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View Full Version : DVR / VCR Alert! Steven Jones' video on FSTV Sat. & Sun.

06-24-2006, 01:10 PM
I just found out that one hour of Dr. Steven Jones’ Feb. 1 presentation at Utah Valley State College (9/11 Revisited: Scientific & Ethical Questions) is being shown today (Sat., June 24) at 11AM and 3PM and tomorrow (Sun., June 25) at 7PM on Free Speech TV’s Keynote program broadcasting over Dish Network on channel 9415.

Please call them at 303-442-8445 or email viewercomments@freespeech.org (viewercomments@freespeech.org) and let them know how much we value this programming, and make your comments really mean something by pledging a contribution at the same time!

AFAIK, FSTV and one of their partners, INN World Report, are the ONLY TWO TELEVISION BROADCASTERS which regularly air programming on 9/11 Truth. FSTV runs INN’s 30-minute news show at 6:30PM weekdays, repeating overnight. Video podcasts are also available at the INN website www.innworldreport.net (http://www.innworldreport.net/) .

On June 5 INN devoted over half of their program to Dr. Jones’ Chicago presentation on his latest findings confirming thermate used to bring down the towers. Last week they featured Webster Tarpley and the FBI response that there was no hard evidence linking OBL to 9/11. This week Alex Jones was interviewed concerning his conference going on in LA right now.

INN relies in large part on viewer contributions, and they’ve been struggling for months now just to stay afloat. Go to their website www.innworldreport.net (http://www.innworldreport.net/) or call 646-613-8223 to make a donation and let them know you’re supporting their brave stance on 9/11 Truth. I’ve committed to give $100 each time they do a substantial report on the 9/11 scam.

We all like to commiserate about the alternative media left gatekeepers like Amy Goodman, Chomsky, etc., but here is our opportunity to do something about it. Contribute to the alternative media like FSTV and INN who ARE broadcasting the truth and help them grow and grow and spread it far and wide!

With gratitude,

Gary in Virginia