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View Full Version : Quick Summary Of Pakistan's Involvement In The 9/11 Attacks

07-18-2006, 01:02 PM
1. The Pakistani ISI has been funded by the United States and Saudi Arabia for years.

2. Weeks before 9/11, Senator Bob Graham, Representative Porter Goss, and Senator John Kyl fly to Pakistan.

3. Weeks before 9/11, Omar Sheikh, under the direction of Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, wire transfers $100,000 to Mohammad Atta.

4. On the morning of 9/11, Senator Bob Graham, Representative Porter Goss, and Senator John Kyl have breakfast in Washington D.C. with Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, the head of the Pakistani ISI. The same man who ordered the wire transfer of $100,000 to Mohammad Atta.

5. A few weeks after 9/11, it is reported on the online version of the Wall Street Journal that Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad ordered $100,000 wire transferred to Mohammad Atta.

6. A few weeks after the news of the wire transfer, Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad is sacked from his position.

7. Senator Bob Graham and Representative Porter Goss were in charge of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11.

8. Daniel Pearl, a Wall Street journal reporter, is alleged to have been on the trail of the $100,000 wire transfer. Omar Sheikh, the man Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad ordered to wire transfer the money, is the prime suspect in the murder of Daniel Pearl.

9. The Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 released a report with 28 redacted pages.

10. Family member Bill Doyle claims he heard from a source that part of the information in those 28 redacted pages refers to the United States' financing of the Pakistani ISI.

11. It has been alleged that the 9/11 Commissioners were bribed by a Pakistani Lobbying group not to mention Pakistan's involvement in the attacks of 9/11.

12. The 9/11 Report neglected to mention any of Pakistan's involvement in the attacks of 9/11.

13. Pakistan is a CLOSE ally of the United States in the so-called, "War On Terror".

14. When confronted about the $100,000 wire transfer, 9/11 Commissioner Thomas Kean denied any knowledge of the transfer, even though it was on the list of questions submitted by the 9/11 Family Steering Committee.

07-29-2006, 12:11 AM
Good info.

07-29-2006, 12:13 AM
Me learn thing from reading.