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View Full Version : Keep misleading 9/11 doc. out of schools

09-07-2006, 02:45 PM
Press conference to ask that "Path to 9/11" and it's Schoolastic lesson plans be kept out of schools due to inaccurate and misleading info.

Developing on Raw Story...

http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/Congressional_Democrats_call_on_Scholastic_to_0907 .html

09-07-2006, 04:23 PM
well, the press confrence was scheduled for 4:15pm today and i don't see it on C-SPAN or C-SPAN 2 and those are the only two chanels I get that it could be on. Dang it. Oh well.

09-07-2006, 05:18 PM
There was some other shit on CBS radio today that I only caught the end of, saying they were petitioning it to be either adjusted to be accurate, or not aired at all. But it wasn't the link I followed from this site @ 530 this morning, it was another group. (I sent an email of my own instead of the form) This has politics written all over it. Bas the dems before november. I am niether (I think they're all crooks) so I could give a shit. But what I DO care about is the truth...

09-07-2006, 05:38 PM
yeah, total politics! total b.s.!

funny thing is, i thougt from the commercials, that this mini-series may be revealing of the the Bush&Co. connections. How I was wrong! You know, I don't care who gets blamed---as long is it is correct---and this does not seem to be correct and totally avoids Bush & gang.