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01-17-2005, 08:28 PM

Around 9 months ago, I read on www.911CitizensWatch.org that an DOJ/INS Whistleblower named Mary Schneider was suing John Ashcroft for covering up something to do with 9/11. From March 2003 until March 2005, she was an employee of the renamed INS under DHS/CIS which is Department of Homeland Security, Citizenship and Immigration Services. In March of 2005, she was fired for Whistleblowing.

Here is her story.


Then, I started to read EVERY story about Mary Schneider. Here they are that I know of.


Then, based on those stories, I started to look up the names of individuals by going to a site I know of called www.ussearch.com. This site will at least verify the existence of the individuals, and also give the locations of where they've lived.

I looked up the following names.

Christine Sharritt, Lyazid Abad, Khalil Bin Laden, Mary Schneider, Donald Appignani, Bonnie Sharritt, and an FBI Agent named, Kimberly Mertz.

Here are those findings.

This shows the existence of Christine Sharritt, and confirms that she was in the Army.


This shows that Christine lived in Florida.


This was a letter Mary sent me. Note the date is March, 5th, 2001.


I blew up the image, sorry if it's a little fuzzy, I wanted to get the name of the individual who sent it, Kimberly Mertz.


You'll see that there are two instances of her living in San Diego, CA, and Arlington, VA. 2 of the hijackers lived in San Diego, and Arlington VA is a hop, skip, and a jump from FBI Headquarters. I don't know, and can't confirm whether or not Kimberly had anything to do with them, I just thought it was VERY interesting.

Then I looked up her lawyer, Donald Appignani. This confirmed that he lived in Florida.


These stories about him confirm that he's a lawyer:


So, I gave him a call, and spoke to him on the phone, and have occasionally talked to him online. He says she's EXTREMELY credible, and also believes George W. Bush knew about 9/11.

At this point, she seemed credible enough. So, I went to her website, and emailed her. The following word attachment is our first conversations.

Click Here (http://home.comcast.net/~gold9472/Mary_Letters.doc)

Since, she and I have become close friends. I started reading EVERYTHING on her website. Then, I thought, I need proof that Khalil Bin Laden was flown out of the country during those flights approved by the White House. Oddly enough, I came across one on Senator Frank Lautenberg's website. Here is that address:


Here is the actual flight manifest:


I couldn't find anything on Khalil Bin Laden on www.ussearch.com, so I started looking for news articles with his name. There's a million of them on the web, but here's one.


Then I tried to verify his florida home in Winter Garden, Florida.


That's pretty much it. I have, however, maintained a friendship with Mary, and she has recently appeared on several radio stations down south. I told her the news about the Howard Stern Bulletin boards, and she wrote this:

Jon and Forum members,

This is NOT a joke, it is NOT a hoax - I have been fighting this every day for over six years, alone, without support.

It is CRITICALLY serious - we can loose America as we know it if the American People do not AWAKEN to this insane, out of control, insidious corruption and the on-going TREASON within their very own government by officials willing to sell us out down the river. Our very own employees, accountable to you and I, the Taxpayers, using our hard earned tax dollars to place this nation, our home and personal safety and security in danger.

Their is much, much more treason beyond imagination than what I have been trying to expose -- seek the truth out on the internet and listen to your own intuition to know that which is true, false or exaggerated.

It continues unabated, as our constitutional freedoms are eroded, because so many Americans are in a dazed state, running to and fro in their daily worlds, accepting whatever treasonous officials and prostituted media tell them without seeking the truth for themselves.

We all have different levels of understanding and many different perspectives based on our life's experiences - that is why concern and respect for one another is so vitally important -- we may not agree with each other's opinions, but still respect the person.

I admire anyone today that is courageous and righteous in bringing out the truth to The People, it is not easy -- this includes truths Howard Stern speaks.

Don't be so quick to discount that which sounds incredulous. The American People need to get their heads out of the sand and WAKE UP before it is too late. Some define this as the "sheeple" who are asleep to the truth, following blindly like sheep.

