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06-08-2006, 09:16 AM
Chicago According To Les Jamieson


By Les Jamieson

June 2nd - 4th in Chicago, the largest 9/11 truth conference to date drawing an estimated 500 people took place. Leading researchers and movement luminaries such as radio talk show host Alex Jones, BYU Prof. Steven Jones, famed attorney William Pepper, Pacifica radio host Ralph Shoenman, former MI5 agent Annie Machon, Jim Fetzer of Scholars For Truth, author Jim Marrs, radio host Meria Heller, Project Censored founder Peter Phillips, author Webster Tarpley, whistleblower Kevin Ryan, documentary maker Barrie Zwicker, OKC Bombing researcher Chris Emery, and many more totalling 47 speakers who drew 500 people to this amazing event. There were educational and strategy workshops designed to bring a deeper understanding of the attacks of 9/11, and action ideas on how a real investigation and ultimately truth can be obtained.

A pre-conference press conference took place with statements from the keynote speakers and questions from the audience.

Since getting out the truth involves street actions, a march took place in downtown Chicago on Friday afternoon with approximately 100 protesters carrying "Stop the 9/11 Cover-up" and "Neo-Con Jobs: Iraq, 9/11" signs from Daley Plaza to three media companies. This was a very appropriate action that got the conference off to a spirited start. The excitement carried throughout the weekend due to the excellent attendance and recent Zogby poll released May 22nd showing that 42% of our population disbelieve the government's account of 9/11 and 45% want a real investigation.

The event also drew reporters from Italy, Finland, the NY Times, as well as local Chicago media. On Monday after the conference, to the surprise of all in the movement, an article appeared in the NY Times called "500 Conspiracy Buffs Meet to Seek the Truth of 9/11" which mentioned the Reichstag fire, questions of the collapse of Building 7, the melting point of steel, the absence of air defense and more. This is quite a breakthrough after nearly 5 years of silence from the NY Times with respect to the glaring questions and obvious cover-up which indicate government complicity.

In addition to 9/11 activists, there were people from anti-war organizations such as United For Peach & Justice, WorldCan'tWait, and Peace Action Coalition. They appeared to be very aware of the in-depth research and evidence of 9/11 as the "New Pearl Harbor" and were involved trying to bring this information to their networks. There was even a new group of Vets For 9/11 Truth, which is a promising development.

The founder of 911blogger.com was there and gave some great insight on blogging at the 9/11 Grassroots 101 strategy session. Gary Franchi, with one of the most popular new sites, www.lonelantern.org (http://www.lonelantern.org) was a vibrant figure who also headed up one of the local support staffs which did an invaluable job in managing logistics and hospitality for the conference.

There were some new films shown such as 9/11 Press For Truth by Kyle Hence, 9/11 Hoboken (the new version of 9/11: Eyewitness), and Improbable Collapse by Mike Berger. The incredibly popular Loose Change 2 was shown and the young producers participated in a film/media workshop. Jesse Richard of TVNewsLies.org gave a presentation on how to shape the message of 9/11 truth. There was a political strategy workgroup with candidates Carol Brouillet, Craig Hill, Jim Hogue, Rich Whitney, and Col. Bob Bowman. There were so many interesting workshops that people had a hard time choosing which to attend.

Sunday afternoon featured workshops on strategies geared toward "Reclaiming Our Future". The tracks included media/journalism, legal, research, politics, and grassroots organizing . Attendees were able to brainstorm and contribute to the process of generating ideas and initiatives that will be instrumental in taking the movement through the next phase of action and accomplishment. Each group reported on the abundant opportunities they came up with.

The conference ended with a rousing address by Col. Robert Bowman who is running for Congress in Florida on the Democrat ticket. He claimed that if elected, he will take the 9/11 issue mainstream. His demeanor certainly leads one to believe he has every intention in fulfilling that promise. Bowman, a highly decorated fighter pilot, also described how the 4 hijackings could not have taken place without deliberate obstruction within our defense system. Along with taking action on 9/11, he listed a comprehensive platform showing that his candidacy is completely credible and deserves widespread support.

I think its safe to say, attendees left inpsired and energized to enter the next phase of 9/11 activism. With the talent, creativity, and commitment evident there we can look forward to a very eventful summer and fall with more progress being achieved as we continue to work towards truth, justice and human progress.