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08-28-2006, 09:04 PM
Filmmaker: ‘Sergeant Buswell Is A True Patriot’


By Stephen Webster, Investigative Reporter
Monday, August 28, 2006

Last week, The Lone Star Iconoclast broke news about an Army Intelligence Analyst stationed at Ft. Sam Houston outside of San Antonio, Texas. Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell, a loyal soldier of 19 years and recipient of a Purple Heart for injuries sustained in Iraq, offered a dissenting opinion of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in response to a mass email. For this, his security clearance was revoked and he is currently facing an investigation as to whether he violated certain Army rules regarding use of government networks for unauthorized purposes.

His commanding officer, Colonel Luke S. Green, reportedly wrote that Buswell is to be investigated for making statements disloyal to the United States.

Since the story was published, thousands have rallied to Buswell’s side. The story was published on TheRawStory.com, LookingGlassNews.org, 911Truth.org, and 911blogger.com, among others. Iconoclast editor W. Leon Smith has given numerous radio interviews, and this reporter is scheduled for a live call-in show on Air America Radio’s Eugene, Oregon affiliate, KOPT (www.kopt.com), at 9:30 a.m. (CST) on August 30.

Sgt. Donald Buswell

Likewise, SFC Buswell and his father, Winthrop, have been overwhelmed with phone calls of supporters and well-wishers. Among them was Kyle Hence, the Executive Producer and co-writer of the new documentary 9/11: Press for Truth. Hence is also the Executive Director of 9/11 Citizen’s Watch, an independent watchdog group formed in mid-2003 with the intent of placing intense scrutiny upon the actions and conclusions made by the administration-appointed 9/11 Commission.

The film, Press for Truth, follows the now-famous Jersey Girls: four women who lost their husbands in the destruction of the World Trade Center towers. The Jersey Girls went public with their grief and questions, and are credited as the driving force behind the formation of the 9/11 Commission a full 14 months after the attacks; a commission that members of the Bush administration adamantly resisted. But for Hence and the Jersey Girls, questions still remain. Now, with the retaliation against SFC Buswell, Hence is springing into action once again.

"What’s happening now, and how the Army has reacted to this email sent by Sergeant Buswell, has nothing to do with National Security or Buswell’s loyalty to the country," said Hence during an interview on Aug. 27. "Sergeant Buswell is a true patriot. This move by the Army is about stifling dissent in this country regarding the most devastating attack on our soil in this country’s history and censorship of those who want to know the truth."

Winthrop Buswell

After reading the story in The Iconoclast, Hence contacted Winthrop Buswell and asked him to come to Washington D.C. on Sept. 11, 2006. At press time, Winthrop is on the fence about attending, but will update The Iconoclast when his decision is made. Should he attend, said Hence, 9/11 Citizen’s Watch will ask him to speak to the crowd.

"I’m not saying definitely no [to going to Washington D.C.], I’m just considering my son’s position," said Winthrop Buswell. "He doesn’t want this whole issue to become too politicized. But when he gets out [of the Army], he will be very much in favor of continuing the questions he has and the belief that he has, that it certainly was a cover-up and now there’s a conspiracy to cover-up the cover-up. That is his belief."

"Donald is a wonderful ally," continued Winthrop. "He is an asset to all of us. And he’ll be even more of an asset when he is out of the Army. But for now he cannot speak on the issue because that could get him in trouble. I would like to speak on behalf of my son [in Washington D.C.], but I don’t know. That might put my son in jeopardy because he is still in the Army."

Kyle Hence has a different view of the situation. "Basically, here is yet another American whose voice is being ignored by the mainstream media," he said. "This is a story that, you would think, every network would want to report on. This man just said ‘We want a new investigation,’ and as a result, he’s under investigation. I think that if Buswell is becoming an icon, it is because most Americans, or at least half according to recent polls, now believe there has been a cover-up."

"Here’s a Purple Heart recipient that is saying, ‘We don’t know the whole story,’ who is suspicious of the government’s story and thinks we need a new investigation," continued Hence. "And that they’re trying to shut them down and silence him is very reminiscent of what they do to whistleblowers who have real information they tried to bring to the [9/11] Commission. They were gagged."

Kyle Hence

"Take the case of the FAA flight controllers," he said. "[On tape] they recounted their memories of what exactly happened the morning of Sept. 11, and then a higher level official destroyed those tapes. Here you have someone who destroyed information to keep it from the American people. Now you have the U.S. military trying to destroy the life of a Purple Heart recipient who simply said there needs to be a new investigation and doesn’t believe the account offered to us by a now discredited 9/11 Commission."

From Sept. 11-18, Camp Casey and Camp Crawford will be moving to Washington D.C. for an event they have dubbed "Camp Democracy." On the morning of Sept. 11, at 8 a.m., between First Street and Third Street in front of the Reflecting Pond, Camp Democracy will begin its roll call. Various speakers are confirmed for the week-long event, including Dr. Morgan Reynolds, and several documentary films will be screened, including America: Freedom to Fascism, and WMD at the WTC.

For more information about Kyle Hence’s film 9/11: Press for Truth, visit <www.911pressfortruth.com>.

For more information on the Sept. 11, 2006 protest in Washington D.C. and other cities, visit <www.striketheroot.org>.

For Washington D.C. ridesharing information, visit www.campdemocracy.org.

The Iconoclast will continue reporting information regarding SFC Donald Buswell as new details become available.