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06-20-2006, 08:43 PM
Nicholas Levis and John Albanese Visit Laura Ingraham at Fox News


Nicholas Levis on FoxNews - By John Albanese

On Sunday June 18th Nicholas Levis asked that I accompany him to a scheduled interview to be taped for a new FoxNews television pilot featuring Laura Ingraham. In the hours preceding the interview we rehearsed the essential talking points to hit on in the 5-minute segment we were apportioned by FoxNews.

We arrived at noon and were quickly escorted to the greenroom where various ‘handlers’ kept us engaged in conversation. Everyone was very nice. In fact, when we were approached by Associate Producer Mina Pertesis she appeared to go out of her way to inform us that she had spent some time reviewing Nicholas’ work, and actually was of the personal opinion that the issues he raised were legitimate. She claimed that the issue of 9/11 appeared to indeed be a serious one, and that questions being raised by 911Truth.org and summeroftruth.org were making her think! She quickly produced business cards, claiming that, should this TV pilot in fact be picked up by Fox, they would be interested in booking me as a guest. She claimed to recognize my name, and seemed sincerely interested and unbiased in her approach.

Gee whiz – perhaps Fox is not the evil Orwellian Ministry of Disinformation after all, despite the multiple television monitors in the room that were tuned to Foxnews (how could they not be?), informing us over and over and over again of cyanide attacks planned for the NYC subways, accompanied by scary images of masked Islamic fundamentalists wielding bazookas, and of course, stock footage of North Korean missiles taking off over and over and over again……. with Fox’s patented bright red NEWS ALERT! logo blinking incessantly throughout the day.

But at approximately 12:30 things took a surrealistic turn. (As if sitting in the evil corporate citadel of crypto-fascism was not surrealistic enough for me.) A meticulously dressed man arrived who immediately recognized Nicholas, and began handing out business cards identifying him as “Griffin Jenkins – Producer – The Tony Snow Show.”

I supposed “the Griff” (as he referred to himself) had not yet had a chance to get new business cards, considering that Tony Snow is now the White House Press Secretary, and “the Griff” should be out of a job.

“The Griff” appeared to take a special liking to us. In fact, the next hour was spent sitting in the green room and answering his interrogation….errrr……. friendly questions. He appeared very sincere and likeable, and also appeared to have an in-depth understanding of the material we were presenting, referring to Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer as “Tony” and Curt Weldon on a personal level, as he outlined his own relationships to these men. Nicholas Levis was in top form, making his usual eloquent and articulate case for 9/11 complicity, and “the Griff” appeared to be soaking it all up, with his unexplained sidekick, as the hours ticked by.


Finally, at 2pm we were escorted into the studio for Nicholas’ interview.

I suppose I could call Laura Ingraham a whore. Because that is in fact what she is. Think “Bill O’Reilly wannabe on psychotropic drugs.” There was not even a hint of fair play. She framed the interview by claiming the Chicago Conference was attended by an assortment of “conspiracy theory” loonies – including a man who lives in a cave. (I shit you not) When Nicholas objected, she became hostile and commenced projecting opinions onto him with questions like, “When did you stop beating your wife,” while repeatedly cutting off Nicholas’ responses, and providing him with the answers herself.

And of course, we were out of time.

Upon completion of the interview I hurled a few friendly opinions at Laura from behind the camera. “Disgraceful,” “Ambush Journalism,” “Disrespect for her audience.” I suggested to her that she is underestimating the anger of the 9/11 Truth community, and that America is very tired of this form of ambush journalism, and we would all be watching her ratings very closely. Her eyes simply responded with glib indifference. Just one more skanky blonde ubber-right-wing Ann Coulter wannabe, shitting all over the national stage she has been given, and essentially using her journalism degree for toilet tissue.

“The Griff” walked us out, assuring us that ‘his’ work is very different from Laura’s, and that he was sincerely interested in keeping tabs on us. He would like to know what 9/11 Truth has planned for the future, and actually invited me to submit whatever materials I could directly to his attention. He appeared very sincere and likeable. Such a nice guy. He apologized and assured us that he would share our disappointment with Laura. He was very nice and appeared sincerely regretful for how things had gone. He was really full of it.

We spent about 20 minutes talking about the fate of journalists in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. We talked about the nature of fascism, and the failed policy of information ‘control.’ I shared with him the fact that a nobody like me could produce an amateur film that, within two weeks, made the Google Top 100 list, while FoxNews attempts to purchase increasing shares of a shrinking market. And lastly, I reminded “the Griff” why we were there. The 3,000 dead. And I asked him to consider the anger of the American public. He nodded his agreement. He was, after all, such an amiable and sincere guy.

One final note. I encourage you all to Google “Griffin Jenkins.” As Tony Snow’s producer one would expect his identity to be fairly well documented. Hell, even MY name produces thousands of hits.

I found very little on “the Griff.” The ONLY story I found, repeated multiple times on Google, was that he donated $2,000 to the Bush Cheney reelection campaign – because that’s what journalists do.

Only ONE reference to “the Griff” on Google. Funny that.

Another non-being from the Ministry of Disinformation, simply doing his job. And a really nice guy at that.

06-20-2006, 11:20 PM
...scheduled interview to be taped for a new FoxNews television pilot featuring Laura Ingraham

Whoa! Another far right winger having a tv on Fox News.