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View Full Version : World Leaders Suspect The Bush Administration Of Involvement In The 9/11 Attacks

05-09-2006, 04:26 PM
World leaders suspect the Bush administration of involvement in the 911 attacks

www.waynemadsenreport.com (http://www.waynemadsenreport.com)

May 9, 2001 -- The first skeptics to question what role the Bush administration played in the 9-11 terrorist attacks were a few Cabinet ministers in the governments of America's NATO allies. They included German Science and Technology Minister Andreas Von Bulow and British Environment Minister Michael Meacher. They were joined by Belgian European Parliament Member Paul Lannoye.

However, in recent months the former Cabinet ministers have been joined in their skepticism about the "official" version of the 911 events by Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez and Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. In March, Chavez said Venezuela will open an official investigation into the 9-11 attacks. Now, Chavez has been joined by Ahmedinejad, who in a recent letter to President George W. Bush, asked, "Why have the various aspects of the [9-11] attacks been kept secret?" Ahmedinejad indicated that the attacks could not have been carried out without the knowledge of the U.S. "security services."

The fact that the Venezuelan and Iranian leaders suspect Bush administration complicity in 9-11 is interesting. These leaders have at their disposal two highly-capable intelligence agencies. A major priority of the intelligence services of Venezuela and Iran (DISIP and VEVAK, respectively) is counter-intelligence against the United States. However, that is not likely where Venezuela and Iran may have gleaned information about who was behind the 9-11 attacks. Venezuela and Iran are members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and a major priority of their intelligence services is collecting information on oil deals, including the Bush administration negotiations with the Taliban in Tashkent and Berlin prior to 9-11 that quickly went sour and likely provided the impetus for the Muslim insurgents to attack New York and Washington on 9-11. VEVAK, a sworn enemy of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, had successfully penetrated the Taliban's and Pakistan's security services and would have been well aware of the attack plans and any U.S. foreknowledge of them, including knowing about money movements from Pakistan to the hijackers in Florida. DISIP was well aware of the smuggling of cocaine from Colombia, trans-shipped on a Saudi diplomatic Boeing 737 through Venezuela, by Saudi Royal family members who then used the proceeds to support Al Qaeda's attack on America.

As more and more governments are wrested from the control of the global neo-cons -- Italy, Britain, Mexico, and others -- additional intelligence may be obtained from various espionage agencies that will prove that the Bush administration was not an idle bystander in the events that led up to 9-11.

Ignatius Riley
05-09-2006, 04:56 PM
It is unfathomable to me that other world leaders would not be at least as informed about the truths of 911 as the contributors of this message board. If Huga Chavez or Vladmir Putin doesn't know what I know about 911, ie that it was an inside job, then the intelligence staffs of both men should be tossed because they are failing them.

I pulled the following quote and modified it somewhat so that it doesn't contribute to illusions that have already been proven dysfunctional.

"the Bush administration negotiations with the Taliban in Tashkent and Berlin prior to 9-11 that quickly went sour and likely provided the impetus for" a staged attack that would appear to have been carried out by "Muslim insurgents" with ties to the Taliban, thus creating an illusion propelled by the establishment media and quickly adopted by the American rabble, who are generally xenophobic and racist enough to believe such an illusion, of a great enemy of "Moselm fundamentalists" who can only be defeated if the "war is taken to them" in Afghanistan, Iraq and, eventually, Iran.

05-09-2006, 05:13 PM
I guess "leaders" of different countries, with the exception of those who are in alignment with the Bushies (Britain, Canada, Mexico, etc...) mind their own business until it affects them. Russia and China are not affected yet, but Iran and Venezuela might be so they're speaking up... who knows.

Ignatius Riley
05-09-2006, 05:51 PM
Russia's geopolitical sphere hasn't been basically violated? What with a CIA people power movement in the Ukraine, the Beslan massacre, which was planned out in Washington D.C. and carried out by CIA/NSA assets, and the American occupation of Afghanistan?

