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06-24-2006, 01:09 PM
What Is The President And The Vice President's Word Worth?

By Jon Gold

I was watching Alex Jones' new movie, "The Terror Storm (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7048572757566726569)", and Alex had driven to "Camp Casey" in Crawford Texas. At "Camp Casey", he managed to get an interview with ex-CIA Analyst of 27 years, Ray McGovern.

Mr. McGovern made a very profound statement.

"For people to dismiss these questioners as "conspiratorial advocates", or "conspiratorial theorists"... that's completely out of line because the... The questions remain because the President who should be able to answer them, WILL NOT."

During the 9/11 Commission, a commission which the President and the Vice President fought "tooth and nail (http://www.buzzflash.com/interviews/04/10/int04053.html)" against, they eventually agreed to meet with the members of the Commission.

However, "they were not under oath and there was to be no recording made of the session nor a stenographer in the room. (http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/04/29/bush.911.commission/)"

Simply stated, the "9/11 Truth Movement", which is comprised of individuals like Dr. Robert Bowman, former head of the "Star Wars Program", Professor Steven E. Jones, Physics Professor at BYU, Dr. Morgan Reynolds, Former Chief Economist for the U.S. Department of Labor from this Bush Administration, Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Sect. of Treasury under Pres. Reagan, and the "Father of Reaganomics", Michael Meacher, Former UK Minister of Environment, Catherine Austin Fitts, Ass. Sect. of Housing For President Bush I, Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Rep. Ron Paul, and so on... has, AT THE VERY LEAST proven that we have been lied to about 9/11, and that it appears our Government was complicit in the attacks.

One of the things we have learned during this administration's reign is that whatever they say, the opposite is usually the truth. "We abide by the law of the United States, that we do not torture." "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction."

Why then do 48% of Americans (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10296) believe what they say about 9/11? Why should we believe the word of President Bush and Vice President Cheney when it has been proven time and time again that they can't be trusted?

In other words, their word means nothing. Whatever they said to the 9/11 Commission can NOT be trusted.

They are the ones that say, "9/11 drives U.S. policy (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10893)". They are the ones who have used 9/11 more than ANYONE else. They are the ones who have benefitted from it the most.

It is time for America to start asking them for answers.

Under oath, in public, and WITHOUT each other.

06-24-2006, 06:20 PM
I'll vouch for them.

06-24-2006, 06:24 PM
Not even the Divvil himself would vouch for that shower of bastards. You sir, are an imposter!


06-25-2006, 10:19 AM
Call me a bad person, (I do it all the time) But I'd really like to get them as a group, seperate rooms, and givem a little first hand experience in interrogation. Ya know, yank a finger nail, ask a few questions. Put some flame to the exposed flesh, a few more questions. Sigh, well that'll always be the dream.

06-25-2006, 10:36 AM
Call me a bad person, (I do it all the time) But I'd really like to get them as a group, seperate rooms, and givem a little first hand experience in interrogation. Ya know, yank a finger nail, ask a few questions. Put some flame to the exposed flesh, a few more questions. Sigh, well that'll always be the dream.

Be careful what you say...


06-25-2006, 10:44 AM
For some reason that link wont open... But WTF, it's a free country right... I served in the military to defend my right to say whatever the fuck I want. They show up here over that post, and you will see me on the news, goin down in a hail of bullets.

06-25-2006, 10:46 AM
Try this one...


Incidentally, non-violence is better for solving these problems than violence...

06-25-2006, 10:46 AM
Be careful what you say...

Oh, haha, it just opened. And my response was appropriate without even seeing the link.

06-25-2006, 10:47 AM
Now, that being said...

That doesn't mean I wouldn't pay TOP $1 to watch the Bush Administration swing from the gallows.

06-25-2006, 10:54 AM
Try this one...


Incidentally, non-violence is better for solving these problems than violence...

Yeah I can really see where the Ghandi approach is workin perfect.. These posts span almost two years, with no notable progress. Even if we swing the Zogby poll to 100%, it's not going to ultimately make any diffrence until enough ppl are ready to show up on the whitehouse lawn with torches and shotguns. You are talking about ppl who murdered 3000+ innocent people. Do you really think they care as long as all we do is TALK about it? We'll be posting right up until they show up to put us on the trains to the FEMA camps!

06-25-2006, 11:05 AM
My friend, no one has tried the "Ghandi approach" yet. Do you remember hearing about a 9/11 Truther who confronted someone in authority with no weapons, and publicly... someone who ended up being dragged away, or beaten while showing no resistance? I don't.

06-25-2006, 11:14 AM
OK maybe I'm over the top on this. As an alternative, we should organize a buch of ppl to show up @ ground zero and chain ourselves to a staionary object, at which time we can start a hunger strike and sing coombya. I should thought of this sooner.

06-25-2006, 11:18 AM
My friend, no one has tried the "Ghandi approach" yet. Do you remember hearing about a 9/11 Truther who confronted someone in authority with no weapons, and publicly... someone who ended up being dragged away, or beaten while showing no resistance? I don't.

You eevr see the Alex Jones video, "Rise Of The Police State," I think, where the pro-lifers are having a sit in protest and the cops are macin, draggin, and generally fuckin things up. They have nunchucks for christ sakes. And atthe end, they break that doods arm?

08-12-2006, 09:52 AM

06-14-2007, 03:24 PM