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View Full Version : Actor James Woods' 9/11 Story

09-12-2006, 05:25 PM
So the actor James Woods was on Jay Leno's show last night and shared his 9/11 story, which if you hadn't heard it, is this:


I was on a flight, without going into the details of what made me suspicious of these four men, although it would have been blatantly obvious to the most casual observer, I took it upon myself to go to the flight attendant and ask to speak to the pilot of the plane. The first officer came out. I reported to him that I felt that the four men, and I said, "Can you look over my shoulder and see who I'm talking about?" And he said, "Yeah." I said I think they're going to hijack this plane. I mean, everything they're doing, and I explained to him these details, which I've been asked to keep private, until whatever jurisdiction, you know -- whatever trials may take place, their behavior was such that I felt that they were going to hijack the plane.

That was never further investigated because it was considered "racial profiling. Anyways, he talked about how he was speaking with an FBI agent, and the agent slipped and accidentaly told him that if the planes weren't grounded fast enough on 9/11 there could have been more attacks because there was a plane found (or more, not sure) that had box cutters taped on the bottom of the seats. This goes back to the theory that more planes were suppose to be used that day and could be linked to the story about the Arab men who demanded the plane take off immediatly after it was delayed for whatever reason. Also intersting how box cutters could be tapped on a plane and no one was ever arrested for that (hmmmm, I wonder how they could have gotten there).

Just thought I'd share that.
