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View Full Version : The definitive 9/11 Truth political piece.

05-19-2006, 05:02 PM
Gold, I think you are a great voice for the movement - very fair.

How about this for an idea - A short to the point single page document putting forth the absolute fairest and logical arguments in the 9/11 Truth movement. Something someone can pick up and immediately be taken in. It has to be clear, simple and to the point. Something that will raise the eyebrows of the most skeptic of American and will not come off as partisian or filled with angst, just an honest plea for consideration. Something politically uniting written with confidence, strength and fair conviction. I think your mindset and experience are perfect for something like this.

I'm willing make copies and drop them off in campuses, stores, resturaunts, newsstands - everywhere and anywhere.

Would you be interesting in helping put something together? I know you are busy but something like this can be a very powerful weapon. I can help with the writing, formatting and final touches. If you don't have time to write it, I would at least be interested in what arguments you would address and in what order.

Everything I've seen so far is too dull, longwinded and would never attract the common American's attention. Its half presentation half content.

05-19-2006, 11:54 PM
Do it Gold !!!

Hey, great idea 911 Truth. I agree we need something a little less longwinded and can be uniting, something that would attract many people. I would make copies and post them everywhere too. It would make it soooo much easier to spread the word with a piece like you discribed.

05-20-2006, 10:20 AM
A lot of "points" pages exist already... no need to re-invent the wheel.

05-20-2006, 11:12 AM
Cant hurt... Do you have any links to pre-existing point lists?

Even if a few people collaborate on this site it would be fine - I would just want Gold to look it over and edit or add whatever he saw fit.

I would imagine it would go something like this:

Anyone on this forum please help add to this skeleton. I'll keep the official running draft to avoid confusion. I wont make anything final untill I get Gold's approval or if he would feel so inclined, edits.


-"Quote" Bush? PNAC? (sets the tone)

Intro: (Not sure of order, first sentence will be VERY important)
Official story in brief, 9/11 caused "war on terror" and diminishing rights, PNAC predicted (new pearl harbor-->Afghanistan/Iraq) Questioning gov. is healthy and in the American tradition --> underground popularity of movement. (Must be brief and concise as possible, you can't bog people down right away - many however will skip right down to the main bullets)

Questions/info: (Did You Know?)
-Able Danger
-Prevention of arrests
-Warnings from other countries
-Put Options


-America needs another INDEPENDENT investigation of 9/11.
-Some prominent 9/11 Truth advocates - Quotes

*NO credit or affiliations
Please help either flesh out an existing part of skeleton or add an argument. All must be cited to ensure that we're not bullshitting.

05-20-2006, 01:35 PM
Here's one...


Here's an oldie, but a goodie...


Here's a good flyer with some points...


Ignatius Riley
05-20-2006, 02:06 PM
A movie will have the best penetration.
Ergo: Make copies of Loose Change the 2nd Edition. Attach a small pamplet to them. Stand outside video rental stores and hand them out. A project that can be easily localized.

05-20-2006, 02:09 PM
A movie will have the best penetration.
Ergo: Make copies of Loose Change the 2nd Edition. Attach a small pamplet to them. Stand outside video rental stores and hand them out. A project that can be easily localized.

There are other movies that are just as good if not better. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.

Ignatius Riley
05-20-2006, 02:22 PM
True. Loose Change wasn't my point. I guess I said it wrong. For best penetration mass produce a dvd with the point you want to make on it and distribute it.
Recreational readers read what they want to read and only what they want to read. Ergo, if they believe in the official account, they simply won't read anything disputing the official account.
But people will watch almost anything on TV at least once. Plus people are lazy, they don't want to read. They want to see it on TV. Had a guy one time tell me that if a book was worth reading they would make it into a movie. That says a lot about how people think about the entertainment they choose to consume.
And if that is the new rules of the new game then the movement must play by those rules.

05-20-2006, 02:24 PM
There's a hero down south called FrankV. He is the CHAMPION of handing out 9/11 DVDs... literally he sits at home, and burns them ALL day. Amazing individual.

Ignatius Riley
05-20-2006, 02:31 PM
I take it Frank is independently wealthy. Where's this dude located? I need some DVDs.