Many jokingly refer to "Big Brother" but don't realize how serious and true it is. Those who care deeply for this nation, America the Beautiful, so richly blessed by God, and care deeply for one another, need to not watch the movie, but actually read George Orwell's book '1984' and understand the very real existence of "newspeak"/"doublespeak" in our society and media today.

Is is not BIZARRE that you and I and our 80 year old grandmothers can be strip searched and harassed at any time to get on a plane, yet our very own officials in both the Executive and Legislative Branches knowingly allow the treasonous aiding and abetting of illegal Muslims!

If one of the illegal Muslims in a felony fraud cases I intercepted, which was removed surreptitiously from my office after hours, was involved with Mohammed Atta and Khalil bin Laden, how many more of the hundreds and hundreds they have aided and abetted for well over six years - it is still .

If The American People can fully understand that I have put EVERYTHING on the line in trying to protect Our America the Beautiful from further impending attacks, to preserve your and my God-given Constitutional Freedoms in the America as we want it to be, with liberty and respect for one another, and to prevent or at the very least minimize further shedding of the blood of Our Beloved Americans and other innocents.

If there were not such truth and substance to what I have been fighting to expose and stop for the past six and a half years, at a very dear price to myself, then the powers that be would not have gone to such great lengths to assure a WORLDWIDE MEDIA BLACKOUT of investigative journalist Tom Flocco's articles to prevent the American People and Peoples around the world, including innocent Muslims, from learning of the whistleblower documents posted on my web site exposing these extensive, treasonous briberies and cover upconspiracies, from Orlando to Washington, D.C. to the highest levels of our government.

For those who know within that these are truths, if you are so inspired, I respectfully ask that you forward/email Tom Flocco and my website urls to as many as possible and ask them to do so also, as the internet/email appears the only source at this time to Warn and Awaken the American People; perhaps that is why the royal elite are itching for the feds to control and police internet content!

May God bless, protect and guide ALL righteous endeavors.



***Keep in mind that some who disagree and argue may actually be the very corrupt officials themselves - you know, damage control, shoot and malign the messenger, twist the truth to detract from the substance... How many decades have we seen this? Is it enough?


In August 2004, the 9/11 Commission released an addendum to their report. In that addendum, it stated:

"The commission states that all the Saudi nationals were screened by the FBI to make certain they were not a threat to national security, and that no terrorists escaped from the United States on any of the Saudi flights."


According to Richard Clarke during his testimony at both the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the 9/11 Commission Hearings, he stated the following:

“Now, what I recall is that I asked for flight manifests of everyone on board and all of those names need to be directly and individually vetted by the FBI before they were allowed to leave the country.* And I also wanted the FBI to sign off even on the concept of Saudis being allowed to leave the country. And as I recall, all of that was done. It is true that members of the Bin Laden family were among those who left.* We knew that at the time. I can't say much more in open session, but it was a conscious decision with complete review at the highest levels of the State Department and the FBI and the White House.” Testimony of Richard Clarke, Former Counterterrorism Chief, National Security Council, before The Senate Judiciary Committee, September 3, 2003."

“I was making or coordinating a lot of decisions on 9/11 and the days immediately after.* And I would love to be able to tell you who did it, who brought this proposal to me, but I don't know.* Since you pressed me, the two possibilities that are most likely are either the Department of State, or the White House Chief of Staff's Office. But I don't know.”* Testimony of Richard A. Clarke before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, March 24, 2004."

This means that the White House or the Department of State gave approval for a known terrorist to leave the country, essentially aiding and abetting a terrorist.

Bob Graham appeared on "Hardball", and stated that the Bush Administration "Covered-Up" Saudi involvement.

Now you tell me. What am I supposed to think?

If after reading this, you become interested in "9/11 Truth", I highly recommend these books.

"A New Pearl Harbor" by David Ray Griffin
"Crossing The Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil" by Michael C. Ruppert
"9/11 Report: Omissions & Distortions" by David Ray Griffin
"Day Of Deceit" by Robert Stinnet

I recommend the following movies:

"The Truth & Lies About 9/11" which is a presentation given by Michael C. Ruppert at Portland State University in November, 2001, two months after 9/11.

