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View Full Version : Red Alert For Staged Government Terror Attack

08-10-2006, 05:22 PM
This is an extremely frightening article off of infowars.com. Homeland Security has gone to a red alert. For those that don't know a red alert is basicly a declaration of martial law which means the government is probably getting ready to carry out a big attack to start world war three any time now. It is absulotely essential that we alert everyone to what's going on and that we let the government know that we know that they are the ones behind the terrorism.


08-10-2006, 05:28 PM
Problably just a reaction to the England plot.

08-10-2006, 05:36 PM
I'm not so sure about that. I just heard Alex Jones on his radio show predicting another staged terrorist attack. He did that two months before 9/11 and hasn't done it since untill now. Even if they are not planning an attack we need to assume this is the real deal. If it isn't then we have nothing to lose. If it is then we have everything to lose.

08-10-2006, 05:56 PM
Well on the news they're talking about how Iran might do something big on August 22 cuz thats a big day for something and they wanna bring the end of the world on or something crazy.

08-10-2006, 06:10 PM
They want to start world war three. If we're going to stop them then now is the time.

08-10-2006, 07:30 PM
I agree !! We need to act. Let everyone know that TERROR is a staged event!! The HEATHROW AIRPORT is all a big BULL SHIT STORY!!!

Let's get the word out now!!! Then, GOD FORBID, something happens... then at least people will listen to what we have to say. WE can PROVE OURSELVES.



08-10-2006, 11:02 PM
I'm not so sure about that. I just heard Alex Jones on his radio show predicting another staged terrorist attack. He did that two months before 9/11 and hasn't done it since untill now. Even if they are not planning an attack we need to assume this is the real deal. If it isn't then we have nothing to lose. If it is then we have everything to lose.

Alex also said Israel has three subs off the coast of Iran and a caller said they wouldn't have them there for nothing.

EDIT: Alex was going crazy...it is becoming sad though...this country.

08-10-2006, 11:38 PM
It's ironic that US media voices are connecting Iran to pseudo-religimous "end of the world" scenarios, when the Shrub himself is probably expecting to float naked into the sky to meet Jeebzus one day in the near future.

08-11-2006, 07:03 AM
Could it work? Would Americans continue to rally around the government if there is another attack, or would they begin to question their ability to provide protection?

The perpetrators of 9/11 could not cover their tracks completely, and thousands of times more people will be skeptical if there is another attack.

We should prepare for the worst, but not panic. Have your VCR's ready.

08-11-2006, 04:13 PM
If think if there were to be another 9/11 type attack in the U.S. (which I don't think is gonna happen), I'm pretty sure a large portion of a the American public would re-rally around the govnt again and it would only help Bush and the Republican party. But obviously nothing like we see in the days after 9/11 since at least half the people in this country dislike Bush and his policies.

08-11-2006, 09:21 PM
I think the only reason they HAVEN'T gone and attacked us again is because people are right on their ass now. Weather or not we relize it or not, we're prolly fuckin up their whole game. They KNOW that people are gonna watch the next one real close, right from the beginning. Thee wont be any more bait and switch operations going on. Now they have to come correct. I can't imagine what they have planned for the next time, but you'd better believe they're gonna try to plan it a bit better than that fuckin polish fire drill we call 911.

08-11-2006, 09:32 PM
I think the only reason they HAVEN'T gone and attacked us again is because people are right on their ass now. Weather or not we relize it or not, we're prolly fuckin up their whole game. They KNOW that people are gonna watch the next one real close, right from the beginning. Thee wont be any more bait and switch operations going on. Now they have to come correct. I can't imagine what they have planned for the next time, but you'd better believe they're gonna try to plan it a bit better than that fuckin polish fire drill we call 911.
I think we really need to be on the lookout for a nuke attack or a Bio Attack. Or they could just wipe out everyone in say Chicago VX Nerve Gas and say it was Biologicol weopon released by Al CIAda. We really need to watching the upcoming drills and believe me their are alot of them. I say this because they use drills as their cover to carry out terrorist attacks such as 9/11 You can keep up with the latest drills by going to falseflagnews.com