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05-08-2006, 10:30 AM
‘United 93’ not the truth on 9/11



The movie “United 93" is still just a dramatization, not a documentary. Many unanswered questions remain about 9/11, especially since accident investigations or reports required by Federal Aviation regulations are lacking.

The movie begins with prayer sessions by the hijackers. However, the ringleader, Mohammed Atta, lived with a prostitute, drank heavily, used cocaine and ate pork chops. In Florida, several of the hijackers spent $200 to $300 on lap dances in a strip club and when operatives met in Las Vegas at least six of the hijackers spent time living it up. They behaved like bankrolled CIA agents • a la James Bond • not devout Muslims.

Important background information was not brought out in the movie. Newsweek reported that two of the four United 93 hijackers were trained at the Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida and listed their addresses as locations on that base. At least five of the alleged 9/11 hijackers received training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s. Thus, 9/11 may have been a false flag operation, similar to the Operation Northwoods proposal, contrived by the U.S. government to be used as a pretext for war.

Finally, wreckage distributed over several miles only makes sense if the plane was broken up in mid-air by an on board explosion or by a missile strike rather than crashing into the ground. There were no tail section, no jet engines, no large sections of fuselage, no bodies in view anywhere near the impact crater.

Jim Senyszyn
Peoria, Ill.

05-08-2006, 02:19 PM
nice article