"Hijacking Catastrophe" which is about HOW the Bush Administration used 9/11 to further their political needs.

"The Great Conspiracy" which is the best summation I've seen to date in regards to ALL aspects of 9/11. Barrie Zwicker produced this film.

"Fahrenheit 9/11" which is a good movie to get people started in their 9/11 research, and appeals more to people's morals then their sense of logic, which Michael C. Ruppert EXCELS at.

I recommend the following sites which are endorsed by the families and ex and CURRENT FBI, CIA, NSA employees speaking out against the corruption in the government.


I also recommend:

www.fromthewilderness.com (Michael C. Ruppert's website, MOUNDS AND MOUNDS AND MOUNDS OF DOCUMENTATION AND STORIES)

Here's a movie at me on September 11th, 2004 in Washington D.C. at the "9/11 People's Commission". I was fortunate enough to get the first question.

Click Here (http://home.comcast.net/~gold9472/911Jon.mov)

As I've said before, this goes BEYOND Democrat or Republican. This is some scary shit. We have to face it as a people. If we don't, then they've won, and all the people who died on 9/11, and the soldiers who've died for money since died for NOTHING.


Remember, the "9/11 Truth Movement" should be unified towards one goal. For me, that has always been absolute truth, and absolute accountability. Don't focus on the "inner wars" that take place within the movement about who's right, and who's wrong. The truth is, we don't know what happened on 9/11. If we knew, we would come forward with that information.

However, we DO KNOW beyond the shadow of a doubt, that there are evils working within our Government that have been in place for YEARS. They no longer serve the people, but the corporate entities doing business in the United States. We DO KNOW that our Government LIED in their "9/11 Report". We KNOW that. We also know that 9/11 has been used as an "Opportunity". Donald Rumsfeld said so himself.

We ALSO have 1000's of UNANSWERED questions that need to be addressed.

No one knows everything. Only together may we find the truth.

"A True Patriot Is Someone Who Loves Their Country All The Time, And Loves Their Government When It Deserves It"
Mark Twain

01-31-2005, 09:07 AM
Uh huh... thanks.
Thanks for everything you do man...

01-31-2005, 10:11 AM
Images, Flight Manifest, and Movie Available At Request

Around 4 months ago, I read on www.911CitizensWatch.org (http://www.911citizenswatch.org/) that an DOJ/INS Whistleblower named Mary Schneider was suing John Ashcroft for covering up something to do with 9/11. Since March 2003, she has been an employee of the renamed INS under DHS/CIS which is Department of Homeland Security, Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Here was that story.


Then, I started to read EVERY story about Mary Schneider. Here they are that I know of.


Then, based on those stories, I started to look up the names of individuals by going to a site I know of called www.ussearch.com (http://www.ussearch.com/). This site will at least verify the existence of the individuals, and also give the locations of where they've lived.

I looked up the following names.

Christine Sharritt, Lyazid Abad, Khalil Bin Laden, Mary Schneider, Donald Appignani, Bonnie Sharritt, and an FBI Agent named, Kimberly Mertz.

Here are those findings.

This shows the existence of Christine Sharritt, and confirms that she was in the Army.

This shows that Christine lived in Florida.

This was a letter Mary sent me. Note the date is March, 5th, 2001.

I blew up the image, sorry if it's a little fuzzy, I wanted to get the name of the individual who sent it, Kimberly Mertz.

You'll see that there are two instances of her living in San Diego, CA, and Arlington, VA. 2 of the hijackers lived in San Diego, and Arlington VA is a hop, skip, and a jump from FBI Headquarters. I don't know, and can't confirm whether or not Kimberly had anything to do with them, I just thought it was VERY interesting.

Then I looked up her lawyer, Donald Appignani. This confirmed that he lived in Florida.

These stories about him confirm that he's a lawyer:


So, I gave him a call, and spoke to him on the phone, and have occasionally talked to him online. He says she's EXTREMELY credible, and also believes George W. Bush knew about 9/11.

