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View Full Version : NYT: "Almost An Epidemic Of Depression" In New Orleans

06-20-2006, 09:11 PM
NYT: 'Almost an epidemic of depression' in New Orleans


(Gold9472: "One of the Worst Abandonments of Americans on American Soil Ever (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4445)")

Published: Tuesday June 20, 2006

New Orleans is afflicted with "what appears to be almost an epidemic of depression," according to an article slated for the front page of Wednesday's New York Times, RAW STORY has found.

"This city is experiencing what appears to be almost an epidemic of depression and post-traumatic stress disorders, to a degree that mental health experts say is rarely seen in this country," writes Susan Saulny.

"It is contributing to a suicide rate that is conservatively estimated to be triple what it was before Hurricane Katrina struck and the levees broke 10 months ago," the article continues.

"Thousands of people are living amid ruins that stretch for miles on end," Saulny writes. "Garbage is piled up, the crime rate has soared and the National Guard is back in the city, patrolling streets that the Police Department has admitted it cannot handle on its own."

"The reminders of death are everywhere, and the emotional toll is now becoming clear," writes Saulny.

06-20-2006, 11:21 PM
it's so sad. i have a weekend off coming up i've been thinking of driving down to see what's left for myself. that is to new orleans or the mississippi gulf coast. i'm just not looking forward to the drive. but i'm so curious to see. and i'd really like some jambalaya! good eatin'.

06-26-2006, 03:13 PM
it's so sad. i have a weekend off coming up i've been thinking of driving down to see what's left for myself. that is to new orleans or the mississippi gulf coast. i'm just not looking forward to the drive. but i'm so curious to see. and i'd really like some jambalaya! good eatin'.

It actually doesn't look that bad, it is more the combination of things that affects people. At least that was my impression from my little tour (http://pyramid.blog-city.com/katrina_trip_short_timeline.htm) of the region.

Hardship would've probably been more tolerable if it wasn't so unnecessary and if there wasn't so much social oppression. That is my impression.