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View Full Version : Mexican Military Forces Receive US Permission to Quell Arizona Region Militia Uprisin

03-27-2005, 11:05 AM
Towards the end of this article the Russian journalist expresses how the world sees We Americans -- OrlandoMary

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscribers

Russian intelligence sources are reporting today that the long expected Axis Powers attacks on the nations of Iran and Syria are set to begin.

Mexican Military Forces Receive US Permission to Quell Arizona Region Militia Uprising

" ... "

Practically unknown to the American people, a citizen’s effort in this Arizona Region named the MinuteMan Project, has gathered thousands of volunteer militiamen, from all over their country, in an effort to protect their Southern Border from the continuing invasion, and as some reports have estimated to be as high as 11 million, of foreigners into their Country, and as stated by the MSNBC News Service, "The nation’s undocumented immigrant population surged to 10.3 million last year, spurred largely since 2000 by the arrivals of unauthorized Mexicans in the United States, according to a report released Monday."

Towards these patriotic American citizens though the American President has stated his contempt for them, and as reported by the CNN News Service, "President Bush today also sparked some outrage with his comment about the upcoming Minutemen Project in Arizona. The president called that group of volunteers, who will be monitoring our southern border, quote, "vigilantes" as [Mexico’s] President Vicente Fox has called them previously."

In countering these American citizens the Associated Press News Service is reporting today:

"NOGALES, Sonora To keep up its fight against drug smugglers, Mexico is mobilizing 6,400 soldiers next week. The troops will he heading to the northern states to do battle in a drug war that's cost 200 people their lives.

In Sonora, 1,600 soldiers are being sent to Caborca, Rocky Point, and Alamos, near the Sinaloa border. The Sonoran government's Arizona representative says the additional soldiers will supplement Mexican army troops already based in different cities throughout the state. Soldiers will work with agents from the Mexican Federal Attorney General's Office. They'll be destroying drug crops in southern Sonora and launching operations against hidden runways that drug traffickers use on the border south of Arizona."

But not to fighting drugs are these Mexican Military forces to be used, but rather to the fighting, and killing, of these Americans, on American soil, are these actions to be done against these Minute Men.

To the benefit of the Axis Powers though, will be the once again distracting of their average citizens while they plunge the world into ever more fearful warfare.

As I had previously stated in a prior report to you, "Like Nazi Germany, And To the Worlds Horror, the United States Begins Murders of Sick Children and Disabled", it remains true:

"Not to much longer can the world wait while once again these forces of darkness and evil spread their moral filth around the world by the force of their armies, their wars, their threats of war and to the very subjugation of the entire world should they ever be allowed.

To the killing of babies, to the starving to death of their weakest citizens, to the arresting and shackling of 5 year old children, the Axis Power of the United States has once again showed the world how sick of mind they truly are."

© March 26, 2005, EU and US all rights reserved.