At this point, she seemed credible enough. So, I went to her website, and emailed her. The following word attachment is our first conversations.

Since, she and I have become close friends. I started reading EVERYTHING on her website. Then, I thought, I need proof that Khalil Bin Laden was flown out of the country during those flights approved by the White House. Oddly enough, I came across one on Senator Frank Lautenberg's website. Here is that address:


Even more astounding, the flight manifest is no longer there. Luckily, I managed to save it.

I couldn't find anything on Khalil Bin Laden on www.ussearch.com (http://www.ussearch.com/), so I started looking for news articles with his name. There's a million of them on the web, but here's one.


Then I tried to verify his florida home in Winter Garden, Florida.


That's pretty much it. I have, however, maintained a friendship with Mary, and she has recently appeared on several radio stations down south. I told her the news about the Howard Stern Bulletin boards, and she wrote this:

Jon and Forum members,

This is NOT a joke, it is NOT a hoax - I have been fighting this every day for over six years, alone, without support.

It is CRITICALLY serious - we can loose America as we know it if the American People do not AWAKEN to this insane, out of control, insidious corruption and the on-going TREASON within their very own government by officials willing to sell us out down the river. Our very own employees, accountable to you and I, the Taxpayers, using our hard earned tax dollars to place this nation, our home and personal safety and security in danger.

Their is much, much more treason beyond imagination than what I have been trying to expose -- seek the truth out on the internet and listen to your own intuition to know that which is true, false or exaggerated.

It continues unabated, as our constitutional freedoms are eroded, because so many Americans are in a dazed state, running to and fro in their daily worlds, accepting whatever treasonous officials and prostituted media tell them without seeking the truth for themselves.

We all have different levels of understanding and many different perspectives based on our life's experiences - that is why concern and respect for one another is so vitally important -- we may not agree with each other's opinions, but still respect the person.

I admire anyone today that is courageous and righteous in bringing out the truth to The People, it is not easy -- this includes truths Howard Stern speaks.

Don't be so quick to discount that which sounds incredulous. The American People need to get their heads out of the sand and WAKE UP before it is too late. Some define this as the "sheeple" who are asleep to the truth, following blindly like sheep.

Many jokingly refer to "Big Brother" but don't realize how serious and true it is. Those who care deeply for this nation, America the Beautiful, so richly blessed by God, and care deeply for one another, need to not watch the movie, but actually read George Orwell's book '1984' and understand the very real existence of "newspeak"/"doublespeak" in our society and media today.

Is is not BIZARRE that you and I and our 80 year old grandmothers can be strip searched and harassed at any time to get on a plane, yet our very own officials in both the Executive and Legislative Branches knowingly allow the treasonous aiding and abetting of illegal Muslims!

If one of the illegal Muslims in a felony fraud cases I intercepted, which was removed surreptitiously from my office after hours, was involved with Mohammed Atta and Khalil bin Laden, how many more of the hundreds and hundreds they have aided and abetted for well over six years - it is still .

If The American People can fully understand that I have put EVERYTHING on the line in trying to protect Our America the Beautiful from further impending attacks, to preserve your and my God-given Constitutional Freedoms in the America as we want it to be, with liberty and respect for one another, and to prevent or at the very least minimize further shedding of the blood of Our Beloved Americans and other innocents.

If there were not such truth and substance to what I have been fighting to expose and stop for the past six and a half years, at a very dear price to myself, then the powers that be would not have gone to such great lengths to assure a WORLDWIDE MEDIA BLACKOUT of investigative journalist Tom Flocco's articles to prevent the American People and Peoples around the world, including innocent Muslims, from learning of the whistleblower documents posted on my web site exposing these extensive, treasonous briberies and cover upconspiracies, from Orlando to Washington, D.C. to the highest levels of our government.

For those who know within that these are truths, if you are so inspired, I respectfully ask that you forward/email Tom Flocco and my website urls to as many as possible and ask them to do so also, as the internet/email appears the only source at this time to Warn and Awaken the American People; perhaps that is why the royal elite are itching for the feds to control and police internet content!

May God bless, protect and guide ALL righteous endeavors.



