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Cloak & Swagger
08-06-2006, 12:22 PM
Reuters admits altering Beirut photo

Yaakov Lappin
Reuters withdraws photograph of Beirut after Air Force attack after US blogs, photographers point out 'blatant evidence of manipulation.' Reuters' head of PR says in response, 'Reuters has suspended photographer until investigations are completed into changes made to photograph.' Photographer who sent altered image is same Reuters photographer behind many of images from Qana, which have also been subject of suspicions for being staged


Link: http://news.yahoo.com/photo/060805/ids_photos_ts/r3101797657.jpg

08-06-2006, 12:28 PM
That is known as the clone-stamp tool.

08-06-2006, 01:57 PM
LOL this is what you call fake bullshit designed to make Israel appear as if it's been given a rough time in the media. The "photographer" is probably pro Israeli.

Cloak & Swagger
08-06-2006, 02:28 PM
That is known as the clone-stamp tool.
Yes, and it looks like whoever was using it, had no idea what they were doing.
Any photographer who's at least spent a week in photoshop should know how to utilize the clone tool without making it look so piss poor, UNLESS it is intentional.
Not only that, but the original photo already looked devastating enough.
I kind of agree with DemBruceLeeStylez, except I don't know if the photographer has the agenda, or the editor, or whoever assisted in publishing the material. The article covering the incident specifically mentions that the photographer is already under suspicions for being responsible for a number of staged photos in Qana, which fuels the Michelle Malkin (Neocon Hot Air Blog and Lunatic Fox News Opinion Monger) conspiracy theory that Qana never even happened.
BTW - Neil Gabler backhands Malkin's opinion mongering on Fox News: http://www.crooksandliars.com/posts/2006/08/06/neil-gabler-on-malkin-opinion-monger/

08-06-2006, 06:20 PM
^ Cloak & Swagger dude I just want to say your blog site is way impressive, very very cool! What's that type face you've got for "SPEAK OUT" "IRAQ" "LEBANON" etc? I'd love to use that on things it looks wicked.

08-06-2006, 06:38 PM
Yeah, cool blog. Nice graphics.

Cloak & Swagger
08-06-2006, 07:11 PM
Thank ya'll.
Makin' me blush.

DemBruceLeeStylez, the font is called Base02.
I've used other variations, but that specific one I'm using is Base02.
The smaller font with the Base02 font is a simple bold arial font.
Here's where you can download the base02 font:

08-06-2006, 07:52 PM
Thank ya'll.
Makin' me blush.

DemBruceLeeStylez, the font is called Base02.
I've used other variations, but that specific one I'm using is Base02.
The smaller font with the Base02 font is a simple bold arial font.
Here's where you can download the base02 font:

That is so cool man massive thanks!! I found a few good ones on this site before if you want to check it, http://www.grsites.com/fonts/ (http://www.grsites.com/fonts/) . You've got some really wicked Photoshop skills dude honestly. I put this picture together for a letter I wrote to the Scholars for 9/11 Truth, asking them to see if they can get a debate set with Noam Chomsky;


[u]http://xs104.xs.to/xs104/06316/debate.jpg (http://xs104.xs.to/xs104/06316/debate.jpg)

^ What do you think of that dude, and what would you do differently/add etc?

Also I was checking 911blogger's blog role and I couldn’t find "Cloak & Swagger" , you should ask Dz to add it because it totally gets my vote, the content is even better then the fantastic graphics. Actually maybe you could start doing some graphics etc for 911blogger, that would be very cool. You've got some raw talent man!

Cloak & Swagger
08-06-2006, 09:07 PM
Thanks DBLS, that site you linked has some good fonts, and they don't appear to be zipped, which makes for less of a hassle when loading them.
As for the Chomsky and 9/11 truth debate pic, I can't say I'd do much to change it.
If I'd change anything, It would be to widen the frame, and behind Chomsky have a pic of at least 3 of the scholars, preferably already in a group standing side by side if possible. I envision them having very serious expressions too, but I think that'd be asking too much.
The font is simple and direct, not too flashy, and that's good.
Something else you might want to consider is doing a vertical one, that's almost the size of a movie one poster. Use the same elements you used in the wide one, but adjust for a vertical layout.
Oh, and don't forget to add scholars website as well, along with a couple other relevant sites, along with a possible logo or two, like the scholars logo in the bottom corner.

Cloak & Swagger
08-06-2006, 09:13 PM
Also I was checking 911blogger's blog role and I couldn’t find "Cloak & Swagger" , you should ask Dz to add it because it totally gets my vote, the content is even better then the fantastic graphics. Actually maybe you could start doing some graphics etc for 911blogger, that would be very cool. You've got some raw talent man!
I'll look into it, I appreciate your comments and suggestions.
Thank you.

08-06-2006, 09:36 PM
Israel nuked Beirut today, I've got the proof...


08-06-2006, 09:37 PM
That's not even funny....


08-07-2006, 08:42 AM
Thanks DBLS, that site you linked has some good fonts, and they don't appear to be zipped, which makes for less of a hassle when loading them.
As for the Chomsky and 9/11 truth debate pic, I can't say I'd do much to change it.
If I'd change anything, It would be to widen the frame, and behind Chomsky have a pic of at least 3 of the scholars, preferably already in a group standing side by side if possible. I envision them having very serious expressions too, but I think that'd be asking too much.
The font is simple and direct, not too flashy, and that's good.
Something else you might want to consider is doing a vertical one, that's almost the size of a movie one poster. Use the same elements you used in the wide one, but adjust for a vertical layout.
Oh, and don't forget to add scholars website as well, along with a couple other relevant sites, along with a possible logo or two, like the scholars logo in the bottom corner.

Excellent advice dude, thanks!

08-07-2006, 03:36 PM
(Beltman713: I moved this thread to the end of this one because it has, as you can see, already been started.)

Reuters admits altering Beirut photo

Reuters withdraws photograph of Beirut after Air Force attack after US blogs, photographers point out 'blatant evidence of manipulation.' Reuters' head of PR says in response, 'Reuters has suspended photographer until investigations are completed into changes made to photograph.' Photographer who sent altered image is same Reuters photographer behind many of images from Qana, which have also been subject of suspicions for being staged



08-07-2006, 06:09 PM
How did they know it was manipulated? Alls I see is a pic with some smikey bldgs. Then again, I wouldn't know what city it was unless someone told me...

08-07-2006, 06:23 PM
How did they know it was manipulated? Alls I see is a pic with some smikey bldgs. Then again, I wouldn't know what city it was unless someone told me...

.....its the smoke in that first pic that Gold put up. If you have ever used photoshop or fireworks, what was produced in those pictures was probably what my 6 year old would come up with on his first attempt at using the stamp tool.

08-08-2006, 03:50 PM
it kinda looks like a fist

08-08-2006, 03:54 PM
LOL this is what you call fake bullshit designed to make Israel appear as if it's been given a rough time in the media. The "photographer" is probably pro Israeli.

wouldn't it have to pass the Reuters editing department?