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08-30-2006, 01:07 PM
I Just Saw 9/11: Press For Truth, And It Was...

Remember this thread when you finally get to see it. I want to hear what everyone thinks of it.

08-30-2006, 01:21 PM
I want to see the sneek preview you have your hands on Goldie!

Im so anxious to see this film. And yes, I have already pre-ordered a copy.

08-30-2006, 01:48 PM
I want to see the sneek preview you have your hands on Goldie!

Im so anxious to see this film. And yes, I have already pre-ordered a copy.

Sneak Preview? Whatever do you mean?

08-30-2006, 02:16 PM
AAAAGHHHHH!! I can't take it, damn you Gold, why must you relentlessly bring up this movie! I am going over to press for truth now and am pre-ordering a copy.

btw I have seen your blog over at 911blogger. I really like how you have grouped a lot of the articles that you have posted here. Might want to add a link to your blog from ybbs. Though that may be weird linking to blogger only to be brought back here for the articles.

08-30-2006, 02:19 PM
Sneak Preview? Whatever do you mean?

Okay, now you're just fucking with me!

Shame on you...:whip2:

08-31-2006, 02:04 PM
I saw Press for Truth last night. Very weird circumstances. I was at the local 911 Truth Alliance meeting -- we meet every Wednesday night at a lefty bookstore. We're planning to screen the film on 9/10 at a theater we have rented, but none of us had seen it.

So, meeting has just started. Bookstore phone rings, bookstore guy says it's for us. Glen goes to the phone, comes back. Man on the phone (no one anyone knows) has a copy of the film for us -- would we like to see it? Man shows up in about ten minutes with DVD. We're all agog.

So, of course we pop it in a laptop and start watching. Fifteen minutes before the end, laptop battery dies. No one has power cord. Dvd slot will not open when battery is dead. Aaaargh... Laptop belongs to woman to who lives and works way out in the 'burbs. She wanted to go home, get DVD out, and bring it back to me right away, but despite everyone's anguish, we agree that I'll just pick it up from her today when she comes into the city for an appointment. We have a local reviewer who will write about it in the Oregonian if we get him a copy by tomorrow.

Actual thoughts on movie to follow.

08-31-2006, 02:13 PM
Actual thoughts on movie to follow.



08-31-2006, 02:38 PM
My reactions to the movie, having not yet seen the way it ends.

This movie is awesome, and it is going to reach many, many people for whom Loose Change is a big turn-off. (Like, inexplicably, my 30-something hipster, radical brother who finally watched it -- and hated it. And who is no closer to questioning 9/11 than he was before he watched it, as a result.) It is going to reach many people who have not even heard of Loose Change. I will be sitting my parents down to watch it as soon as I have my own copy. I will me showing it to my mild-mannered Quaker best friend who candidly admitted she doens't give a fuck about 9/11, despite her strong social justice orientation. I will be offering to screen it on a Sunday after the services at the church where my mother is senior minister (right now that idea is freaking her out, but once she has seen it, the freaking will cease, I can guarantee.) I will be making everyone I know watch it, and offering it to the mayor and the City Council and the governor. I will host a house party to show it.

This movie is going to be an entree into this subject for a huge number of people. It also has far and away the best production values of any 9/11 doc I have seen, including a great soundtrack.


Among the sort of people who frequent 911blogger, there is going to be a large percentage of very upset people. I was key in lobbying for my group's screening of this movie, although I wasn't the one who suggested it (someone beat me to that.) When the battery died and the lights came up, I was sitting with a bunch of raving hard-core conspiracy theorists who were even wondering aloud if it was CIA/NSA/XYZ disinfo. (Mystery man who brought it to us also tweaked their paranoia.) Someone said, if there's only fifteen minutes left, they better be about controlled demolition. I said "THERE IS NO CONTROLLED DEMOLITION in this movie and I made that clear to you guys when we started talking about it." (There is suggestion of the ridiculousness of the official story, though, and the collapse of Bldg 7 is shown several times.)

Their main complaint is the emphasis on Bin Ladin (especially right before our premature ending). People were talking like we should cancel the screening, if you can believe that, despite the considerable amount of promotion we've done. This would be because film MIGHT just underline the bin Ladin did it theory, thus completely destroying anyone's potential ability to question things further -- like, right after the intermission, when we show the Webster Tarpley presentation from the LA Symposium. The more level-headed amongst us calmed everyone down.

Anyhoo, I'll write more about this when I watch it again tonight and see the end.

But Jon, I think you already know this, but you're really going to have to gird your loins for the reception at blogger. Chris is probably going to have an aneurysm, for example. But jesus, maybe the spotlight will be taken off Nico for a few minutes.

I must add, too, that the film's focus on the Jersey Girls resolve and their ingenuity in doing their own research and manipulating their own media coverage (ie, yes, you can do a story on my orphaned kids at Christmas as long as you also show me ripping the Kean Commission a new one for their complete charade of an investigation) warmed the cockles of this feminist's heart.

08-31-2006, 02:44 PM
I have no doubt that the die-hard "theorists" within the movement will dislike it. It's nothing but fact, fact, and more fact. It's a shame you didn't see the ending. Makes me cry every time.

However, as you implied, this movie is unlike any movie made before it, and I guarantee it will wake up everyone who watches it.

Which is what we want isn't it?

08-31-2006, 02:45 PM
However, I disagree with you regarding Osama Bin Laden. At one point, Bob McIlvaine explicitly says that Osama Bin Laden could not have done this... and a few other statements like that as well from others.