***Keep in mind that some who disagree and argue may actually be the very corrupt officials themselves - you know, damage control, shoot and malign the messenger, twist the truth to detract from the substance... How many decades have we seen this? Is it enough?


About a month ago, the 9/11 Commission released an addendum to their report. In that addendum, it stated:

"The commission states that all the Saudi nationals were screened by the FBI to make certain they were not a threat to national security, and that no terrorists escaped from the United States on any of the Saudi flights."


According to Richard Clarke during his testimony at both the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the 9/11 Commission Hearings, he stated the following:

“Now, what I recall is that I asked for flight manifests of everyone on board and all of those names need to be directly and individually vetted by the FBI before they were allowed to leave the country.* And I also wanted the FBI to sign off even on the concept of Saudis being allowed to leave the country. And as I recall, all of that was done. It is true that members of the Bin Laden family were among those who left.* We knew that at the time. I can't say much more in open session, but it was a conscious decision with complete review at the highest levels of the State Department and the FBI and the White House.” Testimony of Richard Clarke, Former Counterterrorism Chief, National Security Council, before The Senate Judiciary Committee, September 3, 2003."
“I was making or coordinating a lot of decisions on 9/11 and the days immediately after.* And I would love to be able to tell you who did it, who brought this proposal to me, but I don't know.* Since you pressed me, the two possibilities that are most likely are either the Department of State, or the White House Chief of Staff's Office. But I don't know.”* Testimony of Richard A. Clarke before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, March 24, 2004."

This means that the White House or the Department of State gave approval for a known terrorist to leave the country, essentially aiding and abetting a terrorist.

Bob Graham recently stated that the Bush Administration "Covered-Up" Saudi involvement.

Now you tell me. What am I supposed to think?

I have posted NUMEROUS threads on www.howardstern.com (http://www.howardstern.com/) under the name Gold9472.

If after reading this, you become interested in "9/11 Truth", I highly recommend these books.

"A New Pearl Harbor" by David Ray Griffin
"Crossing The Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil" by Michael C. Ruppert
"Day Of Deceit" by Robert Stinnet

I recommend the following movies:

"The Truth & Lies About 9/11" which is a presentation given by Michael C. Ruppert at Portland State University in November, 2001, two months after 9/11.

"Hijacking Catastrophe" which is about HOW the Bush Administration used 9/11 to further their political needs.

"Fahrenheit 9/11" which is a good movie to get people started in their 9/11 research, and appeals more to people's morals then their sense of logic, which Michael C. Ruppert EXCELS at.

I recommend the following sites which are endorsed by the families and ex and CURRENT FBI, CIA, NSA employees speaking out against the corruption in the government.

www.911truth.org (http://www.911truth.org/)
www.911CitizensWatch.org (http://www.911citizenswatch.org/)

I also recommend:

www.alternet.org (http://www.alternet.org/)
www.fromthewilderness.com (http://www.fromthewilderness.com/) (Michael C. Ruppert's website, MOUNDS AND MOUNDS AND MOUNDS OF DOCUMENTATION AND STORIES)
www.michaelmoore.com (http://www.michaelmoore.com/) (Hey, he's got a lot of stuff on there)

Here's a movie at me on September 11th, 2004 in Washington D.C. at the "9/11 People's Commission". I was fortunate enough to get the first question.

As I've said before, this goes BEYOND Democrat or Republican. This is some scary shit. We have to face it as a people. If we don't, then they've won, and all the people who died on 9/11, and the soldiers who've died for money since died for NOTHING.


"A True Patriot Is Someone Who Loves Their Country All The Time, And Loves Their Government When It Deserves It"
Mark Twain

Very Sincerely Yours,


I am consistently amazed at what one person can do ... What you have researched and complied here is amazing ... and I'm sure you have more and are continuing your work.

Imagine if we as a whole could be as effective as you as an individual ...

01-31-2005, 01:50 PM
I am consistently amazed at what one person can do ... What you have researched and complied here is amazing ... and I'm sure you have more and are continuing your work.

Imagine if we as a whole could be as effective as you as an individual ...

