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View Full Version : i think they are setting up bush for the fall, with this bin laden nonsense

05-24-2006, 01:33 PM
your thoughts

05-24-2006, 05:18 PM
The bin Laden tape most likely came from the CIA or NSA or any other securtiy agency. Having said that, the CIA and NSA directors are in Bush's pocket. So anyone trying to set up Bush for the fall can't do so without the directors knowing, and if they tried, they would have been stopped a long time ago.

Ignatius Riley
05-24-2006, 05:21 PM
The video is CIA disinformation. Its sole purpose is to convince Americans that Bin Laden is still out there. A month from now nobody will remember what he said, just that he was on tv again and that the war on terror must go on indefinitely until he is dead.

05-24-2006, 05:21 PM
but it's so obvious, and anyone who doesn't have the blinders on can see right through this. i can't believe that they wouldn't think a few steps ahead.

it all makes sense now. if they can rig 9/11 why not plant WMD's?

05-24-2006, 11:55 PM
For some reason planting WMD's seems to difficult to pull off than 9/11. Especially at this stage in the game.

Ignatius Riley
05-25-2006, 07:58 AM
once the WMDs are found, for the US to have credibility backing the claims of the find, they would have to be turned over to international inspectors. Tracing a nuke back to its source is stupid-simple if you know what to look for. In the end, you run the risk of the IAEA saying, these nukes were made in Oak Ridge 15 years ago December, not in Iraq. Imagine how that would look. You would be giving the world a indisputable reason to unite against you.

Remember, the CIA, MIA, NSA, FBI, all employ some brainiacs. They also employ the same caliber of bumbling fool that can be found working other jobs in the private sect. In other words, don't expect them to do anything super sophisticated. When they do, it is not people but computers behind it. This is part of the reason why you don't really need to be too afraid of these guys as you explore the truth about them. They make mistakes. They don't cover their tracks. They are lazy, myopic, selfish; their agencies are prone to splintering, differing allegiances and ideologies, on and on. Yeah, they pulled of 911, but they made many mistakes in doing so and without the help of the gov't and without a whole lot of evidence, members of the rabble like you and I are able to blast enormous holes in the official story.

In short, it isn't nearly a David v. Goliath scenario.

05-25-2006, 11:29 AM
For some reason planting WMD's seems to difficult to pull off than 9/11. Especially at this stage in the game.i find it impossible to believe they wouldn't plan for this, or it's just another example Bush's 'imcompetence'.

we have to remember that what we sometimes percieve as MASSIVE FAILURE, like the New Orleans debacle with Black Water mercs in place, deliberate sabotage, etc., is usually something that is planned from start to finish as a NWO operation.

05-25-2006, 11:35 AM
once the WMDs are found, for the US to have credibility backing the claims of the find, they would have to be turned over to international inspectors. Tracing a nuke back to its source is stupid-simple if you know what to look for. In the end, you run the risk of the IAEA saying, these nukes were made in Oak Ridge 15 years ago December, not in Iraq. Imagine how that would look. You would be giving the world a indisputable reason to unite against you.i also disagree with this.

just look at the internation outcry with 9/11 and yet we still have no 'international inspectors' or investigators who will actually scrutinize the evidence.

and we also have to remember the 'memory hole'. we are unindated with lies on a daily basis, and the gatekeeper media will never follow up on that. Remember that nonsense about Iraqi troops going into Kuwaiti hospitals and killing babies in incubators?

how about Oklahoma City?

what about Dr. Kelly being murdered?

how about 9/11?

they lie to us every single day, about things big AND small.




Ignatius Riley
05-25-2006, 12:28 PM
yeah yeah, no yelling,

they won't investigate what Americans do to Americans on American soil. But they would investigate what Americans do to Iraqis on Iraqi soil. See the difference?

Logistics would be a nightmare. Getting the nukes, which are rigorously accounted for here, disguising them, making them look Iraqi, planting them, rediscovering them, all a massive operation with grave implications. Not that Bush and co isn't capable.

It is more like they didn't have the time to make it happen. The planning for 911 would have taken years, by most accounts. A nuke-planting clandestine op would take almost as long, no? Perhaps the junta simply hadn't planned far enough ahead.

Remember, Saddam not only didn't have nukes, he didn't have the capability to make them, didn't have the facilities, the equipment, the personnel, the infrastructure, and on. So the planting of nukes becomes pretty dern tough. It would be one thing if Iraq had the nuke-making infrastructure but no nukes.

05-25-2006, 12:32 PM
yeah yeah, no yelling,

they won't investigate what Americans do to Americans on American soil. But they would investigate what Americans do to Iraqis on Iraqi soil. See the difference?

Logistics would be a nightmare. Getting the nukes, which are rigorously accounted for here, disguising them, making them look Iraqi, planting them, rediscovering them, all a massive operation with grave implications. Not that Bush and co isn't capable.

It is more like they didn't have the time to make it happen. The planning for 911 would have taken years, by most accounts. A nuke-planting clandestine op would take almost as long, no? Perhaps the junta simply hadn't planned far enough ahead.

Remember, Saddam not only didn't have nukes, he didn't have the capability to make them, didn't have the facilities, the equipment, the personnel, the infrastructure, and on. So the planting of nukes becomes pretty dern tough. It would be one thing if Iraq had the nuke-making infrastructure but no nukes.yes, but it's not like they'd have to sneak the nuke in. who is occupying the country again?

05-25-2006, 12:56 PM
but it's so obvious, and anyone who doesn't have the blinders on can see right through this. i can't believe that they wouldn't think a few steps ahead.

it all makes sense now. if they can rig 9/11 why not plant WMD's?

Why go through the trouble, when the lie has worked so well. Why present any proof on anything they say, when lies seem to work so well for this admin.

05-25-2006, 04:21 PM
Why go through the trouble, when the lie has worked so well. Why present any proof on anything they say, when lies seem to work so well for this admin.because you become the punchline of every late night show host?

05-25-2006, 04:48 PM
I think this is a message along the lines of "the enemy is still out there, fear him, and we will protect you". That sort of thing.

05-25-2006, 05:10 PM
I think this is a message along the lines of "the enemy is still out there, fear him, and we will protect you". That sort of thing.

Right on the money.

Holla at yo boy borepstein.