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911=inside job
03-30-2005, 03:26 PM
what do you think about this gold??

9-11 Second Wave: Avoiding Pratfalls

by Victor Thorn

Out of nowhere has come one of the most curious articles about 9-11 in many months. Entitled We’re All Paranoid (March 23, 2005), author Steven T. Jones shows, in quite succinct fashion, how deliberate disinformation agents within the 9-11 movement have done their severest damage at precisely the time when the most progress is being made in opening the public’s mind to the possibility that the government’s “official” version of events is a lie.

But before broaching this topic, I’d first like to point out a glaring tactical error that Jones and others continue to make. Specifically, by citing the much-quoted Zogby poll taken last summer prior to the Republican National Convention which noted that “49 percent of New York City residents agreed with the statement that some U.S. officials knew in advance that the attacks were planned in or around 9/11/01 and that they consciously failed to act,” what they are promoting (either deliberately or not) is nothing more than a government “incompetency” angle. In other words, by pushing forward data that says key figures within our administration “consciously failed to act” is to completely misconstrue what happened on the morning of 9-11. Their criminal actions go well beyond mere inaction or “negligence,” for these very same people who turned a blind-eye (via war games and an extensive military stand-down) are also the exact same ones who planned, coordinated, and executed the CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of the World Trade Center towers, along with WTC 7. To merely push “incompetence” absolves these monsters of their more serious crimes. It’s like dropping the rape charges against a serial sex offender and merely charging him with flirtation! We have to drop this mindset if we’re ever going to make any meaningful progress.

But this type of snow-job is precisely what the 9-11 Gatekeepers and disinformation specialists want to foister on the truth movement. They’re well aware that a certain percentage of the populace inherently realizes that the government’s “official” version of events has more holes in it than a block of Swiss cheese. So, to divert people’s attention away from the real smoking guns, they constantly push their “Let It Happen On Purpose” (LIHOP) softballs without ever delving into the government’s real criminal behavior.

Luckily for us, one of the main proponents of this detrimental tactic – Mike Ruppert – has taken himself out of the game by declaring that 9-11 is a “dead issue.” Subsequently, he is now serving as a propaganda pitch-man for Big Oil. Regrettably, there are plenty of others in the New York 9-11 Untruth Mafia like Nicholas Levis, David Kubiak, Kyle (‘People Aren’t Ready for the Truth’) Hence, and the various “alliances” and organizations who promulgate LIHOP nonsense while ignoring the work done by hard-hitting researchers and authors. Now, if you’re a member of the ever-growing 9-11 Second Wave, the best bit of advice I can give you is: Stay away from the above-mentioned operatives as if they were the plague. These saboteurs are absolutely useless, and serve only one purpose: to keep researchers and activists distracted with false flags, disinformation, and red herrings. I can’t stress this point strongly enough: stay away from these fakes, frauds, and phonies – they’re poison, and they’ve been outed once-and-for-all.

With this sentiment in mind, let’s return to a quote from Steven T. Jones’ article in The San Francisco Bay Guardian: “As the public reached its pinnacle of being open to considering alternative views of 9/11, the truth movement fractured into disparate subgroups, each pushing its own pet theories, torn by internal divisions over strategy, and unable to mount a cohesive strategy that would break through the din of election-year politics.”

Fintan Dunne (who, by the way, waged a recent attack on WING TV, Alex Jones and Rick Stanley) comments on this article: “The fracturing was, of course, deliberately engineered by the disinfo agents in the 9/11 movement. Indeed, the ‘splits’ were a carefully planned and integral part of the cover-up from the start. The establishment has been ‘managing’ the 9/11 skeptics all the while …”

Even more importantly, Dunne continues, “Many genuine people play key roles in the 9/11 movement, but are outnumbered by the operatives. ‘Management’ of the aftermath was always integral to the plot, and was likely resourced more heavily than the attack scenario itself.”

Finally, Dunne concludes: “Did you think it would be any different?”

Thus, as the Second Wave of 9-11 researchers and activists make their presence known – those like Russell Pickering of Pentagon Research, California’s Sofia Shafquat, and everyone in Austin & Houston – they need to learn from the mistakes First Wavers made. Namely:

(1) Don’t place your faith in Pied-Piper figures (Mike Ruppert) who want to lead you down a road of gloom n’ doom, all the while distracting your attention with ulterior motives (peak oil).

(2) Stay away from the touchy-feely lightweight LIHOP cabal who ignore hard science, physics, mathematical data, and physical evidence like that which is found in 9-11 on Trial.

(3) Be wary of the sandal & patchouli crowd that skips around the issues but is afraid to rear-back and punch real-hard for the stomach. These types mean well, but they get steamrolled over every time, and aren’t even remotely taken seriously by the powers-that-be.

(4) Don’t be swept away by high-rollers flashing wads of cash. It’s easy to chase pipe-dreams; but in reality, progress boils down to good old-fashioned hard work. Remember, nothing is ever free.

(5) Remember the K.I.S.S. adage – Keep It Simple Stupid! We already know what the essential core truths are – that the World Trade Center towers were wired well in advance of 9-11, and the “hijacked” jetliners were merely a pretext needed to have them destroyed. Rather than pursuing exotic, pie-in-the-sky theories, why not pursue the angles that have already been proven?

(6) Run as fast as you can from Left Gatekeepers such as Amy Goodman of Disinformation Now, William Rivers Pitt of Truthout.org, Air America, Counterpunch, and David Barsamian, etc. These tragic figures would purportedly do anything to have George W. Bush removed from office … anything, that is, except to expose the biggest story of the century: 9-11. Whenever they hear those words, they run screaming like frightened little girls that just saw a monster. And the beast in question, of course, is the grant money, foundation money, and advertising money that they rely so heavily on. Their disingenuousness cannot be over-emphasized.