I appreciate your sentiment, but what have I actually accomplished? Nothing has changed... You are right though... we need MORE people speaking out against the corruption. If for anything, our futures.

01-31-2005, 03:47 PM
I appreciate your sentiment, but what have I actually accomplished? Nothing has changed... You are right though... we need MORE people speaking out against the corruption. If for anything, our futures.

sometimes finding the truth is more than half the battle. now comes eduation and recruitment ...

not for our futures, for my (and everyone's) bbs futures. They deserve that much from us ...

04-11-2005, 12:56 PM

Reference this "Tits McGee, FBI-retired" comment.

Sounds like he is still on the FBI 'cover up' payroll as a dis-information spinmister.

I have lived this 24/7 for over seven years now. YES, at the time I started reporting this TREASON there was an Al Qaeda cell operating in Orlando, Florida, reported in the media and by internationally-renowned terrorism expert Steven Emerson.

YES, these traitorous officials did surreptitiously removed illegal Muslims felony fraud sham marriages cases from my office at night after hours, which were then criminally approved or never denied.

YES, these traitorous officials engaged in FELONY obstruction of justice and criminally destroyed VITAL incriminating evidence in the form of videotapes interviewed which documented these illegal Muslims felony fraud sham marriages.

YES, these traitorous officials engaged in FELONY impersonation of myself, a Federal Officer, in harassing phone calls to the public, illegally tampered with documented evidence in my desk computer, illegally broke into my security safe and destroyed my locked metal box containing my high security approval stamp and engaged in GROSS criminal misconduct and GROSS abuse of power in continuing harassment and intimidation of outside informants and myself.


05-28-2005, 11:50 AM
http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2127 (http://showthread.php?t=2127)

Mary, please watch this. You're not going to believe it. I just found out about it last night, and I still can't believe it.

On March 4th, 2001, Fox aired the "Pilot Episode" of "The Lone Gunmen". The actual episode was filmed in January 2000. Please watch it because you're just not going to believe it.





To: Various undisclosed email list

Thanks Jon,

Although I shouldn't be, I am utterly speechless. Just six months prior to 9/11, an exact "wag the dog" 9/11 scenario of a plane flying into the WTC for arms sales on FOX TV show.

But, for those of us who are awake and aware, we all know it is massive genocide for the traitors-treason-tyranny of the Bush-Millman-Clinton-British monarchy-CFR-[ultra private non-government, great misnomer] Federal Reserve-Tri Lateral Commission-Rothschilds-Rockefellers-Kissinger-Answar ben Shari-Bilderberg satanic illuminati new world order criminal traitor cabal elite's OIL DERIVATIVES.

Read or re-read George Orwell's book '1984' and you will find the elite's Big Brother complete control of the People through newsspeak/doublespeak, re-writing facts, total control of what the People would or would not be told.

The only way these traitors-treason-tryanny criminal cabal have done any of this is through control of the traitorous conspirators in the 'prostituted' MSM covering up the truth from We, the People .

TRUTH is POWER. Please share and forward to anyone and everyone, and ask them to share and forward.

See latest posting at:


If you have not yet, JOIN the American-French Alliance (AFA) in SAVING AMERICA. Contact your Constitutional rights law-abiding State Militias.

The AFA Busts NYC Biochem Terrorist Cell

The AFA, exposing and stopping traitors-treason-tryanny covered up by conspiratorial traitors in the 'prostituted' MSM.

The AFA taking action NOW for Re-Implementation of the U.S. Constitution and to ensure the protection of the very essence of our Charters of Freedom. http://www.stewwebb.com (http://www.stewwebb.com/)

American-French Alliance (AFA)
Intelligence Briefings

every Monday and Tuesday

8 p.m. EST

http://www.truthradio.com (http://www.truthradio.com/)

Secret Document Discussing Plans for 9/11

Illegally Fired
Federal Whistleblower
http://www.maryschneider.us (http://www.maryschneider.us/)

09-22-2005, 01:58 PM

09-22-2005, 03:38 PM


04-26-2007, 08:44 AM
Khalil bin Laden, who boarded a plane in Orlando that eventually took him back to Saudi Arabia, won the attention of Brazilian investigators for possible terrorist connections. According to a Brazilian paper, he had business connections in the Brazilian province of Minas Gerais, not far from the tri-border region, an alleged center for training terrorists. [Craig Unger "Saving The Saudis" Vanity Fair, 10/2003]

04-26-2007, 06:39 PM
This is an oldie but a goodie. what a brave ass woman...

