View Full Version : Which book should I read?

08-29-2006, 04:13 PM
I'd like to read a book about the 9/11 conspiracy theories. I want the facts from the "Loose Change" documentary to be included. But I'd also like some interpolation of the plot (even if partly educated guessing/fiction) about exactly who's in the inner circle making the decisions, the story behind why the CIA visited Bin Laden, and what the Bush family and friends' real goals are around the world and how that led them to take down the WTC and invade Iraq. I don't want to read a book that just has lots of facts trying to convince me that it was a conspiracy. I believe that already. I want to read about how Bush/BinLaden/the guy who owns WTC are connected and how and why they organize events like 9/11.

I hope I made myself clear. Thanks!


08-29-2006, 04:14 PM
Hi Todd. That's a big request. There are several different books out there.

08-29-2006, 04:17 PM
I would recommend any of the following:

David Ray Griffin
The New Pearl Harbor
9/11 Report: Omissions & Distortions

Michael Ruppert
Crossing The Rubicon: The End Of The American Empire At The End Of The Age Of Oil

Sander Hicks
The Big Wedding

Nafeez Ahmed
The War On Truth

Paul Thompson
The Terror Timeline