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View Full Version : Operation Bojinka style plot thwarted?

08-10-2006, 05:30 AM
Woke up to this this morning here in Britain:-


Notice its similarities to Operation Bojinka. So wait they can't stop 9/11 or 7/7 but they can stop something on this scale? Or do they just want us to see how far they've come since 9/11? ha!

08-10-2006, 08:06 AM
Woke up to this this morning here in Britain:-


Notice its similarities to Operation Bojinka. So wait they can't stop 9/11 or 7/7 but they can stop something on this scale? Or do they just want us to see how far they've come since 9/11? ha!

and i woke up to it here in germany. there has been several of these "thwarted terrorist attacks" in the last several months here in europe. after not hearing about things like this happenning over here for some time now.

just two weeks ago there were bombs found in two different german train stations, one day after another. they were both propane gas bottles wired with detonators, and hidden in baggage that was found alone somewhere in the trains or station. some reports said that certain papers were found within one of the objects in arabic, with something showing a connection to beirut. at the time i thought to myself, "how practical".
maybe they are getting the german, or european people in tune with the scare tactics in the states. there might be need very soon of some good partners, if things should continue the way everything is going the last few weeks. something is in the making...
these things all took place just several weeks after schrub came over and visited "angie" the german chancelor. they had such a great time together, (she even got that great inpromptu neck rub from shrub) and she recieved the personal invitation back to the ranch in texas....;-DDD

08-10-2006, 09:39 AM
Well, Israel/Lebanon has been totally knocked off the news - on BBC anyway. It's Terror Terror TERROR all the way. They are creaming themselves over the 'war on terror'. With absolutely NO skepticism the BBC are reporting this 'terror plot to commit mass murder on an unprecedented scale' - except for one guy from the Muslim Council of Britain who got an interview of literally 30 seconds to say "we must remember these are not the first arrest made, and these men are innoncent until proven guilty". I haven't seen him again.

08-10-2006, 10:18 AM
Again, if this was a "legitimate" threat, it's a PERFECT example of what "terrorists" are REALLY capable of... blowing up planes, as opposed to taking control of one with a box cutter, commandeering the cockpit, taking control of the plane, and with military precision, fly them into its' target.

08-10-2006, 01:49 PM
I haven't seen much of the news coverage.Has Bojinka or the similarities to it even being mentioned??