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08-23-2006, 10:26 PM
Update on 5th Anniversary Events in NYC


Got the following email, check it out if you are heading to NYC for the 5th year anniversary of 9/11. Be sure to also check out this link for recent info from the Loose Change crew. Also, there have been many requests to try to find out who all is going, so feel free to discuss in the comments.

Be part of history. Come to NYC for the 5th anniversary of 9/11, the new Pearl Harbor event which shocked and awed the world.

The weekend will be one mass demonstration of 9/11 truth actions from Fri. evening Sept. 8th through Mon. Sept. 11 comprised of keynote speaker events, films, forums, and outreach actions!

Partial speaker list*: Alex Jones, Bob Bowman, Barrie Zwicker, Ralph Shoenman, Ian Woods, Barbara Honegger, William Pepper, Wayne Madsen, Jesse Richard, Jim Fetzer, Dr. Faiz Kahn, Kevin Barrett, Jim Marrs

On the Sunday, Sept. 10th we’ll preview Loose Change Final Cut and be entertained by Immortal Technique.

On Mon. the 11th, we need to have thousands of truth patriots in black T-shirts at Ground Zero, New York City at 8 am for a dignified, respectful display of solidarity with the victims and their families.

Let's end the cover-up, investigate the evidence, and create a wave of justice to prosecute the real crimes! Join us as we make September "9/11 Breakthrough Month" on the street, on the web, and in the eyes of the world.

Sponsor: ny911truth.org
Email: info@ny911truth.org

Make plans NOW!
See http://www.ny911truth.org/events/5th_anniversary.htm for overview, schedule and NYC info. Check back every week for updates.

08-24-2006, 12:10 AM
As I've posted before, the Minute Men are gonna be at ground zero on 9/11 so this may give the 9/11 movement a nice rub for tv time.

08-24-2006, 08:16 AM
Sup Jon?