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06-01-2006, 11:39 AM
9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future
www.911revealingthetruth.org (http://www.911revealingthetruth.org)

Dear Jonathan Gold,

Thank you for choosing to join us at this historic event. We have received registrations from 300+ people coming from all over America, Canada, Finland, Italy and more -- it certainly has been heartening to see the positive response to this opportunity for us to come together and we look forward to meeting you all!

Following are a few important updates and information for you to note. (#8 is an item requesting immediate action and #7 is of particular importance for those of you who are the media).

1. Registration Confirmation:
We have sent registration confirmation emails to each of you separately. Please contact Chicago@911truth.org if you receive this letter, but did not receive a confirmation. The registration table will be open Friday from 4pm to 8pm.

2. Program Information:
The website has been updated to include a full schedule of events and presentation descriptions at www.911truth.org/911rtt/events.html (http://www.911truth.org/911rtt/events.html)

Regrettably, David Shayler will not be joining us. David was scheduled as a keynote speaker Saturday night with Annie Machon, his partner, but he has faced insurmountable difficulties in securing a visa to travel to the States. Fortunately, Annie is still scheduled and planning to join us! In addition, we were told yesterday that Aaron Russo is ill and not be able to attend.

3. Press Conference:
We have scheduled a press conference at the hotel Friday afternoon from 1-2:15 in Salon E. Those of you arriving early enough to take this in are welcome and encouraged to attend; we hope to have good participation from media, so please allow them “front row seats.”

4. 9/11 Truth Rally/March in Downtown Chicago:
Following the press conference we can don T shirts, buttons, grab signs, handouts, Deception Dollars, chant sheets, whistles, the sound system, and head for Downtown Chicago.

The 9/11 Truth Excursion/Rally/March will be a wonderful networking, activist opportunity, to raise the visibility of our issue, to see Chicago, to let the public, the press, the world know that the 9/11 Truth Movement is alive, growing, and a champion of truth, peace, justice, human rights, democracy, freedom, hope, and courage. We hope all those coming to Chicago for the conference who are able, will join us, as well as local groups. We encourage people to bring banners, signs, their voices, enthusiasm, chants, musical instruments; we will be providing signs, Deception Dollars, hand-outs, whistles, chant-sheets as well. [We've promised to abide the laws of Chicago and hope to win the hearts and minds of public, police, and press in a non-violent, peaceful, fun march, minding traffic rules, keeping to the sidewalks, not littering (though it’s fun to give away the money/Deception Dollars to folks who have never seen them before). If you want to speak, sing, or volunteer- contact Carol Brouillet (cbrouillet@gmail.com) or Gary Franchi (garyfranchi@yahoo.com 247.962.2988).] We will try to get back to the hotel by 6:00 p.m. for keynote presentations that begin at 8:00.

2:20 p.m. Activists will leave en masse for the El Train, Blue Line, and Downtown Chicago to Rally by 3:30 in Daley Plaza (on 50 W. Washington, between Clark and Dearborn).

4:00 p.m. we will begin our march up Dearborn, right on E. Randolph, left on State Street to ABC's new headquarters at 190 North State Street, then onward to East Wacker to Lower Wacker, left on Michigan across the Chicago River to the Tribune Plaza/WGN/NBC. (A map is available at www.911truth.org/911rtt/img/911-March-Route.jpg (http://www.911truth.org/911rtt/img/911-March-Route.jpg)).

5. Useful Travel Information:
We would like to remind all of you that at http://911truth.org/911rtt/directions.html you can find driving directions, airport information and our two online forums for finding hotel roommates and ride sharing. To those of you flying into O'Hare, just walk from baggage claim to where the hotel courtesy buses stop (located on the ground floor of the elevated parking garage. The center is accessible by tunnels from Terminals 1, 2, and 3), and pick up the Embassy Suites O’Hare-Rosemont Hotel free shuttle, which comes by every 15 minutes from 4AM to 1AM.

Hotel parking is $10/day for guests registered for our conference (be sure to tell the parking staffperson that you are registered for the conference). It is our understanding that f you dine at the hotel's restaurant you can get your parking validated and have that daily fee waived.

6. Meals:
Suggested options for dining, in and out of the hotel, will be given in detail in your registration packet.

7. Media Information:
If you are planning to attend the conference as a media participant, don’t forget to register as media and sign the Media Empowerment Policy (http://911truth.org/911rtt/press.html) Agreement when you check in Friday, to obtain your media credentials. We will hold a brief meeting of media participants immediately following the press conference.

The following policy relates to all conference presentations other than the Friday/Saturday evening keynotes:

Our goal for this conference is to make video of every presentation available for distribution. Because of the inclusive nature of our Media Empowerment Policy, we expect many people to bring video and audio recording devices. We are therefore unable to furnish audio feeds to all participants. In order to respect our presenters and to avoid complications, only volunteers contributing to the media pool will be permitted to place microphones on the presenters (or podium). This clean audio, attained by the designated volunteers, will be provided for free download at the 911truth.org conference multimedia page as soon after the conference as possible. (We expect to have the audio files available within one week).

We still seek volunteers to shoot many of the Saturday and Sunday presentations. We will select volunteer crews for each presentation based on experience and equipment, and can accept only a limited number of volunteers for each presentation. If you are interested in participating in this exciting experimental undertaking, please send an email to conferencemedia@911truth.org, specifying the particular presentations you would most like to record, with the make and model of your equipment. Because we cannot accommodate every request, please let us know as soon as possible. All volunteers chosen for the pool will receive a copy of the entire catalog of volunteer pool footage on DVD for the cost of shipping alone!

Even if you are not a volunteer contributor, you will benefit from using footage shot by the best shooters with the most experience and best equipment. This unedited pool footage will be available for purchase in either Mpeg or Quicktime high resolution format on DVD shortly after the conference. The entire conference video pool will be available for $150 (approx. 25 DVDs@2+ hours) or you will be able to choose from a catalog of individual DVDs containing a pre-selected combination of two presentations each, at a cost of $10.

If you are interested in working on post-production of the conference video pool, please contact us at conferencemedia@911truth.org. Please put “post-production” in the subject line. We also seek volunteers to create the best mix from the conference. We will seek out submissions

for inclusion on the Chicago Conference media page. More details will be announced after the conference. Stay tuned! Thank you for your participation!

8. Invitation to be in Directory of Participants/Speakers:
If you wish to be in, and receive, a paper Directory of Participants at the Conference, please fill out the details below, and email as soon as possible to Carol Brouillet (cbrouillet@gmail.com), who has volunteered to do this. Those who register on site and wish to be in the Directory will be mailed copies (only if they choose to share their street addresses). This info will not be posted on the internet.

Yes! Please include me in the Directory! The following information is what I wish to share with other participants:

Organization (if any)-

Up to 50 words about yourself- or thoughts you wish to share with others:

9. If you have any questions, or need any further information about the conference, please check the website, or contact one of the organizing committee members: Gabriel Day (831) 325-3135 -- Kevin Barrett (608) 333-2859 -- Hal Snyder (847) 921-3145

We look forward to meeting you!!


Conference Sponsors and Organizing Committee