell/issues.html) . And they're busy tryna fuck up me own wee country too [link] (http://www.corribsos.com/) .

Three cheers for Shell.

09-28-2006, 12:03 PM
Round Three




I wonder if the new (ahem) anti-terrorism laws in the UK will make the 'glorifying' of Guy Fawkes illegal, and punishable by up to seven years in prison?

The Guardian: The home secretary, Charles Clarke, said that animal rights supporters would face up to seven years in prison under the new measures that outlaw "glorifying" terrorist attacks. He also made clear to MPs and peers that the new definition of "glorifying terrorism" would also catch those in Britain who supported terrorist attacks on repressive regimes around the world, even if they were on military targets.

Welcome to Police State UK. Course, goes without saying that Tony Blair and his cronies will most definitely not be facing 'up to seven years in prison' for glorifying the criminal state-terrorist attacks on Iraq, Serbia and Afghanistan. Nor will they be done for war crimes, lying to parliament and a whole shitload of other offences.



My desktop. More 'glorification of terrorists'! :P

09-28-2006, 12:16 PM
Round Four - "America's Army"






For the controversy surrounding the America's Army propaganda/recruitment game, READ THIS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America%27s_Army#Controversy).

Just Say No... to military recruiters. You should have a right to a decent education, paypacket, and life without having to put your life on the line. Far better to fight for these things at home than die for US Imperialism abroad.

09-28-2006, 12:18 PM
Please re-add the first image... I removed it cause it was breaking the front page. Spanks.

09-28-2006, 12:32 PM
Round Five - Israel/Palestine (oh you knew this was coming!)


A reworking of the Dead Man on Campus poster. The people are Noam Chomsky (http://www.chomsky.info/) (left), Norman G. Finkelstein (http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/) (right) and David Horowitz (top).

This is a response to the current witch-hunts in US academia, with groups such as David Horowitz's hateful little websites Front Page Magazine (http://www.frontpagmag.com/) and Discover the Network (http://www.discoverthenetwork.com/), and Daniel Pipes' Campus Watch (http://www.campus-watch.org/). These groups say they are in favour of 'academic freedom' - what they mean is they want academia to be free from 'leftist' influence - especially in regard to Middle Eastern Studies, where criticism of the Israeli State is viewed as an act of treason.

I chose Norm and Noam, both becasue they are two of the best known critics of the Israeli state (now that Prof. Said (http://www.edwardsaid.org/) has passed on) and because recently Alan Dershowitz, author of 'The Case for Israel (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/047146502X?v=glance)' (which was torn apart by Finkelstein (http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=03/09/24/1730205) on Democracy Now) has accused Chomsky, Finkelstein and CounterPunch (http://www.counterpunch.org/) editor and Nation (http://www.thenation.com/directory/bios/bio.mhtml?id=7) columnist Alexander Cockburn of being an 'attack troika' (http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/article.php?pg=11&ar=24) out to get him, with Chomsky 'giving the order', Finkelstein tearing apart the book, and Cockburn giving maximum publicity to the criticisms via his columns. Sinister indeed.

There are others who are under more attack than Norm and Noam though, Ward Churchill (http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0213-08.htm) in Colorado and Joseph Massad (http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2005/04/22/mccarthy/index_np.html) in Columbia to name but two.

Note for YBBSers: (This was done and the explanation written pre-ST911 witch-hunts)



IDF soldier points gun at a Palestinian child. The original image (http://www.gush-shalom.org/media/pics/terrorist.jpg) - a house eviction(?) in Palestine.



What's going on? Why it's an IDF soldier using a blindfolded palestinain as human sheild in the Occupied Territories. Original image (http://xs107.xs.to/xs107/06394/idf0000001.jpg) and Related article (http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,2763,1586928,00.html).



Kid v tank, Occupied Territories of Palestine. Original Image (http://beirut.indymedia.org/images/2003/04/59.jpg).

09-28-2006, 12:40 PM
Please re-add the first image... I removed it cause it was breaking the front page. Spanks.

Oops sorry bout that. Done.

09-28-2006, 12:53 PM
Round, eh Six? - (If 24 Hour News Had Been Around Through History)

Nicked the idea for this from the "If Fox News had been around throughout history (http://www.upcheer.com/images/foxnews/)" website.

1180 - The Third Crusade


1381 - The English Peasants' Revolt


1847 - The Great Irish Famine


1945 - The Holocaust Exposed


1960 - Lynching Outlawed in the US

(The references are to the 'arguments' used by the 'Countryside Alliance' when New Labour actually did something good and outlawed fox hunting)


09-28-2006, 01:05 PM

Anyway, I told you I had loads!

09-28-2006, 05:23 PM

The army game is my favorite one. Thanks for sharing!

10-03-2006, 04:18 PM
I just had a bunch of these printed on t-shirts and posters ready to sell. X-BOX 360 here I come!!!

Thanks Partridge!