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08-08-2006, 06:14 PM
Well, tomorrow is a BIG DAY IN THE TAMPA 9/11 TRUTH MOVEMENT.

Seems our Fearless Leader, Mia Hamel, has joined forces with 911 Courage leader, Dave Slesinger in the fine art of staging Civil Disobedience.

Tomorrow we will stand our ground at the private property of University Mall on opening day of Oliver Stone's WORLD TRADE CENTER.

The Stage is Set. The Press is Well Aware. A Concerned Citizen (MIA) will be arrested for passing out leaflets that simply ask patrons to consider the absurdities of the 9/11 Commission Report and support a new investigation.

I'll be there too, as a supporter and photographer for the event.

Our purpose is to cause AWARENESS !! TO PROVOKE AWARENESS.

The 9/11 Truth is on the Front Pages of the News these days. This is our time to make a stand. IF I DIDN'T HAVE KIDS AT HOME TO SUPPORT, I'd be in the clinker with Mia, too.

I'll keep everyone posted.


NEWS ADVISORY CONTACT: Mia Hamel 813-659-0777 / 813-389-0577

August 8, 2006

David Slesinger 240-221-3293 / 410-499-5403

PRESS CONFERENCE CALL: Wed August 9th at 11:30AM – 12:30PM EDT

Conference call number: (319) 632-1100 Access Code: 215657#
Multi-State Leafletting by 9/11 Activists at the
Opening of Oliver Stone's “WORLD TRADE CENTER”

Nonviolent Civil Disobedience Planned

9-11 Activists From a Dozen Plus States to be on Conference Call
TAMPA, FL – 911Courage.org announces multi-state leafletting at theaters showing Oliver Stone’s “World Trade Center” movie opening on Wednesday, August 9th.

Stone's movie is an important breakthrough for 9/11 skeptics. The nation as a whole will view the actual footage of the collapse of World Trade Center Building #7. Up to this point mainly those residents in the metro NYC area and those researching 9/11 issues were aware of the failure of Building #7.

“Carol Brouillet, the Californian who was prepared to risk arrest, has received permission to set up a table within the Grand Lake Theater, Oakland, CA, which we applaud,” stated David Slesinger. Brouillet is the originator of the “Deception Dollar” and the Green Party candidate for the 14th District
Congressional seat in California.

“We have to consider this breakthrough in California a success. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all theater owners were as sympathetic,” continued Slesinger. Alan Michaan, owner of the Grand Lake Theater, is going to display “Was 9-11 An Inside Job?” on his marquee.

DETAILS: Tampa, Florida: Mia Hamel, August 9th at 12:30PM, at Regal University 16, 12332 University Mall Court, Tampa, FL 33612 (813) 977-1410

More info on the August 9th leafletting may be found at www.911courage.org or info@911courage.org.

08-08-2006, 07:02 PM

I'll be very interested to hear how this goes. Be sure to post about it!

08-09-2006, 06:56 PM

I think they were fairly objective :)

08-09-2006, 07:34 PM
Yeah, that was pretty good coverage.

Were you there? Do you know about the woman who was arrested? Did she get out promptly?