08-16-2007, 07:30 AM
U.S. agents accused of aiding Islamist scheme


By Sara Carter
August 15, 2007

A criminal investigations report says several U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services employees are accused of aiding Islamic extremists with identification fraud and of exploiting the visa system for personal gain.

The confidential 2006 USCIS report said that despite the severity of the potential security breaches, most are not investigated "due to lack of resources" in the agency's internal affairs department.

"Two District Adjudications Officers are allegedly involved with known (redacted) Islam terrorist members," said the internal document obtained by The Washington Times.

The group "was responsible for numerous robberies and used the heist money to fund terrorist activities. The District Adjudications Officers made numerous DHS database queries to track (Alien)-File movement and check on the applicants' status for (redacted) members and associates."

According to the document, other potential security failures include reports that:

Employees are sharing detailed information on internal security measures with people outside the agency.

A Lebanese citizen bribed an immigration officer with airline tickets for visa benefits.

A USCIS officer in Harlington, Texas, sold immigration documents for $10,000 to as many as 20 people.

A USCIS employee, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal, said many of the complaints in the multipage document are as many as three years old.

"Terrorists need immigration documents to embed in our society and work here without raising alarm bells," said the employee.

"Whether through bribing an immigration officer, an employee with the department of motor vehicles, or utilizing highly effective counterfeit documents produced by the Mexican drug cartels. They are always looking for that documentation to live amongst us."

Bill Wright, spokesman with USCIS, said that he could not comment on any ongoing investigations but that USCIS "takes all internal allegations seriously."

"The investigations that are referenced are ongoing investigations that we can not comment on," Mr. Wright told The Times. "We take all of these allegations seriously, and we are acting on them. For anyone to suggest that they are ignored is blatantly wrong."

In March, USCIS established the Office of Security and Integrity to investigate internal corruption.

"We'd like to clean up our own house first," Mr. Wright said.

The office would add 65 investigators and internal-review specialists, for a total of 245 employees and contract employees, but none of the new 65 vacancies approved in March has been filled.

Last week, The Times disclosed a confidential DEA report substantiating the link between Islamic extremists and Mexican drug cartels. The 2005 DEA report states that Middle Eastern operatives, in U.S. sleeper cells, are working in conjunction with the cartels to fund terrorist organizations overseas. Several lawmakers promised congressional hearings based on the information disclosed in the DEA documents.

The DEA report also stated that Middle Eastern extremists living in the U.S. — who speak Spanish, Arabic and Hebrew fluently — are posing as Hispanic nationals.

USCIS Director Emilio Gonzalez in March told Congress that he could not establish how many terror suspects or persons of special interest have been granted immigration benefits.

"While USCIS has in place strong background check and adjudication suspension policies to avoid granting status to known terror risks, it is possible for USCIS to grant status to an individual before a risk is known, or when the security risk is not identified through standard background checks," said a statement provided to lawmakers.

"USCIS is not in a position to quantify all cases in which this may have happened. Recognizing that there may be presently known terror risks in the ranks of those who have obtained status previously."

Mr. Gonzalez's response, along with the 2006 USCIS document obtained by The Times, show a "pattern of national security failures that have put the nation at risk," the agency source said.

Another investigation involved more than seven USCIS and Immigration and Custom's Enforcement (ICE) employees — including special agents and senior district managers — who were moving contraband via "diplomatic pouches" to the United States from China.

ICE — the original investigating agency — downgraded the criminal investigation to a managerial problem, and the case was never prosecuted, a source close to the investigation said.

