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View Full Version : Everyone rally to Steven Jones' Defence

09-12-2006, 08:54 PM
The President of BYU has suspende Professor Steven Jones for his work debunking the Bush fairy tale odf 9/11.

Let's all tell the President Samuelson of BYU that we oppose his suspension of Professor Jones.

Here is the URL to his feedback form:

http://unicomm.byu.edu/president/feedback.aspx (http://unicomm.byu.edu/president/feedback.aspx)

Copy/paste it into your browser and tell President Samuelson you think his usopension of Jones was a betrayal of academic freedom and the very mission of universities.

09-12-2006, 09:20 PM
According to GW at 911Blogger (http://www.911blogger.com/node/2777):

Postscript: Professor Jones has not issued any requests for help. If he does so, I'll promptly post them.

I would leave it for the time being, unless one is an academic and can be of use with this (http://www.911blogger.com/node/2780).

09-12-2006, 10:50 PM
Yeah I see the merit in leaving it. But I was an academic for 5 years and I know the obligation the university is under to protect and promote discussion and debate about a wide diversity of ideas.

Anything short of hate speech should be allowed in a classroom. It is after all a university.

If we believe in democracy we make our voices heard. If they come for Steven Jones who do they come for next?

We can't afford to give any ground. BYU is the frontline in the struggle to get the truth about 9/11 out into the light and uphold our freedoms in the process.

So I'm sorry if Jones says he doesn't need any help. The issue he is at the center of is larger than his suspension. It's about 9/11 and the threat to our society and the values we cherish. We've all got a stake in that one.