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View Full Version : thank god

09-16-2006, 03:31 PM
Thank god for that ive not been able to post on here lately , ive joined a few good sites recently, all the passwords seem to be getting mixed up , alsonot accepting user name , saying stuff like username must be made up of letters and numbers etc , etc ,etc ,etc,been driven to the point of insanity as also just had my car stolen , so had all that stuff to sort out .
Anyhoo , just seen the strangest thin on you tube a film were what appears to be some sort of very long slim missile is seen entering tower 2 before the second jet hits , the footage is very very clear before i had a chance to save it i had lost it , i am currently trying to re trace the mysterious footage , has anyoneelse seen this stuff??
thanks folks

09-16-2006, 06:03 PM
Oh yeah. I've seen that quite a few times. Never thought much of it though.