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View Full Version : What did Congress effectively accomplish? More Cover Up!

04-10-2005, 11:51 AM
AGAIN, Congress used OUR money to make an 'inquiry'. Did Congress carry out their SWORN DUTIES of OVERSIGHT OF THE EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL BRANCHES? What are the results of using our hard earned tax dollars?? Just more 'hot air', meaningless rhetoric, and useless 'for show' Cover Up hearings!

In absolute violation of their SWORN DUTIES OF OVERSIGHT doesn't our sold out Congress continue to contribute to the Cover Up, or did I miss the grand jury indictments and impeachment hearings?

02:00 AM Dec. 13, 2004 PT

More Questions for Florida

A government watchdog group is investigating allegations made by a Florida programmer that are whipping up a frenzy among bloggers and people who believe Republicans stole the recent election.

Programmer Clint Curtis claims that four years ago Rep. Tom Feeney (R-Florida) asked his then-employer to write software to alter votes on electronic voting machines in Florida...

Staff members for Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan) met with Curtis last week to discuss the election allegations. Representatives for Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Florida) inquired about other allegations from Curtis that his former company spied on NASA.

The FBI in Tallahassee, Florida, has set up a meeting with Curtis, and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, said it was trying to corroborate his claims about possible election fraud and NASA spying.

...The group hopes that even if the election allegations aren't proven, they will inspire legislators to pass a law requiring voting software to be open to public inspection to help deter fraud and restore public confidence in the election process. The software code used in voting machines is considered proprietary and it is protected from public examination -- an issue voting activists have been trying to address. [more]


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