05-20-2006, 02:41 PM
*Please leave this thread for this project, if anyone is interested in helping*

More for Questions/info:
-FBI suppression of pre-terror warnings
-Hijackers supposedly alive.
-Hijackers listed a US Navy base
-Hanjour couldn't fly/highspeed military precision manuvering of flight 77

Gold - The only good one there is the third one, the 9/11 Truth PDF. I know a better job can be done - for example, leaving out the fact that the past 60 or so hijackings were intercepted by jets right away. They left out the put options. They merely make statements - while they should be addressing specific statistical fact(nothing too complex). The quotes are poorly chosen. That first quote will turn away most. The last one is too radical. People should be left to reach their own conclusions/suspicions. Its good - but I think with the help of everyone at this forum - we can make one that will have a much wider reach and follow a linear logic.

It has to pass the Bill O'Reilly test. Just pretend your trying to convince O'Reilly, or at least spark his interest.

Ignatius Riley
05-20-2006, 04:11 PM
print is dead


I can help with video. This is a real-deal offer for tangible help.

Ignatius Riley
05-20-2006, 04:25 PM

Here is a plan. We need to create a few commercials on the National 911 debate and get them lots of air time between now and then. You can have impact with those commercials, seriously. The commercial will basically be a 30 second question session using day-of reports and footage and then testimony from truth movement experts. Say a commercial for each of the big points that 911truth is bringing up. We buy time on, say CNN or CSPAN or wherever, and run them during primetime in, say, NYC, a place where there is already a bunch of support for the truth movement. We also run them elsewhere, but we gotta be strategic in who we target.

This will take some serious dough, but it will accomplish a lot. It will plant some seeds of thought on the subject and it will blow up the Nat 911 debate, make it something people are thinking about and anticipating and wanting to watch or attend. And then Bam! either the debate is canceled bc the gov't is a bunch of pussies or it goes on and the truth movement trounces the official account in a public setting that has been heavily publicized.

Let's do it.

05-20-2006, 04:28 PM
dude, make another thread for a video. This isn't a debate. I'm going to make this thing whether you think print is dead or not.

Ignatius Riley
05-20-2006, 04:30 PM
Who is debating. You've got good points. Let's maximize the use of them. My plan is expensive, but will work.

05-20-2006, 04:35 PM
This thread is for those who want to help make a flyer. This isn't about the maximization of my points. I ask politely.

Ignatius Riley
05-20-2006, 04:50 PM
print is dead


05-20-2006, 05:30 PM

05-31-2006, 08:43 PM
Print is not dead....there is still a need for print. Flyers are a great idea to quickly get peoples attention that would never bother watching a DVD. Flyers can be posted all over. Then you pull them in to further investigate it once you have peaked their interest. You can add websites, info about DVD's etc.. Blah blah...there is room and a serious need for all of it.
Just because one is a good idea doesn't mean another is not as good or effective.
Lets work together.

05-31-2006, 09:40 PM
Gold, I think you are a great voice for the movement - very fair.

How about this for an idea - A short to the point single page document putting forth the absolute fairest and logical arguments in the 9/11 Truth movement. Something someone can pick up and immediately be taken in. It has to be clear, simple and to the point. Something that will raise the eyebrows of the most skeptic of American and will not come off as partisian or filled with angst, just an honest plea for consideration. Something politically uniting written with confidence, strength and fair conviction. I think your mindset and experience are perfect for something like this.

I'm willing make copies and drop them off in campuses, stores, resturaunts, newsstands - everywhere and anywhere.

Would you be interesting in helping put something together? I know you are busy but something like this can be a very powerful weapon. I can help with the writing, formatting and final touches. If you don't have time to write it, I would at least be interested in what arguments you would address and in what order.

Everything I've seen so far is too dull, longwinded and would never attract the common American's attention. Its half presentation half content.


05-31-2006, 09:56 PM
That one is a real good eye catcher but I think we could use some more, alternate flyers as well. I would like to have a few different flyers that I can post up on my campus and around town. We can't stop with just one. We have to keep the facts out there however we can and a singular flyer can't cover it all. Various flyers, I believe will be effective at conveying just how much corruption there is to uncover. A few points can too easily be brushed off by people.

As far as messages go, I recall in training to be a fellow for the Advocacy Institute some good advice. Check out www.advocacy.org (http://www.advocacy.org) for grassroots oragnizing advice and message mapping etc. Good info.

05-31-2006, 10:58 PM
You can go online and watch 9/11 movies for free, Just click Here (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10474).