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View Full Version : Grassroots Organizing 101 - Chicago Conference - Video Inside

07-27-2006, 09:50 AM
Grassroots Organizing 101 - Chicago Conference
Gabriel Day, Les Jamieson & Jon Gold
Thanks to www.911blogger.com (http://www.911blogger.com/)


Click Here (http://www.911podcasts.com/files/video/ChicagoGrassroots.wmv) (WMV 300MB)
Big thanks to Hummux and Joe Friendly!

This workshop will focus on facilitating personal interaction with fellow citizens as well as group organizing ideas for local actions. We want people to:

Understand the challenges in speaking about the controversial aspects of 9/11
Learn simple talking points
Be able to introduce the information to their relatives, neighbors and co-workers and know the common objections and how to respond
Be able to get people past fear as well as resignation
Be able to explain 9/11 in a historical context as one event in a pattern of events
Be able to explain possible motives as outlined by PNAC
Be able to explain why it's necessary to question the official story
Be able to respond to media in "sound bites"
Be able to make a 2-3 minute presentation at any organization meeting to urge others to get informed and take action
Understand that their role is to:

Get people to realize the official story doesn’t add up, become informed, spread the word, get connected, and take political action
Appeal to organizational leaders to become informed and disseminate the information to their membership
Additionally, with the release of the recent 911Truth.org-commissioned Zogby Poll, we'll look ahead to the next phase of organizing and activism. This will include focus on Citizen's Counter-Coup as a vehicle for monthly action and political activism leading to the mid-term election.