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04-10-2005, 12:04 PM
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 2:54 pm

How Bush rigs financial markets to export American jobs for cash to finance wars & tax cuts for his friends

[This is one of those pieces I wish I had written. Ignore reading this at your own personal financial peril. It is so well-written that I am going to feature it on the front page. Bob Bell exposes what the Bush Administration is doing to our country---and forget about politics on this one--if the public ever fully understands what the President and his minions have done, they will demand his arrest and incarceration..TAKE YOUR TIME AND READ THIS.....I HAVE RARELY ENCOURAGED READERS TO SPEND THEIR VALUABLE TIME......BUT THIS IS A MUST-READ! Tom Flocco]


April 3, 2005

How Bush rigs financial markets to export American jobs for cash to finance wars & tax cuts for his friends

(A few snippets in case you just refuse to read the whole piece:)

"The U.S. Treasury holdings of Japan and China are essentially a consequence of a trade imbalance between the U.S. and these two countries, with the balance heavily tilted to the latter. To maintain the imbalance, which they both clearly want to do, both countries must keep their currency pegged against the dollar at a lower rate than it might otherwise be. If they did not do that, the Toshiba computers, Toyota cars and other quality items made in Japan would be more expensive, and so Japan wouldn?t sell as many of them in the U.S. A similar case holds for vast numbers of Chinese manufactured items sold pretty much everywhere, but notoriously at Wal-Mart. To keep the items relatively cheap, the central banks of those countries keep their currencies cheap by buying a corresponding amount of dollars, thus supporting the dollar against their currencies. The dollar may essentially collapse against the euro, but not against the yen and the yuan." [much more]
