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View Full Version : EXPLOSIVE Breaking News-Intel (NWO) 9/11 WTC Jets

04-03-2005, 08:57 PM
Tom Heneghan
Patriot Federal Whistleblower
Intelligence Briefings


Intelligence Agencies evidence of WHAT ACTUALLY happened on the morning of
9/11 with the WTC jets --

Hear Tom Heneghan's latest EXPLOSIVE April 1st intelligence briefing in the archives at

Cloak and Dagger.ca


04-03-2005, 09:02 PM
That site never works for me... and if it does, it takes forever to load... if possible, could you send me the story, and I'll post it here?

04-04-2005, 12:05 AM

Tom Heneghan's Intelligence Briefings are live radio archived in Cloak and Dagger.ca.

Because of the explosive insider intel briefings C&D is subject to frequent hacking attempts and thus the archives require a subscription, which is only 27 to 41 cents a show - worth every penney.

Tom Heneghan's exclusive insider Intel Briefings expose treason-traitors-tyranny which the Bush/Clinton crime family (NWO) crowd are paying their prostituted media to keep covered up.

You can also hear Tom Heneghan on Floyd Report.com with host Jeremy Floyd every Monday and Tuesday from 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. EST. (free)

Guaranteed you will hear reality to awaken the Sheeple from their slumber.

www.maryschneider.us (http://www.maryschneider.us)

04-04-2005, 02:52 PM
Amy Sasser (asasser@cfl.rr.com)
EXPLOSIVE Breaking News-Intel
Mon Apr 4, 2005 10:41

Mary, Thanks for all you do!!!

I listened to it too. It was awesome!!!!!!!...Time to arrest all those criminals!!! The Bush adminstration and the members of congress who have lied to the American people and who have helped cover up the crimes of 911.

http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?id=149495;article=79698;show_parent =1