(7) Avoid the snake-pit discussion groups that spew so much venom (i.e. resentment, jealousy, etc) that it feels like you have to take a bath after disentangling yourself from them --- totally counter-productive and unrewarding. We could name some of these vipers, but we don't even want to dignify their actions with any type of acknowledgement (which is all they want anyway).

Thus, rather than falling into these pratfalls, align yourself with those who advocate direct government planning and execution of the 9-11 terror attacks, because that’s what this event ultimately was. To think otherwise is mere delusion and distraction, and we’ve already had enough of that!

03-30-2005, 03:56 PM
Uh oh, you opened up a can of worms here...


Personally, I like to look at the good that all 9/11 groups have done and try to avoid the petty squabbles that they tend to have with each other. I think ALL evidence should be researched until they are proven or disproven.

03-30-2005, 06:28 PM
Nonsense... Absolute nonsense...

03-30-2005, 06:30 PM
I'll answer this later...

03-30-2005, 07:05 PM
In regards to Ruppert, he's putting words into this mouth. He did not say, "9/11 is a dead issue". Here's exactly what he said, "Ruppert explained to them that although the 9-11 cause is still alive it is no longer useful as a political tool by activists. The window on 9/11 has closed. Simple as that."

03-30-2005, 07:08 PM
Here's an article where Mike destroys Victor Thorn, apparently they have a "thing"...


03-30-2005, 07:12 PM
I was going to rebut this entire article, but after reading Mike's response to Victor's "Bash Mike Ruppert" article, I won't even waste my time.

03-30-2005, 07:16 PM
I will say this... in regards to his statement about Mike's, "ulterior motive" in peak oil...

Is he an absolute moron? Does he not see the gas prices at the pumps? Does he not have the ability to read article after article NOT provided by Ruppert that substantiate EVERYTHING he has to say?

03-30-2005, 07:18 PM
The best thing about my "loyalty" towards Ruppert...

I did MOST of my own research before even HEARING of Michael Ruppert. When I finally sat down and watched, "The Truth & Lies About 9/11", I was able to VERIFY most of what he was saying at the time of watching it because I ALREADY KNEW about it...

Fuck Victor Thorn

03-30-2005, 07:20 PM
I'm not even going to get into his nonsense regarding Kyle, David, etc... I know them both PERSONALLY and know them to be good men.

03-30-2005, 07:24 PM
I emailed Mike to see what he has to say about this...

03-30-2005, 07:30 PM
Hey... do a search for Victor Thorn... Apparently this asshole's only job is fighting with Mike Ruppert.

03-30-2005, 07:46 PM
Do you know who this guy reminds me of? Natasha...

All of you are wrong, and I am right... follow me... follow me...

03-30-2005, 08:08 PM
what do you think about this gold??

You really like to push my buttons don't you... prick...

:blah1: :blah1: :blah1: :blah1:

03-30-2005, 08:11 PM
Uh oh, you opened up a can of worms here...


Personally, I like to look at the good that all 9/11 groups have done and try to avoid the petty squabbles that they tend to have with each other. I think ALL evidence should be researched until they are proven or disproven.

Hi... welcome to the club... my name is Jon.

03-30-2005, 08:23 PM
Hi... welcome to the club... my name is Jon.
So, um, Jon, how are your plastic ladies???

03-30-2005, 08:24 PM
So, um, Jon, how are your plastic ladies???

You'll have to ask Whiteguysaysthis... he's my supplier.

03-30-2005, 09:09 PM
You'll have to ask Whiteguysaysthis... he's my supplier.
Well he's too busy playing video games to satisfy his plastic ladies. Someone has to do it.

911=inside job
03-30-2005, 11:44 PM
You really like to push my buttons don't you... prick...

:blah1: :blah1: :blah1: :blah1:

03-31-2005, 08:51 AM
Nice one Inside!!!!

911=inside job
03-31-2005, 11:55 AM
i think all the fighting it what has fucked this movement....

if everyone could just agree that the gov did it there would be no problem.... thats where disinfo comes in...

03-31-2005, 07:38 PM
i think all the fighting it what has fucked this movement....

if everyone could just agree that the gov did it there would be no problem.... thats where disinfo comes in...

Ass Sphincter says what?

03-31-2005, 08:46 PM
Ass Sphincter says what?
Come on you two, get a room already!!!

03-31-2005, 08:56 PM
Come on you two, get a room already!!!

We don't need 911=inside job anymore... we have JustSomeRandomGuy.

03-31-2005, 09:12 PM
We don't need 911=inside job anymore... we have JustSomeRandomGuy.
Yeah but Inside got under you skin. I have nothing but respect for him.:lol:

03-31-2005, 09:13 PM
Yeah but Inside got under you skin. I have nothing but respect for him.:lol:

Oh I'm sorry... did you just go there?

03-31-2005, 09:19 PM
Oh I'm sorry... did you just go there?

03-31-2005, 09:24 PM

You're banned. :headsmash

03-31-2005, 09:28 PM
You're banned. :headsmash
Allright Scotty, what's a matter, did I take one of your high scores???:bigcrying

03-31-2005, 09:39 PM
Allright Scotty, what's a matter, did I take one of your high scores???:bigcrying

Shut up yo... you're talking about a psycho... he'll come kill you.

03-31-2005, 10:03 PM
Shut up yo... you're talking about a psycho... he'll come kill you.
Oh yeah eh, can't fight your own battles. Don't make me get Inside Job in here after ya.