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View Full Version : Federal Court Rules That Private Citizens Can Be Prosecuted For Revealing Class. Info

08-12-2006, 01:43 PM
Federal Court Rules That Private Citizens Can Be Prosecuted For Revealing Class. Info


"In a momentous expansion of the government’s authority to regulate public disclosure of national security information,” a federal court has ruled (http://www.fas.org/sgp/jud/rosen080906.pdf) that “even private citizens who do not hold security clearances can be prosecuted for unauthorized receipt and disclosure of classified information.” Under this interpretation, for example, the reporters who leaked the classified report on prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib “could apparently be prosecuted under the Espionage Act (http://www.fas.org/blog/secrecy/2006/08/recipients_of_leaks_may_be_pro.html).”

08-12-2006, 02:27 PM
Well, this officially will classify most of us a terrorists.

We're going to have a bitch of a time repealling all these BS laws once we win this shit.

08-12-2006, 02:47 PM
It's funny to me that on the one side they are passing a law to keep us from releasing classified info, and on the other trying to retroactively expunge themselves from their OWN war crimes. Every day this seems to get a bit worse. And when I go out in public I just see the sheep, living their lives, oblivious to what's going on around them.

08-12-2006, 06:09 PM
This is much worse than the Patriot Act or any other bullshit law they've made so far- in my opinion.