Plus Putin is former KGB. If ever there was someone on this planet who knew almost immediately that 911 was an inside job it was him. Thing was when he was on the phone with Bush that day, when Bush said to him that Afghanistan was now American property, Putin had the brainpower to figure out that a sociopathic/schizophrenica cabal had hijacked the American government and to not test whether or not said cabal was truly willing to exchange nukes with him.

On its front, Northern Vigilance was an exercise vis a vis Russian military. An exercise in launching and receiving nukes was on the menu that day. Putin knew this, knew the true threat implied in that phone call.

I suspect, I guess these world leaders that don't now have their hands in the cookie jar know full well that 911 was an inside job and that they are biding their time, picking up what they can and preparing to use their information at the right time. That's just my guess.

But oh yeah, after Beslan, enter a new Cold War. It is on now. An invasion of Iran means nuclear exchanges with Russia and China. Have no doubt. The neocon shadow gov't now in charge is willing to risk it. You know why they haven't yet?

You know why the didn't do it in the summer of 2004 when Cheney, big man that he is, was posing and spouting ant-Iran, pro-Israel rhetoric, virtually promising American assistance to an Israeli invasion of Iran?

Answer: internal military coupe de etat.

Someone within the army said, "No way." No way are we going from the meatgrinder that is Iraq to the meatgrinder that is Iran. We will overthrow your oligarch ass before we do that. You can peg Abu Gharib on the Army, when that was clearly CIA and MIA. You can bog us down with two guerilla wars in Asia. But we aren't going into Iran.

Since then the pot has continued to simmer.

These Army generals who are now in the spotlight, now in the media, bitching, they are the tip of an iceberg of resentment. Bet your ass Bush has monkeys working round the clock to determine the extent to which he is vulnerable to a military coupe de etate.

These military folks, they stay connected. Some of them pass up lucrative careers in the private sect to stay in the military. They resent folks like Cheney and Bush. And when they retire they join highly informed, heavily armed, highly militant organizations that are based stateside that maintain crucial connections throughout all branches of the military.

The threat of a military coupe de etat is real at this point.

And that quite frankly might be all that keeps us out of WWIII. If you think the American population is going to one day wake up and say "oh my God, 911 was an inside job, TIME TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT!" you are sadly mistaken. Americans are lazy. They are overweight, slow, a bunch of tv people. They hate government and hate the thought of having to participate in it. If they all miraculously found out, they probably wouldn't do anything at all, would probably sit back and turn on American Idol and hold their breath and hope we "win the war" so we don't really ever have to face the consequence of what we've allowed to happen.

Nope, either our military will break this thing wide open. Or we will be defeated and some foreign, invading, occupying military will topple our government and force feed the truth to us.

05-14-2006, 04:19 PM
Deep politics is the only real politics... Its likely the Palestinian ISI has some kind of proof, other intelligence agencies must have clues. The way I see it there's a whole political order to the world that we'll never know about. The intelligence communities are the real government actors. Even if a few countries know about 9/11 for sure
1) They don't care about any notion of justice
2) They will exploit the issue to whatever advatage it can give to their country, whether that means supporting or criticizing the official story.

People think politics in the modern age is more advanced and civilized, but to me its merely an illusion. You don't get results playing politics. As it has always been, money and power are the only way to get results. It all just behind closed doors now.

Seemingly civilized official statements and figureheads are simply used strategically - while real politics and government actors are ruthless, barbaric and purely makievellian. They recognize the true world order for what it has become and perhaps always has been - a ruthless competition for world domination. I feel like the planning of 9/11 would be seen as a logical move for the US and would not shock any experienced intelligence agency, especially if familiar the US.

The mainstream political dialog is regulated and strategically conducted, not always (maybe never) reflecting the true situation. If other counties ever want to release whatever they have regarding a 9/11 coverup, it will be in a move of self-interest.