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07-03-2006, 10:17 PM
Happy Birthday America


This is the first fourth of July where I've felt ashamed of my country. I don't like this feeling.

07-03-2006, 10:43 PM
The other day at a store, one of the employees there asked me what I would be doing on the 4th and wished me a good holiday.

I could only manage to shrug my shoulders and smile as the shame of it all ran through me and left me feeling quite sad.

On a good note, I am proud of you, and many others that don’t require naming at this time.

07-03-2006, 11:25 PM
I hope Trader Joe's isn't packed tommorow. Need to buy some food and don't wanna drive around looking for a good spot.

07-03-2006, 11:27 PM
And as far as being ashamed of America goes. America is still America. When I walk down the street it's still the same as it was last year, the year before, and the year before that. Only the politics is different, hasnt seemed to effect anything around my block.

07-04-2006, 06:02 AM
I tell ya, I love America and the concept it represents. Who I'm ashamed of is myself and all the American people that allowed this country to be hijacked by these assholes. I have no desire to go and watch people who think they are free eat icees and watch the bright flashing lights. I have decided I'm going into the mountains today, where there are no people, and just have a nice quiet day. They're predicting thunderstorms for my area, and THAT will be my fireworks. Well, that and the rockets that I bought in PA that I'm gonna shoot at eagles!!! (kidding)

07-04-2006, 12:27 PM
i think you should just celebrate anyway. i mean it's the politicians that suck. most of american thinks that too we just have no knowledge of what to do about it. most is "fixed" at this point anyway. bought by big corporations with payoffs. the little people are still what makes america good.

07-04-2006, 01:08 PM
What's so different between this year and the last?

Personally, I respect the Constitution and many - or, should I say, most - of my fellow citizens. The problem is the elite we allow to have power - which, of course, to some degree or other is the result of action or inaction on the part of all citizens.

07-04-2006, 04:41 PM
i finally got off of work and ran down to one of those fireworks stands... we're eating ribs and shootin' fireworks tonight!

07-04-2006, 07:12 PM
And as far as being ashamed of America goes. America is still America. When I walk down the street it's still the same as it was last year, the year before, and the year before that. Only the politics is different, hasnt seemed to effect anything around my block.

Now we're hated, and the American people, as a whole, haven't really done anything about it. We are seen as empirical around the world. Around the block differences can be seen at the Gas Station, or in New Orleans, etc...

07-04-2006, 07:14 PM
i think you should just celebrate anyway. i mean it's the politicians that suck. most of american thinks that too we just have no knowledge of what to do about it. most is "fixed" at this point anyway. bought by big corporations with payoffs. the little people are still what makes america good.

Robert Bowman made a point at his speech in Chicago. In the 50's, families were able to live on one income. Today, you need two incomes just to "get by". Things are changing in America, and Americans haven't done enough to stop it. The little people are what's needed.

07-04-2006, 11:25 PM
Robert Bowman made a point at his speech in Chicago. In the 50's, families were able to live on one income. Today, you need two incomes just to "get by". Things are changing in America, and Americans haven't done enough to stop it. The little people are what's needed.
the little people don't know what to do... and personally i don't think they see a hope of even doing something anything changing.

07-04-2006, 11:25 PM
i do agree with you that there's no way to live on one income right now if you're a little person...

07-05-2006, 03:13 AM
Yes, lotsa things about America suck. But I sincerely believe that those elitist white male slave-owning dudes back in 1776 set in motion what was to become a fantastic experiment in human liberty. That's why the current situation bums me out as much as it does: if we go down (into fascism, no freedom of speech, etc.) something potentially very valuable to all human beings will be lost.

I had an incredible dinner at the home of some Bangladeshi immigrants a few years ago. That is, the food was awesome, but the conversation was really eye-opening to me. The host, all of whose teeth had been knocked out when he was imprisoned by the government during the war for independence from Pakistan, took a special interest in making me aware of the particular liberty I enjoy as a female American. Women in the US, he said, have no idea of their privilege relative to women in many parts of the world, especially the developing world. And he didn't say it in some weird chauvinist way -- on the contrary, he wanted to make sure I knew how happy he was that his wife could come to the US.

So yeah, if we could just take care of some of our pesky problems (imperialism, war-mongering, rule by secrecy, etc) I would be proud to be an American.

07-05-2006, 12:22 PM
Yes, lotsa things about America suck. But I sincerely believe that those elitist white male slave-owning dudes back in 1776 set in motion what was to become a fantastic experiment in human liberty. That's why the current situation bums me out as much as it does: if we go down (into fascism, no freedom of speech, etc.) something potentially very valuable to all human beings will be lost.

I had an incredible dinner at the home of some Bangladeshi immigrants a few years ago. That is, the food was awesome, but the conversation was really eye-opening to me. The host, all of whose teeth had been knocked out when he was imprisoned by the government during the war for independence from Pakistan, took a special interest in making me aware of the particular liberty I enjoy as a female American. Women in the US, he said, have no idea of their privilege relative to women in many parts of the world, especially the developing world. And he didn't say it in some weird chauvinist way -- on the contrary, he wanted to make sure I knew how happy he was that his wife could come to the US.

So yeah, if we could just take care of some of our pesky problems (imperialism, war-mongering, rule by secrecy, etc) I would be proud to be an American.

i realize i have a lot of freedoms i wouldn't normally have anywhere else. that is why i like america... plus look how much we've changed just from the 50's. everyone can eat in the same restraunts now and drink from the same waterfountains. i wasn't alive back then but i have watched documentaries... how about the bus's and black people not being able to sit when a white person wanted to. lots of things have changed about the state of america. right now i think is the best time to have been here. even if our politicians aren't always truthful in what's going on.