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05-11-2006, 08:35 AM
Reid resists July 7 inquiry calls



John Reid has resisted calls for a full public inquiry into the July 7 suicide bombings.

The home secretary told the Commons he understood why many people thought that a full inquiry should be held.

But he his predecessor Charles Clarke had explained last year why the government felt it was not right to hold such an inquiry, "a decision to which I concur".

A public inquiry would mean a "diversion of very precious resources needed for security and protection of everyone at a critical time", Reid said.

He will, however, be writing to those affected by the London attacks inviting them to meetings to "talk the issues through" and discuss the government's opposition to an inquiry.

But shadow home secretary David Davis said that Thursday's reports had raised "more questions than answers" about the July 7 events.

And he said an independent inquiry still needed to be held.

"Almost every previous major intelligence failure was dealt with by an independent inquiry," he said.

"I'm afraid that's not what we have today in the official account.

"It is the government's view, not an independent view, so as a result this process has left to many questions unresolved."

The Liberal Democrats are also still calling for a public inquiry.

Home affairs spokesman Nick Clegg said the intelligence and security committee report had raised "legitimate questions".

But he added that the committee's limited remit could not provide answers to some of the outstanding questions concerning the motivation and behaviour of home-grown terrorists in British towns and cities.

"A public inquiry, which can enhance public understanding of the nature of the new terrorist threat in Britain and assist in targeting intelligence recourses in our own communities, is still required," he said.

And the Muslim Council of Britain also said the "enormity of the atrocities committed on July 7" warranted an "independent and robust public inquiry".

"We believe it is absolutely imperative that an independent public inquiry be held at the earliest" said Sir Iqbal Sacranie, secretary general of the MCB.

And relatives of those who died in the attack have also expressed concern about the use of the government's narrative.

Daniel Biddle, who lost his legs and an eye in the Edgware Road explosion, told BBC Breakfast: "To do a report a year on, it doesn't help anybody. To turn round and say no one was at fault, it doesn't help the survivor to get past it.

"To me, there's no justice because the person who's at fault killed himself when he set the bomb off.

"I can't get a sense of justice from any report. It doesn't enable me to move on."

Diana Gorodi, whose sister died in the bombings, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that if the Iraq war could be afforded then "surely we can afford to get protected in England."

And John Falding, whose partner Anat Rosenberg was killed in the Tavistock Square bus bombing, said: "It would be wrong to blame the security services too much because it does appear they were under-resourced.

"That raises in my mind the question of why they were under-resourced.

"Immediately after 9/11, and certainly reinforced by the attack on Iraq, you would have expected the powers-that-be to be saying to the security services, 'Can you cope? Have you got enough people? We fear there is going to be a backlash'.

"If they were asking for more resources that weren't being provided, then basically Number 10 failed."

Meanwhile, there have also been concerns about delays in providing adequate support to victims of the attacks.

05-11-2006, 04:38 PM
He problably knows some inside shit we don't know and is trying to get inside there heads with these inquiry calls. Make them sweat a little.

05-11-2006, 11:17 PM
Evidence points to al-Qaida link to 7/7 bombs

Alan Travis and Richard Norton-Taylor
Friday May 12, 2006
The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/)

There is now "considerable" circumstantial evidence that al-Qaida was linked to the July 7 London bombings that killed 52 innocent people, the government claimed for the first time last night.The new home secretary, John Reid, said the evidence published yesterday in the first official accounts by the police and security services of the events of 7/7 showed that while there was no "direct verifiable" al-Qaida link, the circumstantial evidence was considerable.

Mr Reid's evidence included:

· The ringleader, Mohammed Sidique Khan, visited Pakistan and possibly Afghanistan in 2003 and is likely to have had training and met al-Qaida contacts. Planning for the attack started shortly after a return visit with the second bomber, Shehzad Tanweer, between November 2004 and February 2005.

· The way they acted was "more than amateurish" with the "compilation of a simple explosive but a tragically, awesomely effective one".

· Khan's "martyrdom" video, broadcast on al-Jazeera, in which he paid tribute to al-Qaida and "one or two of their connections". Mr Reid said: "It is quite possible for that organisation to claim any succesful act of terrorism as that elevates them, but there is considerable circumstantial evidence there."

The existence of a firm al-Qaida link has always been denied.

The two reports published yesterday -the Home Office narrative of 7/7 and the parliamentary intelligence and security committee inquiry - show that Khan and Tanweer had time and again crossed the radar of the security services as "peripheral figures" in other inquiries but they were not classed as key targets.

Only limited attempts were made to investigate them because resources meant there were more pressing priorities who were considered more dangerous at the time. Ministers insisted that none of the four bombers were ever "fully identified" by the security services although the MPs detail at least one missed opportunity.

05-11-2006, 11:27 PM
The thing about that... it's "spin".

"THE July 7 suicide bombers in London were inspired by al-Qaeda but were not directed by a terrorist mastermind, an official inquiry will say today. (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-2174999,00.html)"

Unless they changed their minds, or did what the Bushies did, and say there was more of a connection than there really was.

05-12-2006, 01:29 PM
The thing about that... it's "spin".

Oh yeah I know. I just saw it last night and posted it before I went to bed and was too tired to comment. But yeah completely laughable spin (even by New Labour's standards). They might as well have said "he once watched a video of speeches by Bin Laden. Stone cold proof of a connection!"