08-31-2006, 02:51 PM
What did you think of the family members statements outside of the Commission Hearings? "A bunch of people giving accolades to each other", and "It's a cover-up, it's a stonewall, I'm very bitter, I'm very angry..."

08-31-2006, 02:54 PM
Yes indeedy. It's facts, it's mainstream facts from mainstream sources, and it has a strong human-interest angle which a film like EGLS (which I also like a lot) does not. I don't see why this couldn't be the next Farenheit 9/11, just in terms of its potential mainstream appeal, and that would be HUGE. Anyone who sees this movie and realizes just how fucked not only our government but our media is (and does not feel sure that it was produced by the Lizard People who are REALLY running the show) has a moral obligation to propagate this movie like an information virus.

I think we're living in 1930's Germany here, people, and I'm not going down without a fight. Information is the only weapon in this struggle, and 9/11 Press for Truth is a major addition to the arsenal.

08-31-2006, 02:59 PM
They're actually calling it the anti-Fahrenheit 9/11... However, I would certainly like to see it get the same attention.

08-31-2006, 03:01 PM
Thanks for the partial write-up.

08-31-2006, 03:09 PM
Oh no, I think you and I are on the same page about bin Ladin, and believe me, I brought that up in the post-showing brouhaha. Within the movie are clear statements that 1) there is NO WAY "al Qaeda" could have pulled off something of this magnitude and that 2)the CIA and the ISI worked hand in glove to create the mujahedeen and thus "al Qaeda. What the movie does not do (unless it's the last 15 minutes) is pull out a 2x4 and beat the viewer over the head with the concept that bin Ladin is a CIA puppet. Basically, the movie offers a lot of dots for the viewer to connect, including stuff I didn't know, like the airlift out of that Afghan city that was like a parade down mainstreet in its covertness. The thing is, it does not connect all the dots FOR the viewer, which I personally think is just fine, because I trust people to do their own research when they have questions, and this film provokes many really good questions. Others in the group, however, have a kind of mass-hypnosis film theory -- if you show "them" (Mr. and Mrs. Average, but slightly concerned) too many images of bin Ladin, they're going to get permanently stuck in the idea that it was "just" al Qaeda and the ISI.

As for the Jersey Girls outside the Commission making their criticisms, the volume on that could have been turned up for me. I could've gone for something a little more like -- I'm blanking on her name -- the mother of one victim who just went full-on Clytemnestra over her daughter's death. But that's not them, and it doesn't need to be them.

08-31-2006, 03:13 PM
Of course it's the anti-Fahrenheit 911 -- I was drawing a comparison on the basis of the potential for popularity, eventual mainstream distribution, yadda yadda.

08-31-2006, 03:17 PM
As soon as I see the whole thing, I'll review it over at blogger (unless there's a problem with doing that before the release date.) I want to see if I can avert a little of the negativity with a more detailed account of what it IS and what it ISN'T so that people will judge it on its own merits, which are many.

08-31-2006, 03:18 PM
People need to understand that 911PFT doesn't talk about a lot of things. It doesn't mention Sibel Edmonds (one of my favorite topics), it doesn't mention Professor Jones, it doesn't mention all kinds of things, but what it does do, is wake people up to the information the movement is aware of...

For instance... go talk to someone about Controlled Demolition, and risk being laughed at, or, show someone 911PFT, and then talk about the idea of Controlled Demolition.

This movie opens the door to everything we know.

08-31-2006, 03:20 PM
As soon as I see the whole thing, I'll review it over at blogger (unless there's a problem with doing that before the release date.) I want to see if I can avert a little of the negativity with a more detailed account of what it IS and what it ISN'T so that people will judge it on its own merits, which are many.

In my opinion, there's nothing "negative" about the film. You need to look at it from the point of view of someone not in the choir. If information not being in the film gives it a negative conotation, then that's something people are going to have to deal with. The film will wake everyone who watches it up. We can't ask for anything more than that.

08-31-2006, 03:21 PM

We're going to have an intermission after PFT and then go right into Webster Tarpley and Steven Jones.

08-31-2006, 03:23 PM
And that's the way it should be done. Show 911PFT, and then knock yourself out.

08-31-2006, 03:29 PM
Once again, let me assure you that we're on the same page here. I'm not saying there's anything negative about the film. I'm saying that there's a LOT negative about the denizens of blogger. If they know going in that this movie is NOT Loose Change, not 9/11 Eyewitness and so forth, then perhaps SOME of the freakitude ("Well I think it sucked because it didn't say anything about mini-nukes or thermate!") could be diminished. It's NOT THAT. I think if people have a clearer idea going in that it's NOT THAT, they might be less likely to watch it and then start spewing allover blogger about what a piece of disinfo it is. Do you see what I mean? Some bloggerites will hate it anyway, because what they really want is for Spielberg to consult with them on the movie that dramatically re-enacts their own fantastic counter-narratives down to the last lizard-person's scale.

08-31-2006, 04:24 PM

Yes, I understand what you're saying. The die-hard "Conspiracy Theorists" within the movement will not like 911PFT. Of course, they probably won't realize that this movie will touch more people than anything that's been released as of today, but again, that's not what's important right?

09-02-2006, 12:03 PM
I saw the end, and it is deeply affecting. It also leaves the door wide open to as many questions as the viewer wants to ask -- it does NOT pin the blame on bin Ladin and the Pakistanis, as members of my group had their panties bunched for.

Then last night I sat my sixty-something mainstream liberal parents down and made them watch it. They thanked me.

09-02-2006, 12:14 PM