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09-14-2006, 09:11 AM
Bush says U.S. seeing religious reawakening


Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:04pm ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush believes the United States has embarked on the latest great religious awakening of its history.

Bush, who counts on religious conservatives as a key base of political support, was quoted as saying on Tuesday that the United States appeared to be undergoing a cultural change on the scale of that seen in the 1950s and '60s.

"There was a pretty stark change in the culture of the '50s and the '60s. I mean, boom. But I think something is happening here," Bush said at a roundtable with conservative columnists. His words were reported by the National Review magazine.

"I'm not giving you a definitive statement -- it seems like to me there's a Third Awakening with a cultural change," Bush said.

Historians have pointed to periods such as the early 1700s and early 1800s, as times in which religious movements were particularly significant in America.

Those eras are referred to as Great Awakenings, although there is disagreement on how many there have been. In one such period, in the 1730s and 1740s, religious revivals in the United States coincided with similar movements in Germany and England.

An awakening in the 1800s is credited with helping to inspire the movement to abolish slavery in the United States.

Bush, a Methodist, often talks about the importance of faith in his life. Some critics seeing this as crossing a line between religion and politics, and his frequent references to religion are viewed with particular unease abroad.

Amid growing U.S. concerns about the Iraq war, The National Review article linked Bush's rejection of a pullout to his religious faith.

"I know it upsets people when I ascribe that to my belief in an Almighty, and that I believe a gift from that Almighty is universal freedom. That's what I believe," Bush said.

09-14-2006, 05:14 PM
This is so freakin obvious!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is losing big time and so in order to rally support for the GOP he is reminding his base of the orgional reason they vote for that party---religion--conservative views of christianity---(gays are wrong, abortion is wrong--blah blah)--so, as to say, if you are moral you will vote GOP. He is trying to get them to forget about their disappointment in their party, forget the gut feeling that these jerks are not really doing what is best for anyone but themselves, forget all that doubt and dissapointment and questions you are feeling---vote GOP because you are Christian.

What BULL!!
I still can't see how this man can sit thru a service on Sunday and not feel as if he himself is doing evil. When I do attend my church, it happens to be methodist--just like W's, and I tell you what, everytime, every service is nothing but love and acceptance and justice---he must be going to some weird methodist church---no, he must just be evil and loves the fact that he can sit there and know he is working against the teachings of Jesus.This man is no christian and the christians that support him (like many of my realtives) are sadly brainwashed and misguided.

sorry to rant but i just had to respond because nothing makes me more upset than to see the teachings of Jesus or the use of christianity to be used like this, to be used to support such hate and destruction, money hunger, power hungry "evildoers".

okay, i am done.

09-14-2006, 05:35 PM
he sounds like a radical fundamentalist christian.... with power. scarey for any religion.
i mean i thought being a christian was a good thing until he arrived on the scene. now i won't even label myself christian for fear that some idiot will think i'm like him.

09-14-2006, 05:41 PM
i can understand what you feel Princesskittypoo.
i don't want people to assume i am one of those christians, you know, the ones that really don't have a clue and so-called morals are all screwed up.

Good Doctor HST
09-14-2006, 06:01 PM
I don't understand what he means by a reawakening. This country is so ridiculous in its zealotry over Jesus it's unbelievable. We're the only industrialized country that has preachers on T.V. and the radio constantly screaming about how gay marriage supporters should burn in the fire, abortion is murder, evolution and scientific fact should be ignored; it's complete insanity.

09-14-2006, 06:08 PM
I don't understand what he means by a reawakening.

despite all of our varying views on religion or spirituality, i think we can all see that this is NOT about religion at all. It is about politics. the problem is, most people cannot see it because they are blindly following an insane backward idea of what is "right".