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07-13-2006, 12:35 PM
Fox Crew Shot At In Israel
-rawstory http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/Fox_crew_shot_at_in_Israel_0713.html

MILLER: ...and despite this action in Gaza City, targeting the Foreign Ministry building that is all but gutted at this hour, militants in Gaza today did continue to launch rockets from the northern part of the strip, over the border into nearby Israeli towns and... whoa! We just go fired at. That's the end of this [broadcast], I think. I don't know if you guys can still hear us.

HOST: Go... Do what you need to do.

MILLER: I guess we're still on the satellite here.

HOST: David, do what you need to do to be...

MILLER: someone... fire at us.

HOST: Where... Where...


HOST: [unintelligible]

MILLER: You see the camera shot don't you guys?

HOST: Right. Get into a safe place.

MILLER: I think... It sounded... Yeah, we're actually hunkered down behind our vehicle... it's difficult to ascertain who fired that shot. A single shot but...

HOST: It's ok.

MILLER: Oh, someone's firing. I think we are going to boogie out of here. I... but as we do that -- before we just rush into the car, we don't want to make any sudden movements here. We're going to get into the vehicle guys.

HOST: Ok. Hold on... David, David, get in the car. Get in the car. Go. We'll come back to you later.

MILLER: We're going to get into the vehicle guys. Get in the vehicle... We're in the... You know... Ok, it's difficult to tell who's firing at us. Again, I don't know if we're still up on the satellite.

HOST: David, is that an armored car?

MILLER: Overhead we can, over... We're in an armored car. That affords us a great degree of protection. Another concern that we do have in this location, is that overhead, we can hear off in the distance -- again, it's difficult to ascertain how far in the distance -- an Israeli drone aircraft. And it is from those aircraft that the Israelis have launched a number of airstrikes. So, that is an additional concern that we have broadcasting from this location. So, again, I don't know how far away that gun fire was. If it was Israeli gunfire it's difficult for us to say. It could just be someone with a weapon. For the most part, the area we're talking to you from is deserted. We still have that camera picture up and there is no one in sight here in front of us. The road is complete empty the buildings are abandoned. On the left side of your screen, just out of camera range, is one of the abandoned Israeli settlements. There is absolutely no one, no one that we can detect. So, at this time what I'd like to do is communicate with my photographer and see if we can get him to safety.... Pierre, are we going to get in the vehicle here and very slowly but deliberately leave the area. Ok, that said... We still hear shots... We're going to take our camera down, guys, and we're going to talk to you from a safer position. We're going to go.