12-15-2007, 10:29 AM
Gold9472 quoted from Washington Times:

"While USCIS has in place strong background check and adjudication suspension policies to avoid granting status to known terror risks, it is possible for USCIS to grant status to an individual before a risk is known, or when the security risk is not identified through standard background checks," said a statement provided to lawmakers.
After 9/11/2001, the USCIS (formerly the INS), began to increase the volume and scope of background checks, mainly for security purposes. Millions of applications routinely get security clearance without incident. USCIS applicants, however, and their immigrant advocates, have been very concerned about processing delays, pointing to individual examples of applicants waiting a year or longer for adjudication, due to slow background checks.

The USCIS generally uses a three-tier background check approach, although they are allowed to use a number of other investigative techniques and resources if deemed necessary:

• The Interagency Border Inspection System (IBIS) Name Check—IBIS has a multiagency, central system that collects information from multiple sources and then compiles data to assess national security risks, public safety law enforcement issues. IBIS checks are usually instant. From there, either applicants are disqualified or further investigation takes place. The IBIS check is not considered complete until any eligibility questions or issues arising from the system response have been resolved.

• FBI Fingerprint Check—The FBI fingerprints many applicants for a variety of routine reasons. The fingerprint check determines whether any U.S. criminal record exists on the applicant. This check tends to take 24-48 hours. If a match is found, the FBI transmits a digital copy of the criminal record (RAP sheet) to the USCIS. A USCIS adjudicator then determines whether eligibility is still possible or not. Some 10 percent of applicants are found to either have a criminal history or previous immigration violations that make them ineligible for a green card.

When an applicant has been arrested and charges have been dropped, a case dismissed, or the offender has been found not guilty, the USCIS requires certified evidence of the disposition. Providing such details with the initial application can prevent unnecessary delays later. Misrepresentation (e.g., lying, or lying by omission) on an application could result in a denial that might have been avoidable. Even vacated or expunged convictions must be reported.

• FBI Name Checks—The FBI name check is not related to the fingerprint check. This check is based on applications, personnel, administrative, criminal and other files compiled by law enforcement. Such checks take 14 days or so to complete. Eighty percent of applicants pass this stage without a problem. The remaining 20 percent are almost all resolved within half a year. If a problem with the name check is identified, it does not always indicate criminal activity. Sometimes there are simply complex circumstances requiring additional research.


Online background checks are available and they return instant results, but they would not qualify as an FBI name check. Background Check & Search includes (http://backgroundsearch.com) current phone number, address, address history for 30 years, age, birthdates, household members, relatives, associates, property ownership, lawsuits, marriage, divorce, criminal records check, sex offenders, terrorist watch, bankruptcy, tax liens,

12-15-2007, 03:00 PM
Amazing work Jon. Just wow. Like Aug said, Mary is a brave woman.

12-15-2007, 05:19 PM
Thanks. I haven't heard from Mary in a long time. I know she was still affiliated with Tom Flocco (who lost all credibility), but other than that, I don't know what she's up to, or if she's still affiliated with Tom.

12-15-2007, 05:21 PM
Mary was credible. I talked to her lawyer, I read a report from the CATO Institute (http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa443.pdf) about her... however, the really important stuff, aside from Mary's info, is the fact that the 9/11 Commission said no terrorists were allowed to leave the country (http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/08/22/911.commission/) at the time Saudi's were being flown out, and Khalil Bin Laden was suspected of having ties to terrorism (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showpost.php?p=79653&postcount=10), and was on those flights (http://home.comcast.net/%7Egold9472/flight_manifest.pdf).

05-10-2008, 09:47 PM
Mansion once owned by Bin Laden's brother has a new resident


Diana Bosch 05/10/2008 14:49:22

A waterfront mansion that once belonged to Osama Bin Laden's brother has a new owner.

The property, which had been vacant for seven years, sits off of highway 50 in Winter Garden, west of Orlando.

Khalili Bin Laden owned the lakefront home that sits on seventeen acres. Days following the 9-11 terrorist attacks, he was airlifted out of Orlando International Airport and hasn't been back since.

The new owner's name and purchase price has not been released.